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 Nov 2015
Mohammad Skati
I dream about coming back immediately and                                                      Without any hesitation                                                                                            To my own homeland                                                                                              That I did willingly or unwillingly anytime ...                                                       I do love our house ,                                                                                                 I do love all our neighbors,and                                                                                I do love everyone and everything over there ...                                                    That's my true dream ...                                                                                           Everyone knows about my dream ...                                                                      ___________________­__
 Nov 2015
Mohammad Skati
I see in front of me                                                                                                       A little glimpse of hope ...                                                                                            I try to cling to it,but                                                                                                   Those ugly stumbling-blocks                                                                                    Hinder me greatly ...                                                                                                   I attempt a few time to overcome                                                                             Those ugly hindrances ,but                                                                                        All in vain ...                                                                                                                finally a big light emerges from                                                                                   Inside that tunnel of hope waving for me                                                            To come forward ...                                                                                        _________________
 Aug 2015
Mohammad Skati
When any ugly war breaks out anytime,then                                                       There will not be any pretty hope,but                                                                         Instead there will be a hopeless hope ...                                                                  Wars only bring disorder and chaos                                                                      To all of us anytime,anywhere,and everywhere ...                                                Hope only appears when all ugly wars stop                                                          For ever and ever ...                                                                                                 ____________________حي­نما تنشب اية حرب قبيحة في اي وقت                                                                             فعندئذ                                                                                                                      فسوف لن يكون هناك اي امل رائع                                                                                    و لكن                                                                                                                       بدلا من ذلك                                                                                                                سيكون هناك امل بلا امل ...                                                                                            تجلب الحروب فقط الفوضى و الاضطراب                                                                           لجميعنا في اي وقت و                                                                                                    في اي مكان و                                                                                                              في كل مكان ...                                                                                                            يظهر فقط الامل عندما تتوقف كل الحروب القبيحة                                                                  الى الابد ...                                                                                                                __________________­__
 Aug 2015
Mohammad Skati
I know when I am sad                                                                                              Who greatly stands with me or not ...                                                                    Days will prove who likes me or                                                                             Not anytime ...                                                                                                          Inevitably I can not do anything,but                                                                      To learn from patience                                                                                             How to get out of being sad anytime ...                                                               ____________
 Jul 2015
Mohammad Skati
I choose to shake hands with                                                                                   With everyone                                                                                                          Simply because I am not totally                                                                              Angry with everyone ...                                                                                           As long as I am good with everyone around me,then                                           I go to be bed happily and gladly ...                                                                      No need to be angry with anyone                                                                          Simply because our whole life is short,so                                                               Be happy and don't worry ...                                         ____________________
 Jul 2015
Mohammad Skati
If arrogance is compared to pride , then                                                                 They are two things in opposite directions anytime ...                                          If they are compared ,then                                                                                      They are like two parallel lines anytime ...                                                             If they are greatly and wonderfully compared,then                                             Pride beats arrogance anytime ...                                                                           Arrogance is merely a dead illusion that never                                                      Lasts for ever and ever ,but                                                                                     Pride prevails because it is great and lovely anytime ...
 Jul 2015
Mohammad Skati
We know about yesterday                                                                                       Simply because we experienced it                                                                           Willingly or unwillingly ,                                                                                         We know a little bit about today                                                                             Simply because we're still experiencing it                                                              Willingly or unwillingly ,but                                                                                   We don't know anything about tomorrow                                                             Simply because we will experience it                                                                     Willingly or unwillingly anytime ...
 Jun 2015
Mohammad Skati
There is nothing worse than that                                                                             Ugly evil that sweeps our calmness ...                                                                    Nobody likes evil and evil-doers                                                                             Simply because a good life is always                                                                      Pretty,great,and evil-free anytime ...                                                                       Evil's faces are greatly gloomy and                                                                        Even greatly dark anytime ...                                                                                 Evil never carries love                                                                                              Simply because love versus evil ...                                                                           Those faces of evil prevail only                                                                          When goodness is eliminated ...                                                                         Flowers and roses are never                                                                                In the evil's garden ...                                                                                           Evil never prevails ,but                                                                                        It will expire in the moment                                                                               When love expels it anytime ...                                                                         ____________________
 Jun 2015
Mohammad Skati
All life's years are greatly ours                                                                                 Simply because we're amid them                                                                           In their pains and in their sufferings ...                                                                   Although they look short-lived or long-lived                                                         By us ,but                                                                                                                  We deeply and greatly suffer from many things                                                 In them ...                                                                                                                  All years are the same and we live                                                                         in their folds anytime,anywhere,and everywhere ...
 May 2015
Mohammad Skati
To be means to find something                                                                               You need it urgently anytime ...                                                                              To be not means you miss something and                                                             You keep looking for it ...                                                                                        To be or not to be ,                                                                                                    That's the matter ...                                                                                                   Our current world is not an ideal world                                                                For most of us                                                                                                           Simply because we all lack the minimum things                                                  That we need in our daily and basic life ,so                                                                I am keeping looking for an ideal world endlessly ...
 May 2015
Mohammad Skati
Her voice is carried and is conveyed                                                                       Over a pretty cloud                                                                                                  That crosses into unknown worlds ...                                                                    I  feel that thing                                                                                                        Simply I heard that voice                                                                                       When she came to our life                                                                                    For the first time ...                                                                                                  Her voice dwells in my mind and                                                                           In my heart for ever and ever ...
 May 2015
Mohammad Skati
My thanks can be sent to anyone                                                                           Anytime,anywhere,and everywhere ...                                                                  My thanks can be expressed in words and                                                            In deeds anytime ...                                                                                                  It's very important to have thanks                                                                         To everyone ...                                                                                                           I love to express my thanks                                                                                     In different ways ...                                                                                                  I always love to send thanks to all people                                                               Anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                                             ____________________
 May 2015
Mohammad Skati
We , as human beings,                                                                                             Keep waiting and waiting for                                                                                  For the expected and for the unexpected                                                               Simply because we all have no choice ...                                                               Yes , we all have no choice                                                                                       Especially when there are things that                                                                     Are out of our control anytime,                                                                              Anywhere,and everywhere ...                                                                                  Our life keeps us waiting infinitely                                                                          Simply because that's the way with it anytime ...                                                          ___________________­__
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