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 Apr 2023
The alarm went off again
Another repeat and routine
Necessary evil
The WORSE part of the marriage vows
You are the one to see your love through
The treatment commercials make their point
Just once show both sides of the story
You hate Cancer and you want to rid the earth of it
Treating it is one thing
Watching your loved one and yourself deal is quite another
Deal, you will
Places to go and People to see
Ringing that bell and he will
It is so much more than ringing the bell
Better days ahead

Love you Babe
 Apr 2023
How can it be stronger?
I have no clue
Been with you almost all of my adult life
We found each other when we least expected it
No matter what life throws at us
Or graciously bestows upon us
There is nothing short of a felony because that is not me
That I would not do for and because of you
No Herculean task would be too great
Can I love you any better?
I doubt it
You know stopping me would involve jumpimg over galaxies
I love you more than I even know.

 Apr 2023
She walked slowly displaying grace and beauty with her mistress on the boardwalk
Her paws barely touching each plank
She is eighteen years old as of yesterday
Her owner said it was her last walk
A stunning golden angel will grace the Rainbow Bridge soon
Rest and play well beautiful
Hope a handsome Golden Retriever named Skippy greets you

C@rainbowchaser 2023
RIP Beautiful!
 Apr 2023
If you fall asleep in my arms
Rocked ever so gently
Letting go of what is over
Holding on to promises kept and memories yet to be fulfilled
We will make more
Making sure that darkness will soothe you and the stars will be a night light
Letting you dream peacefully and comfortably
We can only move forward now
What was is over
Not looking back
Just want you to rest, recover and sleep easily
Love you,but not loving you tonight or in the near future until you are ready again
Remember how we arrived here and where we have yet to go
If you fall in my arms
Pleasant dreams because the nightmare is over and in check
If you fall asleep in my arms

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
If you think then wake up at 2am and try not to wake anybody because that whisper woke you up
You are walking and you hope you have a pen or cell phone near by to jot an idea down
You are driving and Alexa isn't cooperating even though she usually does
Artificial intelligence might help us out when our input and output don't jive
You’re flying and you almost miss the fasten your seat belts call for landing
Been there and done that?
It's all about the words at least for me

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Dedicated to MIke, Jim, Scott, Carlo and Mrs.Timetable
 Apr 2023
Expectations not so much
Dreams to be conquered and enjoyed until new ones appear
Wet circles big and small syncopated as the umbrella plays pizzicato
as you try to stay dry
Damp and dreary for some
Invigorating for others
Leaving Starbucks with last sip of black iced tea in hand
Only walking in the rain

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
Change isn't always easy
You enjoy what is and what was
What is around the corner is another matter
Perhaps a narrative you would rather not deal with
Yet, you deal
Another four letter word
Not like the others?
Or is it?
The Constant.

 Apr 2023
When you come full circle
Revolving doors can be painful
Watch for sharp corners that might deter you
That includes people and places too
Others lurk where you least expect them
Shut the doors behind you for those who stayed a while, but their time is up
They no longer play a role in your life
Be grateful they were there at all
Take that deep breath
You earned it
It took a lot out of you to reach this intersection and plateau
You crossed it
Know that you did, but don't revel in it for too long
It served its purpose and down the road it will be a private smile that only you will recognize
Just remember this when you come full circle
You now know what matters the most, so take care of yourself
Those that will always be there for you are in reach even when you
are out of touch
Just look over your shoulder
As well as into your heart
When you come full circle

Dedicated to my friend Leslee with friendship and gratitude
 Apr 2023
Everything old is new again
Refreshed and updated for now
Remembering and cherishing what was, what is and what will be
Without what was, getting to the future will be difficult, but we must celebrate now
Sure there are repeats and relics
Oldies and newbies
Creation and innovation
We hear you
Reimagination goes nowhere without respect for the past
We can't live in it but we must acknowledge and appreciate it
Without history
Where would we be?
Reimagination is in the heart and head where creativity

Bob I ger Disney chairman please read
 Apr 2023
Nasty dismal overcast day with rain on and off
Then this little one appeared on a tall tree
In blue finery, bopping, tapping, fluttering and shimming
A dancing solo
Bravo little dynamo
Take a bow
You made a gray day sunny and bright
Sapphire Dancer

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
Make it genuine
Make it divine
Make it the way you want it to be
Think of Dexter the dog from Colorado and you can do the unthinkable
Many people were touched and moved by the dog who lives the think I can spirit and does it
Realize the costs and the moments are precious and must be seized
Sometimes it isn't pretty
Sometimes it isn't fair
Sometimes it is what it is doesn't apply
It's the only one
It's yours
Have at it
Taste it and Revel in it
It's the only one just be kind and caring

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
Gris and Picasso both
fool and train the eye with images magnificently
They make words pop
They play with the eye
It's different shades and takes on a world some just don't see even if they are looking
As a visual learner and a writer, it captures a place I hold dear
Sometimes what stands out holds itself to a higher plane because the music of the heart, soul, and falls into the hands of those that impact the world in a way few imagine and a special few accept
Trompe L'oeil

C@ rainbowchaser2023
 Apr 2022
When does one push the stop button?
When the noises in your head get so loud you stop them before they explode
Leaving you to wonder do you leave well enough alone
Just leave
Pick up the pieces and move forward
Is there anything left of what used to be?
Has the virus destroyed so much that all we do is stand still?
While others try another approach
Sweetness has been lost in the air

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