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140 · Jul 2018
The world is a song
The world is in chaos
A disjunctive melody
But in there is music
Some sweet soulful harmony.

Listen, move closer
To the core, to the core.
Back to beginnings, see beyond
All uproar.

We are not better,
Superior, special.
We are equal to the world
That has held us.
137 · Aug 2019
An adult is but a child a few years older,
We think the same, but sometimes time
Has thought us what we know.

Time doesn't make us wiser,
We enlighten ourselves
If we wish, we seek and wander,
or we can stay safely on our shelves.

So who's to say who's smarter,
Who's to really know?
Who's to say that knowledge
Is that, that really shows.
135 · Nov 2017
Just a glance,
that's all I need
Feed my thoughts
With reason to breathe,
to be enough,
a somebody

I hate, I can't convince myself
Without your love, a dusty shelf
Is where I'll be until the next
The cycle does repeat itself

It does repeat
134 · Mar 2018
What Happens
I once was a young girl
Riddled with fear
They said you'd grow older
Grow into what's real

Now I am an adult
A young one but still
Nothing but age
Has changed, I'm waiting until

I'm waiting for life
to happen
But I now see that what happens

We wait and we wait
But life has passed by
And every heart beat
Is one less
132 · Feb 2018
If I were no longer,
If my existence was complete

Would anyone, someone remember me?

You see, I've been contemplating
I've seen a world of fear and hatred.

I have no power, I have no pride
Nobody is by my side.
I stand alone, one of a billion
Find me in the haystack hidden

Close your eyes, open your minds
I've fallen ill by my own kind

Hypocrisy is all I see
Hypocrisy, Hypocrisy.
124 · Jan 2018
As I looked out
The once empty road
Was full of silence
Beautiful, beautiful silence

In a world full of chaos,
in a mind lacking peace
It's taken too long to realise
Silence can be all you need

What was once just so boring
To an unobservant mind
Now seems to perfect
Now seems so kind
122 · Jun 2017
I stood in a puddle today,
felt the water soak into my clothes.
My skin drenched and cold
But it was glorious, freeing and slowed me.

I stopped to think for a second,
to hear the grunts and complaints
To simply take a moment
To realise just how oblivious I've been

To life and all it's beauty
When all I see is a sin
All I've asked for several days
Weeks or months
Is this life worth living?

Sorrow, I've felt so much sorrow
But when my foggy brain clears
I take a second to cry
I cry for all those years
When in a split second
It all comes to light
I see all the beauty I've missed
I see the world for what it is
121 · Feb 2020
Out of Breath
To watch you hold your breathe,
Until your final breath is through.
My very last ounce of hope,
it seems to be in use.

I'm not sure when or where or why
I feel as that time to say goodbye
May be closer than I thought
Could closer be what I have sought.

I struggle just to see the day
I struggle more to do and say
I feel as though my time may be cut shore
118 · Apr 2018
Shells Broken
Our bodies,
the shells that hold the our souls
The bond I've made
A bond so broken

It's so easy to disguise
my mind and my inside
Destruct and disapprove
I'm the one that loses

I'm the one inside
I'm not the face you see
That one of my creations
Through ways of hate
I treat

I live just about
I love others for myself
And I laugh to hide
The pain of what I have created

A monster that hold deep within
What I hide and what I've taken

It's too late now to seek
To find what I destroyed
There is no clean slate
There but to avoid.

Until you can't
111 · Jan 2019
We all come from another,
We are made up of those who came before.

Some will have the privilege of knowing,
Others will not.

Life is not fair,
It is not ours but belongs to something greater than us.

We are but a small speck on it's timeline
Of much less importance than we might think.

We are here to be here, that's it
To breathe, to live

We are here to leave our mark
And it is ours to make, that is the little control we have.
104 · Mar 2018
What do you do when your broken
And your fix no longer exists
You look at the waves
And suddenly engulfed
Can't see beyond the mist

What do you do when you're lost at sea
What do you do when you just can't breathe
What do you do when you've lost all hope
Silence your sorrow, that's no way to cope

Dreams can come true
Nightmares can too
Close your eyes my darling
Don't watch your own world falling
95 · May 2016
I can feel the butterflies
I hope the never fly away
I can see it in your eyes
When we hold that gaze

I try to catch my breathe
When my thoughts run wild
I try to hide what's going on
I know, I am a child

— The End —