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Thrice-Strung Judges, Thirty Pieces you Shout
Be that Iscariot or Ally you relay
How the Once-Loved Prince now the Blubbered Pout
Has sent me to Interest another Fey
So it seems a Pillow for the Sullen
Whom by Lines saw no End to this Debate -
Which Petal weans; Or scratches Tears fallen
Least charge one's Sanity before its too Late
The Wheel was Right. Through Change Strength will confer
And sign assurance Monopoly disown
For Saner Men; And Women leaves Fresher
Let each bare Happiness bid for Reknown.
How Wonderous be, this Marble whirls for Love,
Then Season the Troll; Then Sever the Dove.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Be there Wrinkles at; Age by Time bestrew
And either Body will soon Decompose
Be that Prudence fit; Permit what you knew
Behind the Proverb to Reap what you Sow
That such Mind be the Player of this Game
As Father his Scythe's Traitor fell Conserve
To Lust for your Past; Then Future's insane
Once the Prince shows Signs of his own Disperse
That the Desert we plant our Mirages at
Then expect Turtle-Doves to Quench and Fly
Till they Return not by our Feeling's Spat
Then beg for the Truth which is all but a Lie.
Come. Prove me Wrong. Once your Stars polish Youth
Revive your Preppie's Face though such Un-Couth.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
By shutting my eyes recall your Ripe Old Smile
With the Dog and the Snake wrap Laurels on you
And your Sire's soul on Star's Light reside
Now join his Conquest on Adventure's Hue
Since your Wage took your Future on a Truck
And called Opportunity a Soda's Worth
Then found this Snakeling by the Mexican's Luck
And since that Event gave rise to your Birth
Merry how simply so Humble your Fame
Which no ****** Boss could ever disconnect
Like Circuits installed on your Valve and Frame
To Lengthen your Lessons by Time's introspect.
My only Regret bowed on your Tombstone's face
For my Heart cry LOVE whilst living in Grace.
Age my Grandmum kiss my Skin's Corner Love
That which her Smile and Spending Teacher praise
Of this Octopus light your Tentacles prove
Lived the Fresh Years your Career's conscience save
If not my Best Verse at least by Heart's Content
Take to Cherish those Spoken Deeds you blew
That through Years infused my Morals dispense
To mould me the Man which you Loved and Knew
And now the Road whose Rocks my Helled Feet walk
Chant Prayers for your breath sustain those Stars
And Photos abide within your Mind bestalk
Breathe or Pause? A Query to end those Wars.
Your Cake is served. Food and Mouths sing your Worth
One more Year's Blessing: The Best Mum on Earth.
Then again, your Trek for the World resume
Since Two Million Tweets placed your Scales on Top
For the Plym's Fine Arts deny their Bid consume
By Theories bid on your Commitments flop
Though demanding may be your Prime Support
Which most would Bellow your Extracted Youth
Would one Understand these Issues report
Beyond such Volumes of your Weaning Truth
After all, Tweens do tend to Toast the Shows
Then let Moralled Queries compound Debate
Since Youth the Adult's Pad much Air would blow
Then burst borne Viruses and Flies too late.
Such they Prevent - your Groupie's Quarantine
To Sand your Frame preserve Smooth and Pristine.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Whilst your Limb empowered by Time to Heal
That which your Friend noted her Plans devote:
From Annam the Gaul's Ancient War reveal
To Isles by Men for Common Tongue connote
As Best her Experience with Flights relate,
Soothe her Pleasures as yours induced on Ice
Shall your Joints move; Then take to Sky's Rebate
To free Screaming Cages from your Respite
Now this - another Phase for Life's extoll
Which thus should Widen your Circumference
To infuse Cultures your Open Arms install
Then increase your Learning and Difference.
Pray tell, your Inner Friends their Best Tales share
Spread such Values for your Tolerance care.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
If Wisdom by Glasses your Wear enhance
Which strung by your Advise approves me then
Or Journals, kept for your long-term Romance
Spread to Chaser Friends your Messages send
Which I, nulled even for my Senses hear
To allow this Picture for my Desert's Gleam
Such Gleam called Delusions: And out of Fear
Rid my Words chaste to what it must have been
Yet for that Sentimental Phase called Friend
A Meaning which still my Reasons inquire
Which Standards apply; Or Materials spend
Rake our Attitudes to your Desire.
Now frilly these Rants. This Cake deserves your Taste
A Kind and Fast plomb let not go to Waste.
A Greeting across, Frost the Sweetest Cake,
An Offer for this Sentient to Heal
Dipped in Oil, then Light for your Merry-Make
Another Fresh Candle for Pure Heart's feel
And bring this Bide this Motherly Salute
With Prayers and Chants spring the Brighter Days
From Foregone Moments to Sharper Repute
With her the Daughter of Outstanding Ways
Plus Four more - and the Son of his Endow
Plomb himself your King for his Business fare
Though this Pill swallowed to remove such Doubt
Knowing your Thanks be mulled as I'm aware.
Still on still, Un-Condition pleads me by
Pray this Love I carry refuse to Die.

To let your Heart pour for Opinion's sake
Be that my Sore Own apply much Respect
And the way your Letter transformed your Make:
The Adamant Mum etched in Dad's Aspect
Which his Bright Shield, polished for his Survive
Cause his Deliverance for Angles serve
For his Efforts shown affixed his Love revive
And share his Dream of his own Plays deserve
Though Performance be his Method-of-Doubt
Such what Limping Thespians were prone to have
So to permit his Stripping Baskets have caught
Is to License the Giggolo he has.
Yet the Mum you are, all Rights reserved his Skin
By Instinct's Phase, uphold his Life so Thin.
‎#tomdaley1994 ‎#tomdaleytv
The Measure of None. Such Brisk Term persists
With such French Smile point heavily Define
For better Candidates this Room consists
Rebuke my Head his Sentiments consign
Though Red in Growth would my Adventures be
To catch one day his Heart-Fulfilling Flame
Burn Palms in Silver Trays he would concieve
Then Rebuke once more was ever the same
Or else if Dare to draft another Muse
One on Levelled Papers my Songs endorse
Would Models beware for Standards I choose
Then pay the Pauper by Mercy enforce.
To Open the Eyes such Cool Variants ply
Then Accept their Heavenly Patterns sigh.
‎#tomdaley1994 ‎#tomdaleytv
Compare these Models of their Chosen Mode
One the Harper of his Sun-Sparkled Prince;
The Other follows his Hermit-Bound Abode
As each does Smooth their Circles ever since
And since Habits etch their Persons unique
As Water for Oil a Challenge combine
Then with Morals coded place Values oblique
A Milestone too daunting to undermine
Yet to Magnify some Common Bond seen
That we Levelled Species are wont to do
As Lives contest like avid Bankers been -
Cheques made to myself yet subscribed to you.
That your Hub its Keys encode beyond my age
Of Millions you Party crowd my Screaming Page.
‎#tomdaley1994 ‎#tomdaleytv
Fame, whose Lion roars Colours, Soot and Ash
Beg one's Sanity to consume his Mane
If Senses apply; Then ***** Rainbows past
Soon bathe in Shades which dull his Time insane
As you dear Mentor let your Honours bare
As Powers denied his Wild Stones restrict
For his Best Interest; Though let his Spoiled Arms dare
Then waive such Counsel as Derelict
Though at Prime I once cringed at your Impress
Then later Opened my Eyes your Wisdom take
Affront Screaming Dames his Muscles digest
Which blur the Difference his Genious make.
And Genious indeed Spoil his Potent Gold
His Rock Star Plans set a Finer Behold.
Oh how these Strings wrap our Candied Dreams bear
When sordid Fantasies plead our Wishes real
Though caught by Intent from Good Sages hear
Submit to Heart his Childish Play reveal
Though evident Time and Geography states
And Primping Albums we'd like to Assume
These Spectral Lines think to earn our Best Rebates
Then soon Collapse his Investment subsume
For all his Campaigns ribboned his Image
Such his Craft only forced us to beknow
As Profits and Shares feed his Entourage
And only for Them his True Seedlings grow.
So why the Trap we swallow still Fancy
Restrict potent Friends - and salt Family?
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
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