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It's been thirteen
Thirteen years
Since I last saw you
Just a little kid
Only five.
And all I want
More than Anything is
To see you again

To see you again
Is all I want
But its not
Not my

So I hope
More than all
That you want to see me too
Because I don't
Know what I
Would do

If you didn't want to
See me too.

I miss you, my Sister
I love you in the morning,
I love you through the night,
I love you when I fight,
I love you when I tried and failed,
I love you in the light,
I love you in the dark,
I love you through the moon and back,
I love you through hard times,
I love you even if we break apart,
I love you when you’re here,
I love you when you’re there,
I love you even when you’re gone,
I love you everywhere.
I love you every moment--

I love you…
As a poet,
I have some
sort of “sickness”.
A “disease” that
makes me cough
cold, raw, inky words.
It forms sentences
you never heard
out of me before.

On endless hours
of sitting in a
room alone,
my throat
hurts so badly.
Someone sliced it
open with a knife—
I lost my broken voice
in the process—
But not my soul

— The End —