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 May 2014
We dreamed of becoming more than what we were.
And we escaped in the smoke that filled the room.

Our souls trapped...
Jailed behind our ribcages.

So we sat there...
Changing out the records.
Mouthing all the lyrics.

Waiting for the perfect moment to speak words.
Those times never came...

Instead we became more silent.

Inhaling the smoke.
Exhaling it all the same.

And I sat there wondering what else was out there.

I felt so comfortable in your surroundings.
Too high to realize what was really going on.

I broke the cycle.
The routine of a roller coaster ride that wasn't fun.
Longing for something more.
Wondering if I deserved better.

Even when I thought you were the best...
I started to question that.

My love for you may never die...
But my addictions did.

My tears brought on the clouds.
And I had to follow the sun.

No more.
No more tears.
No more love to give to you.
 Oct 2013
Siegfried Sassoon
I keep such music in my brain
No din this side of death can quell;
Glory exulting over pain,
And beauty, garlanded in hell.

My dreaming spirit will not heed
The roar of guns that would destroy
My life that on the gloom can read
Proud-surging melodies of joy.

To the world’s end I went, and found
Death in his carnival of glare;
But in my torment I was crowned,
And music dawned above despair.
 Sep 2013
Kayla Greene
A couple kissing on a moonlit beach,
     bathed in the soft dim glow
The smell of the sea and the sound of the waves,
     more romantic than candle light
A soft sweet touch and a gentle embrace
     seal a lasting love
Yet time is short and soon they must part,
     for how long neither knows
Only hope, faith, trust,
     can ensure their love will survive
Yet fate is cruel and both are world-wise,
     knowing the odds against them
So savor they will these precious moments,
     cast forever in diamond coated memories
 Sep 2013
Amy Young
The green, the blue, the red, the understanding in trichromacy,
And our optical miracle is used to tsk the voice of science?
But bubbling away under my eyelids where all the empathy is,
The meanings are fixed by a constant disintegration.
Force in which our major sense relies,
Is not a creation but destruction.

I cannot look now for fear of knowing,
The only truth behind that smile,
Is a soul shattering each second of contact,
And a window where the glass writhes.
 Sep 2013
Stubbornly holding the glass fragments of what once was
Refusing to lose hope completely
But the fragments slowly dwindle
With each bump in the road
Until I have only one left
With the rest surrounding my cold, blue toes
Which have become numb with the coldness I feel
With this last piece of us, what could I do?
I want to desperately to hold on until forever
But I can't
Because you won't
And you didn't
So with much concentration I let the last piece fall down
Wincing as it cuts through my heart

— The End —