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 May 2013
Andrew Quilles
I shed tears that are the color of blood.

You will never see me.

I will hide behind closed doors.

I will bare my fangs in darkness.

I will creep into your room like every night and sink my teeth in.

I will clean up after myself.

Like I do everyday.

I will retract my fangs and lay down in my bed satisfied.

I cannot believe I held my thirst for this long.
 May 2013
Andrew Quilles
How can I make something out of nothing?

Like honestly, I was born with all I could ever ask for.

Then when I was six my dad died.

Car crash... I was in the car with him that day.

A few years later my mom died of cancer.

I held her hand as she died.

Child services tried to send me to my crazy uncle in Vermont.

I couldn't let that happen.

I ran away.

I was labled "A.W.O.L. #4."

For almost a year I survived on change I found in the streets.

I also wrote my own songs and sang thrm on the corner of a street for just dollars a day.

Until this one day...

She came to me like a dream.

I was washing my hair in a public fountain when she found me.

She was wearing white shorts and a red shirt tucked in.

Her hair was pulled back in a neat, curly ponytail.

She walked up to me and offered me her towel.

(She had just come from a day at the beach.)

I took it from her and thanked her.

She stared at me for what seemed like an hour.

I held out my hand and told her my name.

She shook it and told me hers.

She saw my tattered clothes and my ***** scars.

"Want to come over my house? I can get you some new clothes and you can stay a night if you'd like."

I couldn't decline.

I had no other better offer.

I only had 3.21$ on me and my notebook and pen.

She picked up my book and took my hand.

She took me to her house and instructed me to take a shower.

She handed me soap and a towel and shut the door on her way out.

When I got out she had layed out clothing for me and told me to meet her in the kitchen.

She cooked me an omelet with cheese and a salad on the side.

She handed me a glass of orange juice and without another word she left upstairs.

I was almost done by the time she came back down.

She had a bag in her hands.

She took out a razor and mens shaving cream.

Then she grabbed scissors and smiled at me.

She wet my hair and slicked it back.

She began to snip away at my hair.

I watched lock after lock fall down.

When she was done she dried my hair with a towel.

It was beautiful.

I thanked her.

She even shaved my face.

I felt so new and clean.

I told her I had to leave.

She asked me to stay one night because it had already began to get dark.

She took me to her room and told me to get on her bed.

I went on and she put a blanket on me.

She then layed down on the floor.

I told her to switch spots with me.

She refused so I picked her up and put her on her bed.

She told me if she had to sleep on her bed I had to sleep with her.

We woke up the next morning and her mother was standing over the bed.

It took a while for her to explain what was going on.

Her mom then called Child Protection Services and told them where I was.

A week later we went to an office that looked like it belonged in an insane asylum.

I was told to go in a waiting room.

After two hours of waiting she came back out and said, "Let's go home big brother."

She was holding yellow papers in her hand.

Adoption papers.

I had been taken in by her.

How can I thank her now?

She had saved my life.

And since then she has saved my life three other times.

I have nothing to give to her.

How can I make something out of nothing when it depends on my dear sisters' happiness?
Thank you for saving me from the world Adreishka. I love you.
Mummy Pink Handkerchief your Tears did soak
Since Weeping Photos soothe her Memory
A Child's own Program nurse her Arms long besought
And Soul's own Moments found Solace on Bounty
How can we Forgive this Black-Hooded Veil
Whose Scythe robbed your Smiles as weary as his Face?
Yet Honest Purpose met by Facts would Prevail
That Beings on this Sphere Lasts as it Fades
Worthy then, must we Cringe the Heart to Bleed
When such Space left for your Mum's Smile constrict
And Merry her - Deeply - Immortal she is
Her New Body housed on your own Soul permit.
Though Beloved my Mentor, Smile please Afford
Her Spirit in yours; At Work your Laughter Re-Born.
Your Hopeful Youth invest these Notes upon
Near to their Hearts do their Flung Fingers sing
Admit their Love's Honest Pocket to this Song
Of Meanings sprang Verse of Heaven's found Ring
Also must we Plomb your Black-Customed Ox
Whose Milk-Bleached Teeth by Black Hooks clandestine
Your Three-Pronged Partner; A Trademark ad hoc
Marks this New Page of New Music define
Though Common will my Marked Verses become
At least offer this Bow-Headed Advise
To Honour your Craft; As Honour well Consume
Dance these Darling Sweet-Hearts to your Consise.
After all, Intent by this Fame your Chance
And Effort less-viced cause Markings enhance.
Street-Lights and Sun-Bells do Compose your Score
As so do most of your Vinyls acclaim
Such Youth on Keyboards strike as never before
And Breach those Standard Pop Endorsements feign
By Breach I meant Well; Then by Barrows add
Pungent High Scores slide your Growing Debate
Yet knowing your Heart with Values point-stag
Ebony chucks which Ivory once spate
Ah! ***** my Words. For all Sentiments ply
And Tune these Thoughts for Thanks appreciate
Play on, French Steward! Play till your Notes Fly
Then cast my Doubts and Lies depreciate.
Once the Yellow Dragon comes, can you Prepare
To Brace those Flames and Stubborn Merchants dare?
Soon these Oceans will Breathe your Nation's Flag
The Next White Wave bid your Empire Win
Of all your Faves to Labours your Efforts glad
Now Breed the Cup to place your Feet within
And will such Dream - as Clouds will gladly tell
Care to Raise this Jewel we call the Sun
Feign these Figures as one Critic un-well,
These Tripe-Haste Metaphors ensure your Fun
For what be such Success if Peppered Smiles
Seasoned to Last as any Great Athlete knows
A Pinch on your Cheek; And Gold on your Miles
All where Heart's be Heart your Country's Shine glows.
Still you Conquered - Cakes bittered by Life's Truth
Frost these Doubts - SIGNORA! Then Taste your Youth.
These Olive Gifts the Mediterranean wears
Were far too Tasty for my Tongue to relate
Yet seeing this Meat sliced and spiced with your Cares
Parted portions for your Other Half belate
Which, by Witness, caused my Self-Buds to droop
Then plan for my own Taste beyond the Screen
But how? Folly, these Ambitions I stoop
Which my Long-Nosed Puppet withdrew the Mean
Though, since this Built blubs my Appetite's norm
Of ****** Impediments your Remark states right
Consumes Activity; As I signed the Form
And Smooth my Prince's Glass for your Delight.
Still you saw - my hands grip this stubborn Steel
Yet formed these Sinews my Ferment Mind feel.
Buono Beauty, dive by your Roman Name
And turn my Doubts into Confidence will Vote
That your Honours cash to this Humble Fame
Yet Gorgeous Shoulders brace its Good Promote
Which even though these Motifs prove suspend
To miss one Valued yet Golden Event
Your Heart be blown; More would my Files amend
And Smiles gleam forward with your best Consent
Which even I, the Flap-Jacked Admirer be
Prompt which even Shredded Feathers beseech
Are your own Accords; Such promote Witness plead
How High your Five-Ringed Swan could ever Reach.
Still you came - with Toes knotted in-sense
To Label me FRIEND; By your own Expense.
How often it takes to live in Review
When Hard-Bound Cases never sate enough
Of you and I - Respected Crafts adieu
To have Moments subtled yet rendered so rough
With Meanings as these no wonder consume
On how Equalled Dimensions create some sense
Yet fail to meet be such Reason subsume
Based on Degrees sapped to our own Defense
Thinkers, maybe. Yet Actions your Deeds score
More than which my own Carpels could apply
Foremost Succeed; As made Success your Fore
Which the Reclusive Verser struck on-High.
And she was Right; That Flower's Universe bloom
As yours the Board; Whose Waves herald you soon.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
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