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I've lost touch
Five years of school
Chill in dust
Skills waiting
To see the light of day
Like the 2000s
I can't stop touching my hair
Empty days are a test
Feel the sweat
Down my back
This summer’s a knife
Slicing my life
Looking from the dark
When will it flow?
Am I too far gone?
In the wrong?
Sensing the golden flow
Making its way
So very slow
Praying for a saint
But a sinner at heart
Remembering that one gets lost in a maze
But one finds themselves in a labyrinth
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions

I dream about pistols


Why do you haunt me so


Please just leave me alone
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
Fooled you, fooled you
Maybe even you
Congrats if not you
Liar, liar
My mouth was on fire
Telling puzzles no one could ever
Crack, even I lost track
I’ve written maps of words
That spell out depression
Deep flaws of numbness
Hoping they’d grow thorns
Needles that manipulate me into high anxiety
I won't bore you to where my mind would go
Boundless words I shouldn’t say
Until I tasted therapy
The only place that wouldn't
Swallow me and undergo me
Search stress that's post-trauma
And every day is a test
Here is to exposing my truth
And here is to trust
I'm only looking at you
And I'll serve you good
Just remember I am forever my life’s
Whistleblower of truth
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
I have some memories
and I have some ideas of why.
But a part of me is scared to remember
There were other reasons why
Many more reasons why we were in and out of hospitals that many times.
But another part of me is relieved to not have those memories
Just to have a couple less reasons why.
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
Long live obsessed with kept secrets
I’ll find them in men of all kinds
Daisies wash away
One by one I call out the ones who double dealed, fake, and flaked
I’m just looking for absolution
Mother Earth once my friend
At the twelfth strike my world crashes down
Speak of love
Yet your eyes double cross
My love has shown me firsthand infidelity
Tell me about falseness
Once you eat your own words
Runaway, look away in hard times
There must be more? Cause enough is not enough
Teach me, better yet model me, then cheat me
I’m wondering, Who are you?
You share my DNA, but I don’t know you
You think of me as cold that’s only half the path
Feel the distance
Know it’s your result of mistrust
Those tears say and say
The body holds the source
No blanks anymore
Don’t mistake when I say
I know your long lost kept secret
Only a child used so carelessly
All the years of loneliness and void
Blame **** them and forgive
Please daisies castaway the deception
Clarity swimming in remission
Long before I drown in the many retributions.
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
How are you?
How you been?
But tell me
Please, why do you have to fill the space?
With your voice
Are you scared?
So, tell me now
Do you really care?
All these feelings boiling up to the surface
So, all I say is: I've been better.
Cause that's all I can say.
I'm trying to be authentic to myself
Sorry I'm not sorry it makes you feel uncomfortable
Hopefully, it's too much for you
So conversations end here
Or you say blah blah “everything will be alright.”
It's not that simple.
But now I know
If I don't want to speak
I'll simply say: I've been better.

And if you are smart enough
It ends there.
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
Walls cover my heart
Walls shove me apart
Speak in honor
Just a girl who is letting go

So nice, so nice
You seem so nice
Once nice, once nice
They seem like lies
So, I guess I'm not that nice
Sit at tables of high opinions and high voices
I just want to runway
They all seem so nice
Not at all superior

I'm just my father's daughter
He showed me how to stand my ground
Well, I guess we aren't that nice
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
Sometimes I feel empty
Sometimes I feel brand new
I'm looking for advice
But I go off to space
I cut you off
With times and dates
My apologies
But I got a lot to say
**** listening
I'm going down
Down the rabbit hole
Where ptsd lives
Breathe in scares
All along my back
Crying massage beds
Greeting my pain
For all the things
You never said
No amount of words will spare my shame
And now I look a head for good things
Knowing there will always be bumps along the way.
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
Enjoy it while it lasts
All smiles
Ignorance lies underneath
Not my best
Jealousy gets me
But I get by
And smile
Knowing your joy won't last
Chapter Two: Crying Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions

— The End —