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 Oct 2016
My kids mean the world to me i hold back my tears  cause i cant see them i hold back my words i hold back my thoughts  i cant cry no more the water  will not come out my eyes no more the love i have for my kids can not be replaced  yes iam your mother your friend your family  your favorite  and much more if i can see you again  i would  not let you go mommy  miss you mommy  love you one day god will bring  you two back to me i pray every  day that god open my eyes i just want to talk to you tell you i love you tell you i miss you you are my boys my life my world  one day we will meet again. ........ my two boys
 May 2015
I will do it four you I will love you or should I say I do love you sometimes I feel like are love is not there sometimes I feel like we are not there or here sometimes I feel like you dnt like me but I no you love me....

— The End —