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 Dec 2015
Jude kyrie
Wounded Knee--December 29 1890

The icy wind blows through the trees
The Lakota tribe brought to its knees
Red stained snow marks the shame
No one left to take the blame
History of a settlement marked in blood
Euphemized for the common good
In all of time the land defiled
with the spilled blood of a native child
In Washington the politicians sleep
But I know why the willow trees weep
125 years ago today

Wounded Knee
(December 29  1890)
The day was icy cold as winter gripped
The Lakota Sioux were on their reservation
The division of the 7th cavalry
arrived to disarm the tribe
the weapons were handed over
in general compliance to the order
An older tribesman was deaf
he did not understand
and refused to give up his rifle
insisting he paid much money for it.
In the altercation his rifle was discharged
The cavalry started firing indiscriminately
at the mostly unarmed Lakota
the few remaining armed tribesmen
were quickly suppressed
men women and children
were killed and wounded
Blood covered snow
strewn with bodies
was the final scene
in all at least
150 men, women and children
of the Lakota tribe lay massacred
some state the number to 300
The bodies of the Lakota
were buried in a mass grave
later twenty cavalrymen of the 7th
were awarded the Medal of Honor
I have traveled this road.
I have traveled this road since first,
I came to be here.

This journey was my awakening
as to the new existence
I would step into.

Foreign to me, the illustrious homes.
Huge dripping willows,
old oaks, and poplars...
Perfectly kept grounds.
Checkerboard patterns left behind
in lush green grass...

This road is winding.
One needs to go slowly.
Families, children, animals, 
all enjoy this path.

The wind blows at this highest point,
up above the glacial basin
that forms the river below.
Once all farmland.
home of

The Spring.
The Deep Spring of Healing.
Ancient, pouring forth
from the center of the Earth.

This winding
windy road,
brought me to a place of solitude...
an open space.
Land of endless possibilities.

I have traveled this road. 
I have traveled this road
since first
I came to be here.

This road was my awakening as to the
new existence I would step into.

Perfectly kept grounds.
Checkerboard patterns left behind
in lush green grass.

The wind blows at this highest Point,
up above the Glacial Basin,
that forms the river below

Once all farmland.
Home of

The Spring.
The Deep Spring of Healing.

Ancient, pouring forth from the center of the earth.

This spring, that has quenched my families thirst.
This spring, that brought my family here 14 years ago

This road
brought me to a place of solitude...
An open space.
A land of dreams.

And yet..I wonder,
what dreams
will this land hold for Me?
"Miller Spring" as it is known today,
is a pure crystalline-rock aquifer. It has been reveared by all peoples blessed to live within the reach of its sweet water. The tribes of Ojibwe and Lakota shared the spring. It was called "The Sweet Spring of Healing Waters" This spring was also shared with settlers as they arrived. Even as the land was owned, access to the spring was always made accessible.
To this day Miller Spring is available to all who seek it. It's icy cold waters gush forth 24/7 365 days a year out of a well by the side of the road, just down the hill from my home.

— The End —