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 Sep 2013
Love was my drug of choice
It doesn't help I have
an addictive personality
But we all have our vices
They can be trusted
A little pleasure,
A little pain,
They'll **** you in the end
But it's all part of the contract
You'll sell your body
For peace of mind
A lover is not so courteous
You'll sell your soul,
For what?
At least the cigs are honest
Easier to replace,
Quicker to be rid of
No delusions of permanence,
No false promise of forever
Just a little pleasure,
And a little pain
 Sep 2013
I am not a poet
and you are not a mystery.

You are a boy
with eyes too blue
to be compared to anything
but the sky

and I am just a
lonely girl
who wishes you would
stand still
long enough to see
the stars in her eyes.
 Sep 2013
High on the I-40
Been up since six no *** and

****** in trucker motels, facing west.
cabbies lit, white plate gifts
for the barefoot women  
the wet haired

siamese, their black soles
From room to room

I could be a deity
I could be a ghost
and stay

to watch the sky  
to relish the exit music
I wouldn’t be jealous  

I am the traveling type –
an ambassador, a fog

the ledge of an open mouth, snug
fingers under doors

there is one for whom I was made

and another by name by
line by go on, goodnight

I could take all the showers
and still be alright -  

I would take all of them, and still be alright.
 Sep 2013
"What's wrong with you?" he asked through a chuckle, and then it hit me. I knew exactly what was wrong with me. I was passionate about things, and never about people. I had loved people, but always platonically, or platonic and gilded with a crush or wrapped in lust that I always brushed off with innuendos and flippancy. I had never loved another person the way I loved twisting my brain around a calculus problem or constructing a flame chart. I had thought of people in a romantic sense more than I had evaluated people for science bowl, but lust and love had never consumed me as the issue of organizing practice and evaluation and cuts within the handspan of a month. I always fell in love with things, and never with people, and that's why already, not even 16 yet, I've reconciled myself to die alone.
 Sep 2013
A Mareship
I am ragged and
In velveteen splendour.
Assembled by a drunk,
Who couldn't remember
What loveliness
Looked like.

I'm too tall for my height.

You are pulpy and bright
Like today's magazines.
Your eyes are spotless like
Ironed jeans,
And they fold and crease
in smiles at me.

You find me funny.

I am sterile and naked
And aching with
I'll bend into positions to
Get your attention.
I am fixed in the curb,
and you gather the nerve
to cope with my most
unnerving dimensions.

(I love you. I forget to mention.)

You've never indulged in
petty ***.
You wrap my arms around
Your neck,
like I'm a scarf.

I make you laugh.

You've never been
out on the scene.
You've never found yourself
between two strangers
in a darkened room.
Bedroom theatre's not
for you.
Nor costume.

You've never smoked.
You've never drank so much
You've choked
on hot-bodied ***** and
collapsed in the road.
You had four pints of
and I watched you explode.

From your skin I lick atoms of the sky and shampoo.
You are dripping with hygiene,
You are clear, you are blue.

In mirrors you stand and watch me watching you.
 Sep 2013
Bailey Morse
I went dancing last night
with the ocean
and he made my demons
into salt.
how noble that he
would take so gratefully
all the pieces of myself
I don't want.

— The End —