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Hi, I’m Arcadya. I claimed this name after I was leaving the old and leading into the new. But it only really fit until now. Going back to 2009. You know the time you just needed to get by? Looking for role models, but no one existed, but you. Once upon a time, I became my own hero consisting of planned seductions, secrets, and being a %100. Love, that was hard to maintain you know nights only God could help you see the light. But she never showed up at my doorstep until May 2019.

I’m also called A. And on a scale of 1 to 100, I was dying inside in form of chronic pain, nausea, and anxiety attacks. And the people who passed me by never said goodbye. I’d be lying if I said I don’t hate goodbyes, I didn’t miss you, and I forgive you. I get it, times are hard, and we all gotta get through the day. Even if it’s straight-up denial. But is it too much to ask for a good friend at the end of the day? If it’s not at all but partly on me, deep emotional connections felt like a gateway into my childhood despair. Alienation my friend and fearful, so I stayed up until sunrise.

And well if you're still listening I have some more questions. Where was my safety? And where is it now? Locked up and so I questioned my life. And where is heaven? And Is this hell? Cause I feel misunderstood, but I am choosing discomfort over being resentful. But who am I if not speaking my mind? And questioning time. So yeah, I’m red hot candle wax already lit and high and my mind tends to race. Mediation my religion cause all is lost and gone. And kind words lead me the way. So I tattoo affirmations cause we see every day. So meet me at night when I’m loose and I unwind. A sight only for the patient and kind. Life’s a spiral journey and sometimes it feels all too much. But every day is a step further from my despair. And so, I remember and dream as I shield little ole me at night and say what I always longed to hear that, baby it’s alright and everything will be okay.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
I don't want to speak
I can't
Not like I used to
Everything seemed so seamless
Now my lips are pierced shut
Some may say for good reason
Well good riddance
Gone gone gone girl
So wild in nature with glare that cutthroat
Lies high five, smile, and dance in eyes
Beneath the pain beneath the dilation of past and mind
These values inspect and spy
All eyes on me in faces and reflections
Aiming at others
To find reason
Cause I guess somehow I got a lot to say
Are you being heard? She said. First session.
Argue in my ear

But, I don't want to talk
I can't
Not like I used to
That was then
There is no evaluation and perfection in wholeness of vowels nor pronunciations
My mistaken words slur showing character
My voice and tone
Low of the past
Forgiving it all
Mumbling and tumbling
To find a point
The humbleness grows true beneath my feet
Used to scream confidence
I used to believe a lot

So I don't want to talk
But , I can
But not like before
When I do though
Hear the child
Who yarns, learns, and grows
Painting on the floor
Saying a sentence again and again in many different forms
Until you hear the beauty in the impeccable disaster
I carry with desire and exquisite grace.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
Call me crazy. But I still wonder. Life has been a knife and you were that one light. Slowly killing, I didn't want to exist anymore. So, I knew it’s time to get to know me. I’m only human and I still wonder how I let you slip beneath my teeth. But time has passed. My hair grew grey and my heart grew blue. I still see sunshine on your face. That's what takes me back. But that’s okay. I learned a lot. Hopefully, a tale to tell one day. Knowing we will find whole lovers if it isn't us finding one another one day.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
I didn’t know much but that's what drew me in. I know my stares are a knife. But I won't apologize knowing that coulda been my only chance to really see. The mystery was enticing. The beauty of imperfections grow but time wasn’t on my side. I didn't know how as much as you didn't know. The more I found out about you the more I got hooked. There were many nights thinking about you. If only they were enough. But you wore enough if only you could see. I sent you love from time to time. But time got the best of me and so did my mind. So, I go through this life getting to know myself. Hoping you will find a whole lover if it can't be me.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
Spending all this time on the cruel leaves an overall bad feel to my soul
Compassion my love
You come from trans-cen-dental love
Heart space and open chakras
I ignore anything but all
Vipassana practices I pray
Baby girl, you're the world
You catch clouds all along the sway
Across the way and okay
Mindful count as the stars crawl and fall
And make a sound out of manner
Cause I'm your Stargirl
Here to shine and brighten in these very dark times
Baby boy, I’m your girl
Here to shine and brighten in these very dark times
Baby boy, I’m your girl
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
Hey, I gotta deal with trauma before it deals with me
I think about you often but not all the time
What are you like when emotions arise?
And how do you look like when you rise?

So yeah, I dream about you
But not every night
Gotta know your strength when you open a jar
You know the maps of the world seem so dual
So what if I'm waiting until you aren't so far

See, I wonder about you sometimes
But I wouldn't choose you over me
Think what you think
But I wouldn't change a thing

Yeah, I know.
Yet, I'm still here.
While you're so chill and cute in my mind.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
It's only a matter of time before I throw you away
An old wrapper
A flavor I am over
So honest so real
Why do I lie?
And put on a mask?
Perspectives you see
Aggressive aggressive
I bathe in passivity
Heartless and careless
I build you up
But if you can't keep up
Boy, bye
Boring boring
If I’m not entertained
Well this is
It's not personal
It is what it is
We all have an expiration date
And honey, yours is up
Resentment is all I know
If you were excluded from your own blood
You would do the same
It's only a matter of time
Until they do it to you too.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
How much less can I endure?
My body the vehicle of despair
Puncturing my throat
To soothe my soul
The dim days
Swayed my name
Seduction my drug
Wishing for the daylight
Slowly disappearing
So much so I forgot my winters
Slowly but surely
One day at a time
Maybe one day my Summer will come.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower

— The End —