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 Feb 2015
Daylight 4U2C
I held the tiny, uneven piece of my heart in my hand. I didn't know what to do with it, where it came from, or why it was in my hand. Before I could do anything it crumbled before my eyes in such a slow motion. As slow as it was I had always been slower. The whole time I felt like something in my heart and mind faded away so slow I was not fast enough to respond. Gone in the wind the dust spun. That dust just- was gone in an instant. I don't know anymore, I feel like I can feel. I haven't gone numb. A shiny point came down crashing next to me, but I didn't flinch. I didn't move my eyes at all. It drew on my head, wrote words on my shirt, and erased the past. "I shouldn't have simply let go," my mind said. The voice was blurred. Every sight and word was coming through a blurry screen door. Every movement was empty and dulled. I felt the eraser drag away my eyes, my head, my ears, my nose, my mouth, and then me. Suddenly I was evaporated. Clouds were drawn above me and dropping me to the floor. So I was a part of a cycle now? Okay. Up, down. Up, down. Up. Down. I was water in the mist. The mist I would've been so captured by, but I was no longer me. I was only water in the mist now. Only water in the mist.
 Nov 2014
Daylight 4U2C
The wall said "not anymore"

Mother searched school to capture the bullies. But the rapture that sang never rang a word to her.
"Capture the bullies!"
No, not anymore.
The father called on his group, but their theories flying south. She needed diagnostics. Something was wrong.
"Something was wrong!"
No, not anymore.
Not anymore because something was gone.
Something was wrong, but could not be diagnosed.
It could not be diagnosed by popping a dose.
The dope on the street,
the sky wasn't blue,
it's just blank.
What was wrong?
Oh yes, something's wrong!
And so the rapture rang, and it cawed and it clawed!
And it scratched at the window with a piece of a shirt, and a scripture to say
"NO! She wasn't okay!"
Does it take you so long to decide what was wrong?
Well it's not your decision!
Yes, something was wrong!
We knew it all along.
Something was soulfully, graspingly wrong!
But before you point fingers,
before you slam doors.
Please listen to the rapture,
"no, not anymore!"
It's a vent. I was in English class thinking and losing my mind all in my head. So when the teacher gave us rough draft papers I jotted down this like a free train. I kind of was worked up, so I guess it's better if you read it fast.
 Jul 2014
Daylight 4U2C
I don't want to die.
I won't die.
I don't want to disappear.
I've already been there.
Just having a strong conflict inside,
because I don't want to exist here.

— The End —