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 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Criminal Deeds never goes to top.
Criminal Deeds are dangerous to human kinds.
Criminal Deeds  are black spots to human life.
Criminal Deeds are seen in every human kinds.
Criminal Deeds are big threats to our country.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
O that you  were like a brother to me,
who nursed at my mother's breast!
If I met you outside , I would kiss you,
and no one would despise me .
I would  lead you and  bring you
into the house of my mother;
and into the chamber of
thou one who bore me
I would give you spiced wine to drink.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
I opened to my beloved,
but  my beloved laid turned and was gone.
My soul failed me when he spoke
I sought him , but did not find him.
I called him, but he gave to answer.
Making their rounds in the  city.
the sentinels found me ;
they beat me ,they wounded me.
they took away my mantle
those sentinels of the walls.
I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
if you find my beloved, tell him this,
I am faint with love.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Recepie of every ingrident that carries distinct functions and taste.
Different ingridents makes unique taste for a great food dishes
Vinegar and wine add distinct flavour to differnt recepie.
Master Chef uses these ingrident and recepie to becomes master.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
***** minds are devils minds which treachoursly harshes others.
Healthy minds are powerful minds which builts the nations.
Disturbe minds are confuse minds which creates confusion in air.
Terific minds  are  aggressive minds which makes carzy decisions.
Criminal minds are  dangerous minds which ******'s the humanity.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Who is that coming up from the wilderness,
learning upon her beloved?
Under the apple tree I awakened you
There your mother was in labor with you
there she who bore you was in labor.
Set me as seal upon your heart.
as a seal upon your arm,
for love is strong as death,
passion fierce as the grave,
Its flashes are flashes of fire,
a raging flame,
Many waters cannot quench love,
neither can floods drown it.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
I come to my garden ,
my sister , my bride.
I gather my myrrh with my spice,
I ear my honeycomb with my honey
I drink my wine with my milk.
Eat, friends ,drink and be drunk with love.**

 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Expressions of heart are many to show to our loved & beloved one's,
but  there is  no  one  who understand our expression and feelings.
Expressions  are important for our  ****** moves,
when we are crying,
when we are shouting,
when we are in anger,
when we are smiling or happy.
There are various expressions and moods of human nature,
that no one can understand us, bcoz we are lonely planets.
Where to show ,where to apply ,there is no one to reply.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Do not learn the way of the nations,
or be dismayed at the signs of the heavens;
for the nations are
dismayed at them.
For the customs of the
people are false;
a tree from the forest is cut down.
and worked with an ax by
the hands of an  artisan;
people deck it with silver and gold;
they fasten  it with hammer and nails
so that it cannot move.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
I am my beloved's
and his desire's is for me
Come, my beloved,
let us go forth into the fields,
and lodge in the villages;
let us go out early to the vineyards,
and see whether the vines have budded.
whether  the grape blosooms
have opened
and the pomergranates are in bloom.
There I will give you my love.
The mandrakes give forth fragrance,
and over our doors are all choice fruits,
new as well as old,
which I have laid up for
you O my beloved
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Let him kiss me with the  
  kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than
your anointing oils are fragrant.
your name is perfume poured out;
therefore the maidens love you.
Draw me after you,let us make haste.
The king has brought me into his chambers.
We will exult and rejoice in you.
we will extol your love
more than wine;
rightly do they love you.  
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Carrier and Future is in your hand  
To Rise or Fall in Carrier is in your hand,
Do not drop your carrier or future ,
It is in your hand;
Do not misguide  your future in treacherous and adultery,
Do not misguide  your carrier in keeping other's fool.
Do not cheat yourself ,
You  destroy yourself.
By Cheating no one can make history.
Clean and transpernce mind wins the race.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Whatever you do it reflects  to our children
Whatever you do it reflects  to our relations
Whatever you do it reflects  to our parents
Whatever you do it reflects to your opinion.
Whatever you do it reflects to other person.
Whatever you do it reflects to our nation.
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