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 Oct 2016
Toys with women, children and powerless men
Savory food prepared every hour to his taste buds
Luxury tanks, shiny golden bullets and cars
Man never satisfied
Own a home on countless acres
Steel walls built around it
Sleepless ego
More power
More is not enough
Shattered all the land yet to become his
Rebellious souls buried overnight
Hungry man praised for all his cowardly acts
 Oct 2016
"Connected I am to my feelings and to the world because of you"
 Aug 2016
Side to side
Hips attached
Eyes tight shut
Can't see much
Heart beats
Dancing together
My you're so beautiful
Hope no one is watching
Side to side
Love my life
Everyone a sleep
Rain whispers
I've always been here
I know you have
Distractions many
Not enough of me
Paying attention to your beauty
At last alone
I feel every drop on this body
Side to side
Am so happy
 Aug 2016
Treasures to men are buried inside
greatness you are
powerful you are
Intentionally designed that way
Its no coincidence
Its no mistake
Life is deep within
Gold, silver, copper, money  
Limitless answers
Infinite words
Limitless books
Dive in only to uncover
The beautiful creature you are
Kick the obstacles out of the way
Liberate yourself at any cost
Ensure you survive to dig within
Your job is to meet yourself
Not the one man has made
But the one that oneness has gifted to earth
Self love and love of another
Will help bring these treasures to form.
 Oct 2015
Deep is my love for the people
take your pain and make it fade away
Love you until you can love yourself
Sit beside you until my last breathe
Here to hold your hand always
Promise to be there in time of need
Indeed a friend to your friends
Treasure the stories you share
Keep you in mind as i walk the line
Hold my head up because i know you
Remember you when i pass other souls
Smile at the sun because you have done so much. Understand life's ups and downs
No need for perfection on the ground
Live because you have a friend who made a promise
Remember even from the far
you are loved deeply by your friend.
©Ashty H.
 Oct 2015
Leaves covered the streets
from various trees
Singing birds
people dancing away to the music
Poets writing
Artists painting
Families carving pumkin
Lovely is this pie madame
Fantastic picnic
On this sunny day
Hugs and kisses exchanged
Nice painting Billy boy
Thanks Mr

 Aug 2015
Comfort Scilance
Hold you in my arms
Closer I get
To my true Devine
Heart to heart
Inhale exhale
Free to feel again
Stillness moment
All and all
You and I
 Aug 2015
Cut me open, in to me you’ll see that I love you so
You’ll also see red blood speeding through my veins
Heart opened up just for you
It is cold in here
Heart beats faster than ever before
Too many feelings
Wounds ready to feel the pain hidden for so long
My love ask away
What is it that you are seeking from me?
I promise I’ll share my story with you
Your questions, my open heart welcomes them.
Don’t feel so bad when you hear about my invisible scars
I do ask for you to listen and have some empathy
Hold my hands kindly
After all you are knocking on the door of the unknowing heart
My eyes will cry a few tears
I am strong though
Lived once - lived twice
If you find out this is not the heart that you wanted to meet
I ask you to gently leave me behind
I have been hurt before so I ask of you to be honest

— The End —