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Cody Spang May 2013
Since the moment you met her,
You knew she was special.
She stood out from all the others.
Different, but in a good way.
You became good friends,
Know and trust each other well.

One day, you wake up thinking of her,
And you realize you really like her.
You are afraid to tell her at first,
Afraid it would make things awkward.
But as you get to know and trust each other more,
One day, you decide to tell her how you feel.
To your suprise... she feels the same way.

But of course, as with anything good in life,
Nothing can be simple.
You are already with someone else,
and she has someone of her own as well.

You are torn between them.
You love them both.
But you know you can't be with both of them at once,That wouldn't be right.

Sometimes you think about leaving her,
And being with this new girl instead.
But you can't, you still like her.

So you decide to just wait it out.
Time solves everything in the end,
What's meant to be, will happen.
Cody Spang May 2013
Sometimes you just feel alone.
Even though you are surrounded by people you love.
You have this empty feeling gnawing at your heart.

It makes you want to just break down and cry,
But you can't.
You are determined to find out why you feel this way,
But you don't even know where to start.

You talk to your closest friends about how you feel,
But it doesnt seem to help.
You try to laugh at some funny things,
But that doesn't help either...

Finally, at the end of the day,
You are about to break down,
And cry yourself to sleep.
But then, you get a text.
The person you love sent a picture,
And when you see that beautiful smile,
The emptiness is filled.
You are now the happiest person in the world.
Cody Spang May 2013
You know the moment you meet someone,
if you love them or not.
You get a certain feeling about them,
caring about them more than anything else in the world.

You don't understand why...
They aren't that pretty...
But they are kind of cute.

You get to know them,
and discover the many things you have in common.
But also all the things you don't.
You are not perfectly the same,
You disagree on many matters,
But you still feel like they are the one...
As they say... Opposites Attract.

You don't care about her body, or her weight.
All you care about is who she is.
She has had a dark past,
And made a few mistakes.
But you look past all that.
Her dark past made her who she is today,
And you love her.

She might not have the perfect body,
But she has a pretty cute face.
You love seeing her round cheeks,
and that look in her eyes,
when she says "I Love You".

She doesn't want your money,
Or your flowers or chocolate.
If you want her to love you,
All you have to do is love her back.
Neither of you are perfect,
But the love you share cannot be matched,

For it is True Love.
Inspired by the best girlfriend I could ask for, Jay, my little wolf. :3
Cody Spang May 2013
No matter what,
All throughout your life,
There will be people who say you can't.

They say you will never find the perfect anything.
Not the perfect person.
Not the perfect job.
Not the perfect lifestyle.

You tell them your dreams,
they tell you it's impossible...

But one day,
You decide you've had enough.
You stop sharing your hopes and dreams,
fearing that they will just be shot down.

You begin thinking.
All day, from the time you wake up,
and even in your dreams while you sleep.
You begin thinking about all your mistakes you've made,
They will not be made again.

So instead, you begin thinking positively.
Thinking of how things WILL work,
Instead of how they won't.
Of course, you must think of the problems, too,
But instead of getting upset about them,
You think of ways to solve them.

You think about your goals and dreams every moment,
Planning out the many ways you can accomplish them.
Some things will take time, and money...
But you are determined.

Life throws every obstacle it can in your way,
You just look at it and say out loud...

Challenge Accepted!
Thanks to all the people who shot down my hopes and dreams... you really taught me that anything is possible, and I will not give up... on anything!
Cody Spang May 2013
The moment you met her you knew she was the one,
finally, the perfect one you thought didn't exist.
You talk, get to know each other,
you trust each other more than anyone in the world.
You are happy together... or so it seems...
You show her undying love and affection,
doing everything you can to impress her
and make her feel wanted and loved.
She is the most important part of your life,
always on your mind.

Then you begin to wonder....
Does she love you as much as you love her?
Sometimes it doesn't feel like it.
You hardly ever hear from her,
maybe once a day.
She says she is just watching TV...
but she takes so long to reply.
You feel unimportant to her,
your mind is trying to convince you to let her go,
but your heart won't let you.
Then, right as you are about to give up,
she says those three magic words...

I love you.

You know you love her,
you can't just give up.
She is one of a kind,
the only one for you,
everything about her is perfect....
If only she felt the same way about you....

The uncertainty returns.
She is such a nice girl,
she would stay with you just so she didn't break your heart.
You begin to wonder if it was all a lie...
Once again, your mind tells you to just let her go,
but your heart knows you won't find anyone that understands you like she does.
Soon, your mind takes control of your heart,
and, right as you are about to give up,
she sends you the cutest text.

You start to remember all the good times,
the bad times too,
you were always there for her,
and she was always there for you.
You look at all the gifts, old messages, drawings, and pictures,
and a tear runs down your face.

You text her the three magic words.

I love you.

Hours later, still no response...
your mind begins to lose hope again...
and the cycle continues...

— The End —