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 Apr 2013
Danielle Zornes
So now I stand alone again,
my big red balloon poked with a pin.

But stronger once more
I walk away,

Same old story
a different day.

I was doing so well
I let myself regress,

No more relationships
they all leave a mess.

This need for something
always makes me lose,

I must stand on my own
and never leave my shoes.

I am my own person
I must care for me.

There's no room for love,
strength is the key.
I live in a world that makes me tired,
I get up in the morning and
by twelve noon,
I am tired,

I am not lazy nor crazy,
just tired,
I wish I had the strength to go,
but I don't,
I am tired,

I am tired when I go to bed,
I am not sleepy,
I am tired and cry into my
pillow because I am tired,
tired of this of this life,
tired of trying,
tired of trying to be happy,
not sad,
I am just tired.

— The End —