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 Mar 2020
Chuck Kean
I Will Re Evaluate
          My Own Intelligence

   It is the year twenty, twenty
We have come a long way right
So our intelligence should be high IQ
Our future well and bright

This was my thought as I go about
My every day simple task
But I look and see intelligence must
Be blocked by some type of casque

The brain of modern mankind
Has not advanced as it was perceived
Intelligence is far from reach
And is going un received

A media panic was put upon our nation
And for whatever reason everyone needed TP
Some one please help me, for now I feel
As if it’s fifty billion BC

What is the connection between the
Coronavirus and this
Was there a memo or warning of
Some kind, what did I miss

Are we a people of caveman brains
I really thought we were smarter
If we are, I guess everyone’s brain
Just left town on a charter

But the reality is, no we haven’t advanced
At all and so now with great diligence
Because I was wrong About us humans
I will re evaluate my own intelligence

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/14/2020
Or should I say fifty billion BC
All rights reserved
 Mar 2020
Chuck Kean
Diamonds And Tears

   She was so beautiful
It was that first spark
It turned into a flame
That lit up the dark

He was so handsome
She saw wonder in his eyes
They couldn’t hide it,
It was a love they couldn’t disguise

It started as a whirlwind
But they were both so vein
It wasn’t much longer
That it started to rain

They had children
And he found lust
She cried in the night
As their love turned to rust

He bought her diamonds
When he had done her wrong
He always said he was sorry
But it was always the same song

Now that love that had promise
They thought would last for years
Is nothing but a forgotten dream
Living on diamonds and tears

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 2009
All rights reserved
From my first book “New Angel” (If interested)
In search box type New Angel by
Charles Kean —this is not an advertisement
When I wrote this it wasn’t about a cheating man, it was about my father and him making up to my mother after he had
Beaten her and us the night before,
From being drunk.
It was rarely diamonds we were poor
But there was always tears
and it was always the same song.

— The End —