There is a recurring
and intensifying
awkward tension
in my chest.
I do not mention
it to any one,
only clench
and cringe
in a minor state
of anxiousness.
It seems to be followed
by a shoulder to neck
that flows along
a bone I broke
a very long,
long time ago.
There is cluster of warm discomfort
that expands from my chest,
in relation to the stress
from car issues,
a flare up forced
by the sound of something
making crunching noises.
It passes quickly
as I realize
that my car is fine.
Is the tension
a product of
my exhausted mind,
cause I am totally fine
in the morning to come?
I get my daily
workout fun in
and everything
seems cool.
Until, I feel that
familiar ache.
Maybe, I should take
a couple day’s break
from the gym.
But I hate to waste
a good workout day.
So, despite the stress
and inconsistent pain
I still workout,
and that night
it comes back again.
I will not write
this poem’s end
and I hope
reality does not
take note
and finish it for me.