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 Apr 2015
Kimberly Weber
Talking to her and all I can think of you
I want to feel you, want you close to me
This is wrong and new
But I feel so free
I want to say something, some words, just a few.
In your arms, your hands on my waist, no other place I'd rather be
Taking a test and all I can think out of the blue
I want to see him, I wish I could flee
I'm giddy, oh so giddy to be through
When he looks at me, what does he see?
Closer and closer still to you
I want to be with you, I'll pay whatever fee
Does he love me can it be true?
I can't believe you chose me
Do you love me sincerely the way I love you?
Not my favorite, very forced. Awkward
 Apr 2015
Kimberly Weber
Coffee burnt breath
A Chocolate twinged touch
Strawberry kisses
And this is a bit much

Idle day dreams
A Careless scribbled note
Roseberry glances
And you gave me your coat

Dizzy drunken stares
A table for two
Blueberry whispers
And Its just me and you

Dying old age
A well placed blow
Blackberry wishes
And my love  had to go

Coffee burnt breath
A chocolate twinged touch
Strawberry kisses
And alas it was never enough
One of my better ones for sure
 Apr 2015
Kimberly Weber
3:30 and you're mad at me
3:31 and I know there is no where I'd rather be
Than with you beneath this blanket
Your arms round my waist, don't you think that
This would be lovely, our gentle kisses
And passionate sighs for forgiveness
Is better than this cold disregard
And arguments of wasted breath?

3:35 and you're not letting me in
Alright then
Guess we'll call it... good?
And pretend to brush it off like mud?
Fine go and do what you will
Even if I can't love you tonight
And you won't give me the chance to fight
I know inside
At 3:45
That there is no one I'd rather be with
With you, my love, until my dying breath.
 Apr 2015
Kimberly Weber
I wish you were clear with your intentions so I can look you in the eye and let you see everything I feel.
 Apr 2015
Kimberly Weber
Memory is too fragile
Too often it forgets the past
All your happiness is faded
Your timeline, unsure and jaded

It remebers the biggest stuff
The "important" events and things
But leaves out intamacy
In the details of legacy

The little day to day gestures,
Moments of bliss are neglected
"Insignifigant" adventure
And all the laughter that they lure

These are the things I want to keep,
What I want memorialized
On my conciousness for ever
All these times we shared together

Precious moments unforgotten
Like the wind tossling my hair
And you sliding it back in place
How you lightly caressed my face

Every breathless time my heart stopped
And butterflies bred at  your touch
Every kiss imprinted in time
The veiws from the mountains we climb

The way we shudder and tremble
And whipser "I Love you" 's with care
The jokes  we shout, the games we play
The songs we sing, the things we say

These fleeting moments are ereased
To make way for pain or glory
Things with ceremony or scars
Not as good as sleeping in cars

Let my legacy be of my
Good times, fun times, small times when I
Made a difference for once and for
The smiles and laughs of my trade floor

I want to remeber these things
The small things that make up our lives
Because they make them all worth more
Than I ever thought before
finally, a day worth writing about. celebrating a person worth remembering
 Apr 2015
Kimberly Weber
I didn't think it would be love
But that's what it became

And now it is a shame
We will never be the same
 Apr 2015
Kimberly Weber
Lie in silence
Sit on all the words
I have not the courage to say

Staring blankly
Confused and concered
About what the future holds now

I can't let go
Holding on dearly
To this broken relationship

It is not wise
It does not fare well
Better this than being alone

Really really bad poem, no rhyme scheme, little flow. I had to say something
 Apr 2015
Kimberly Weber
Happiness is
Sunday afternoons on my couch
Walks and aimless moments of bliss
All gone now... Ouch

Happiness is
Late night video game campaigns
Reading in those tight arms of his
Worth all the pain

Happiness is
Daydreaming on a sunny day
Getting lost in a gentle kiss
Don't go away...

Happiness is
Your smile, your laughter, your soul
All the time you calle me your Miss
I want it all

Happiness is
To curl together in the shade
Every word that made me breathless
How could it fade...

Happiness was you and me

— The End —