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Cody Spang Aug 2013
You can feel it,
Deep inside your heart and soul,
You feel something is not right,
Someone needs your help.

You see her sitting alone,
Silent, head down.

You sit beside her,
Ask her what's bothering her.

She insists she's fine,
Nothing is wrong,
But you know it's not true.

You get that feeling in your heart,
When she is feeling down,
You can always tell,
Even if she tries to hide it.

You begin to wonder why
She won't tell you what's wrong.
Maybe she doesn't trust you,
Or maybe she's embarassed by her problem.

You give up on trying to figure it out,
But you'll never give up on the person you love.
You may not know what's wrong,
But you hold her in your arms,
Tell her everything will be ok.

She buries her face in your chest,
And you sit there for a long while.
Just holding her, gently rocking.
After what seems like an eternity,
She slowly looks up at you,
And smiles.

That beautiful smile that warms your heart,
Makes you smile, too.
Knowing you were there for her,
You helped her in her time of need,
Without even knowing what the problem was.

You look deep into her eyes.
They say more than she ever could with words.
She loves you.
You sweetly kiss her beautiful smile,
And hold her in your arms,
Watching the clouds change colors as the sun sets.
Cody Spang Jul 2013
Everything around you is in chaos,
Everyone fighting and arguing.
Lives falling apart.
Friends become enemies.
Relationships end.
People die.

But you are happy.

You have your headphones in,
Listening to the one you love talk to you.
All the chaos around you doesn't even matter.
You don't even realize it's happening,
You are in your own little happy world.

They try to drag you in,
and pull you down.
Everyone wants you on their side,
But you want nothing to do with all the negativity.
You don't like to ignore family,
But you don't believe in fighting for nothing.
Cody Spang Jun 2013
You lay there in her arms,
Under the blankets,
Both of you comfy and warm.
She whispers softly in your ear...

"Bedtime Baby."

She softly runs her fingers through your hair,
And quietly sings to you,
With the voice of a Godess.

You close your eyes,
Enjoying the comfort.
You are asleep in her arms before you know it,
A sweet little smile on your face...

There's no other way you would rather fall asleep.
Cody Spang Jun 2013
In a frightening situation,
You are frozen in terror.
So scared you don't even know whats happening.
You can't think clearly,
You are sure all hope is lost.

But then, you see your loved one.
They are in danger.

All the fear turns into rage,
Adrenaline, and ungodly strength.
You completely forget the danger to yourself,
Only focused on protecting the one you love.
You are suddenly superhuman,
Gaining strength you don't even have.

You will do anything to protect your loved one,
No matter what happens.
Because they are worth fighting for,
And life without them is nothing.
Inspired by the best girlfriend ever, Stacey. I will never let anything happen to you.
Cody Spang Jun 2013
My princess,
She means the world to me.
I would give anything in the world,
Just to have her in my arms.
I wouldn't trade her for anyone or anything.

She might not be perfect,
But she's my kitty, and I'm her tiger,
And that's perfect.

She is my princess,
And I am her knight.
We will always be there for each other,
For the good times,
And the bad times.

I love my princess,
and I will be hers forever and always,
For all eternity...
And even after that...

Love you baby ♥
To my Princess, Baby Girl, and Kitty, I love you Stacey. <3
Cody Spang May 2013
The moment you wake up,
You can just feel it.
Today is going to be very hard,
And you're not looking forward to any of it.

Not having much of a choice,
You just do it.
The agony from knowing what comes next,
Tearing at your soul

But then,
You get over your first obstacle.
That wasn't so bad...
That test was easier than you thought...

At breaktime,
You get a cup of soup...
The day is turning out better than you expected...

At the end of the day you still know what comes next...
You have to do the hardest thing...
Break up with the one you used to love...

You get home,
Find a ton of food and snacks,

But all the snacks in the world could not prepare you for what you have to do.

All of a sudden,
You get a text...
She broke up with you...
Today was the easiest and best day of your life.

You passed the tests,
You got awesome snacks,
And now, you have the girl of your dreams...

Miracles do happen...
Cody Spang May 2013
Time is a strange thing.
It can solve problems,
Or create them.

It can heal,
But also ****...

Time can create,
And destroy just the same...

Sometimes it goes fast,
Sometimes it stops completely...

But in terms of Love,
Time only measures how long until two can meet.
The one thing time can't stop is True Love...
Because True Love is eternal...
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