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 Jun 2013
What once was warm and welcome
Is now but distant cold and silent death.
But the setting of a friendships sun
Not quite as yet a souls dying breath.
Up in arms and marching forward
There is no need for anyone of us to be alone tonight
Who'd have known that brotherhood pivoted upon speech untoward
And who'd have known that some love, to kiss through embrace of fight.
From cradles and cots
When were we supposed to learn
That parking lots and graveside plots
Were our only future to discern.
And just like all of those bedroom eyes
friendship itself also often dies.

 Jun 2013
Her hair is dark and her eyes are glowing,
like light bouncing back at me from a panthers tapetum,
a hungry carnivore.
I asked what she wanted from me
“Your soul” she replied.
"I would if I could” I thought.
But I knew a soul couldn't be given away so easily,
it is not bought and sold like a mundane possession.
Instead a soul is lent, borrowed or stolen from it’s owner
as tiny little pieces,
fragmentation of a whole.
Particulars of life essence
experience caught between breaths
like the soup of oblivion between stars.

 Jun 2013
I can’t sleep… I need solitude to function.
Without enough solitude I tend to become too attached, grounded even.
This is unacceptable, as a born adventurer.
A lonesome wanderer who prefers to float,
unguided and untethered.
But even then we are forever searching for that golden, breathless, moment.
That fleeting moment in which you find your missing piece.
The piece that is, that slots comfortably into the puzzle of your life.
And comfortably,
completes it.

 Jun 2013
Some day… I’ll awake every morning to her, glowing.
She’ll be waiting in the kitchen
dancing with the aroma of hot coffee and toast.
Every night I’ll return home to her anticipating my arrival
with a longing kiss.
I’ll be her grizzled war veteran with scars of the body and mind.
She’ll be my adoring wife,
tending to wounds in the dead of night.
I’ll protect her,
provide for her
and live for her.
And she’ll soothe my mind for a lifetime
with the brittle tenderness only a woman can teach.

 Jun 2013
We can all admit to taking comfort where we can find it,
No one should ever be shunned for merely seeking comfort.
After all it’s a far cry greater than the alternative.
And no one should ever feel bad for hiding from that.
I would always tell them,
"Tomorrow we can go our separate ways, I don’t mind at all.
I need only borrow your company for the night,
and I’ve only mine to lend.
But if you feel that golden fire,
be sure to let me know."

And in the flickering dawn when we are but half awake,
the early light bellows inwards to explore the room.
Now a quiet place… although not long before,
an electric storm had raged between these hills and valleys.
I go through dozens of them,
But the more I do… the further away I feel
from the real comfort I am trying to find.

 Jun 2013
I am spent, exhausted and lying face-down in defeat.
I can not find the strength to carry on.
My breath is weak and my arms have pulled me across this desert
until all that remains is but two bloodied stumps.
My mouth is dry,
my thirst colossal.
My eyes are vacant and clouded,
my mind is elsewhere...
You have the power to sate my appetite
and quench my thirst.
Even if only for a while…
The elixir of life draped upon your lips
has the power of resurrection,
from my baking grave
I could rise a new.
7 feet tall
with the strength of a bear.

 Jun 2013
To no avail.
Time after time I felt like a spent youth,
flailing against the feet of titans.
That is until I grew up,
becoming  somewhat of a titan myself.
You would think that having a gun pointed at your head
would cause one to find it quite hard to think.
But in reality,
it’s likely you've never thought
clearer thoughts
in your

 Jun 2013
Adjective: Impossible to subdue or defeat:
“indomitable spirit”
That was it,
I understood how to win the game now,
I understood that you had to show them
that a milliliter of your blood,
is worth 5.2 liters of theirs.
You are superior.
Never trust the hungry,
and never give a penny.
Your success was built by you,
and you alone.
Unfortunately the parasites come with the package.

 Jun 2013
There is this point that exists in the mind of a wrathful being,
in which expression and inebriation
becomes much alike the process of forcing
the ocean through a keyhole.
Every word leaves an angry wake,
like every letter is seared upon my brow.
It seems that every thought that escapes my skull
is branded with poisonous whispers.

 Jun 2013
Vigilance, sentinel.
The moment you close your eyes, you let dreams in.
But I am done.
I vaporize all worries and cares,
I disconnect from all earthbound tethers.
I will fly.
Nowhere to go but up,
nothing to lose, and nothing to fear.
The first steps to freedom are always the hardest.
To obtain true freedom,
you must make certain sacrifices…
like security.
To grow strong
means to build a castle around your infant self,
to lock the door and hurl the key far out,
over the castle walls.
It is to the distant hope that an innocent someone,
will disregard every brick.
And walk right in
with the key.

 Jun 2013
From now on
there are no more excuses for you
not to become something great.
No more hesitation,
no more self-deception
and no more hiding from yourself.
If you can’t place trust within an oath to yourself,
then you are obsolete.
It may seem like wrestling a bear.
But the instant the kodiak lies slain at your feet,
armed with nothing but your bare hands.
You’ll know true metamorphosis,
true rebirth,
true strength
true power.
Grow strong,
or die with your face against the asphalt.
Fighters, fight.
I am Fenrir.
Born to destroy.
Give me darkness.
Give me that real sleep,
under blanket of oblivion.

 Jun 2013
We are the few, stuck upon the shoreline of life.
Begging for our ship to sail.
I don’t seek “friends” in this life,
I seek the brotherhood of wolves.
And It feels so good to be king.
Someone once said
“You die twice.
One time when you stop breathing
and a second time,
a bit later on,
when somebody says your name
for the last time.”

And all I could find for a thousand miles
in every direction
was the sound of my very own breath
singing it’s final ode to life.
“Tout est bien.”,
“North is that way.”

 Jun 2013
I'd be lying if I said I had no regrets.
I regret,
All the words and actions that would've been better spent,
Better placed.
I regret,
Inaction, when action was demanded of me,
I regret that the most.
To list mistakes, I've made a few.
I regret,
And Hannah
And Sarah

To name a few.
But most of all,
I regret you two.

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