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Claudia Ramirez Sep 2012
Why is the question that every one ask
But can someone really answer it?
Is there someone out there who really knows why?

I'm not sure if there is or if there will ever be some one to answer all of our whys.

For the mean time I guess ill just have to try,
Try to understand every one and just try to come up with a solution.
Interesting how easy it is to come up with a solution when you are not the one in the problem,
How easy you can tell them to just take the answer but you don't know how hard it really is.

I'm not sure if there is or if there will ever be some one out there who can make us understand each other.

If we all want the same thing why is it so hard to get it?
Why do we think that everyone is against us?
When we are all working for the same goal.
Why are we so blind?

I'm not sure if there is if there will eve be someone out there who will be able to make us see.

Will human kind eve be saved? I hope the day does come and I hope it’s soon.
Claudia Ramirez Sep 2012
I stay home sick looking outside the window
Look at the beauty of the world were no one is sick.
I ask my self
“Why did I have to get sick?"
Now I lay in bed feeling weak and useless as I tell me self
“You’ll get better soon"
Saying that makes me have some hope
That my sickness is going to go soon.....
Claudia Ramirez Sep 2012
Winter comes
The snow falls
And it almost melts with your smile
Just like me

Winter comes
It gets colder
We must keep warm
Just hold me

Winter comes
The days longer
And we spend each and every day together

Winter comes
And it ends
But we keep going
Just like the seasons
Claudia Ramirez Sep 2012
He hides me from the light
And beats me with his words
It’s a never ending fight
That I am going towards      

My soul so worn down
The pain he makes me feel
Almost as if I were to drown
This is all to real

Real or fake
I can not escape
The hope I had
Was torn apart

He hunts my dreams
And when I am awake
I am surrounded by red streams
Or maybe even a lake

Real or fake
I can not escape
The hope I had
Was torn apart

The scars cover my body
He has hurt me so many times
With his evil rhymes
Each time more ******

I will cut my wrist
Nothing to risk
The red stream created by me
Now I am free

Real or fake
I can not escape
The hope I had
Was torn apart
Claudia Ramirez Sep 2012
I wake up and it’s still dark outside
I don’t know exactly what time it is nor do I really care
Because by now I’ve been up long enough
To remember the reason I passed out
The pain that my heart carries leaving a trail of solitude.

Not knowing for sure if I will ever get you back
Not knowing if I will ever be able to dream and hope again
Not knowing if the sun will rise for me again

I want to fall asleep again so the pain will go away.
I don’t know what time its is still but now I want to know
How much longer till sunrises so I know when to put on my mask  
That makes every one think I am fine, that I can make it.
The sorrow keeps growing making me lose he hope I have left.

Not knowing if I’ll ever see those eyes that say “I love you”
Not knowing if your hand will ever gently brush my hair of my face
Not knowing if I’ll ever be able to fall sound asleep with you  

It is to late now for me to fall asleep again
As much as it hurts to think about our last days together
It’s all that comes to my mind, making me more melancholy
Even tho those were the best days of my life.
Why has my heart been filled up with sadness?
When did this become my new reality?  

It scares me to not truly know what will be of us in the future
I hope to find out someday, but for now I have to keep on a smile
And try to make it real,
Because deep inside I know it’s a promise I made to you.
This is painful but you are worth that risk.
Claudia Ramirez Sep 2012
I felt like writing a poem
But the lines sound fake
And the words don’t flow.
They might shine like a diamond
But they are not real
All an illusion my mind has created

The lines in my head
Full of anxiety.
Slowly getting in to my veins,
Making my thoughts worst.
Thousands of sentences in my head
Shouting to be heard

If I listen to them
Will they destroy me?
Or make me stronger?
I want to take the risk
But I am on my last string

A thousand words in my head
They make phrases
Some break my heart
Other bring tears of joy
But I need the ones
That will bring all of it at once

If I write them all
It will lose its meaning,
But they are eating me alive
Begging to be heard.
It feels as if another person was talking to me.

If I listen to them
Will they destroy me?
Or make me stronger?
I want to take the risk
But I am on my last string

I can not tell the difference
Between the poem and my life.
Like looking in the mirror
And feeling your reflection is someone else
“Just do it already. Join us”
Why is my mind playing tricks on me?

The words keep getting stronger
Controlling me
Taking over my body and soul
My actions no longer come out of my heart.
I am just a lifeless body
Or even a ghost

It’s not an option any more
I am listening to them no matter what.
My thoughts are not safe
Not even in my sleep can I get away
They keep mocking me  

The longer these words are in my mind
The more they poison my heart
Making it vulnerable
To the words I’ve tried to keep out
…but it feels good
I have this power I never had before

I try to fight the feeling of
But the words are getting to me
“Just do it already. Join us”
It keeps getting stronger
My heart says no
But my delirious mind gets trapped
The last string breaks
And with a wicked smile
I know that I have joined them.
Claudia Ramirez Sep 2012
It’s August
School has begun
Lots of new faces
To the girl who sits alone

When September arrives
The trees change color
And the leaves begin to fall
As a boy and girl
Start to talk

In October
The trees are naked
The leaves no were to be found
As the boy and girl
Kiss behind the school’s playground

On November
Autumn ends and winter begins
The snow arrives
And he turns 15
She can not go to his house to celebrate  

Winter brake
So, it’s December.
It’s a snowless Christmas full of joy
And she spends it with him

Come January
She turns 15
And they go to the park
They find a tree
Where they carve love forever

In the month of love, February
They sneak out
It’s a warm night
So they spend it under the moon

Spring has begun
But the blood flows
From the wrist of the girl
By a night gone wrong

On April
There are two months of school left
The boy and girl closer then ever
Just madly in love

School ends on May
But summer begins.
There is sadness in there eyes
How will they see each other every day now?

Jun and July
The two hottest months of the year
And the hardest of their relationship
They can not talk that much
Or see each other

It’s August again
A new school year
They go back to spending an hour before school together
Make up for the time lost
Nothing could be better

September brings bad news
She might have to leave the boy
She cries as he says
“It will be okay.”

October arrives
She has to leave sooner than what they thought
He holds her as she cries
They never say goodbye
They just keep their promise in their heart
That they will be there in two years

Ten months have gone by since that October
They still love each other
But they had to put aside the relationship
Because for this period of time
They are better of like friends
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