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May 2014 · 1.1k
Claudia Lewis May 2014
I am free.
My feet may be wounded,
But I can still use my wings.
Nov 2013 · 2.2k
Draft-Temper Temple
Claudia Lewis Nov 2013
The only passion I posses
Dresses like the devil
Adorned with anger
Dripping with jewels of jealousey

She bathes in tsunamis,
Stirs her tea with tornadoes
Each step is an earthquake
Every breath is thunder

I give her the key to my kingdom
She rules my Temple of temper
The only part of me that's still alive
Nov 2013 · 974
Let go in small Doses
Claudia Lewis Nov 2013
I feel
Alone lying next to you in bed at night.
You look at me all the time
but you never see me.

This isn't what I want.
Aug 2013 · 821
Claudia Lewis Aug 2013
I will be your moon..
I will move your tide.
I will light up your sky.
I will orbit you.
Jul 2013 · 962
Claudia Lewis Jul 2013
A body of bluest shadows
Tainted with frosbitten doubt
A stinging
A burning

Twisted vines of hope
Confuse the state of being
Of sorrow
Of yearning

Pain of the limbs
And hope of the mind
Jun 2013 · 1.5k
Full moon
Claudia Lewis Jun 2013
Its the way the light
Luminated from the moon
Bounces off the hills
Jun 2013 · 747
Claudia Lewis Jun 2013
mon coeur est triste.
mon esprit est mort.
mon monde est vide.
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Balanced breakfast
Claudia Lewis Jun 2013
The things I would do
For a donut or two
A tall glass of milk
And the presence of you
May 2013 · 1.2k
Fruits don't have feelings
Claudia Lewis May 2013
You say it's because
you're like a peach,
you bruise

But through
those tinted
can you
really even
See me?
May 2013 · 894
A Whole
Claudia Lewis May 2013
Hard to imagine that once was I
A soul so aimlessly floating through time

Half a heart laid in my chest
And half a mind sat in my head

My happiness was held at half mast
Out of a hollow mold my body was cast

Aware I was not of my loneliness
So I continued on about my quest

Blindly walking through days half complete
Until I found the one I've been waiting to meet

My body, my heart, my mind, my soul
Have found their other half to become *a whole
May 2013 · 2.0k
Claudia Lewis May 2013
A fire ignites
Inside my very ******* self

Pain unjulates
From each nucleus
Of every single living cell
Out through my tattered bones,
To my skin
That burns to the touch

My sinews
Feel severed
The pressure from each step
Shoots electricity up through my spine
The release of each step
Throbs with each heartbeat
I can feel my blood
Rush through my veins
And even that
Steals my breath

My tread
Breaks tempo
With a limp
I drag my throbbing feet
Weighted by exhaustion
And hours of constant
Vibrating hurt

The doctors say it's in the neurons
Of my brain.
They misinterpret
Touch as pain

So I live in constant
Wondering if there will ever be a day
Where my cells will silence
And I will find some relief
Ok this is just word ***** for now
May 2013 · 743
Claudia Lewis May 2013
Nothing can move me
From this spot that I lay in
Peace and contentment
May 2013 · 10.5k
Jungle Gym
Claudia Lewis May 2013
Sally invited you
to the very top
Of the jungle gym

She gives an encouraging "come on"
And reaches out her arm
Her hand
Spread out and facing the sky
You grab hold.
The corners of her mouth
Grow to the sides of her face
And her cheeks push up against
the bottom of her eyes
In the most reassuring manner

You turn your head
Towards the sky
And squint
Just to see
the top of the structure
Not an easy task
For a kindergartener
But you faithfully follow your friend
Under the bright afternoon sun

Classmates have shrunk in size
As you peer out
from the top of the jungle gym.
Sally swings up her arm
Her palm
Facing you
You match her gesture
And give it a high five
The corners of her mouth
Grow to the sides of her face
And her cheeks push up against
the bottom of her eyes
In the most reassuring manner.

I am at the very top
Of the jungle gym
With my friend!

"Try out the monkey bars"
Suggests your new found friend
In the most reassuring manner
So you reach for the first bar
Both arms up
Both palms forward
As you attempt to make the jump
Sally waits behind you
Both arms out
Both hands forward
The corners of her mouth
Grow to the sides of her face
And her cheeks push up against
the bottom of her eyes
In the most reassuring manner

Shock as you free fall
Your classmates
Multiplying in size
As the ground moves closer
Pain shoots through
Your body
And your mind
as you land
You are confused
Feeling hurt and betrayed
how could a friend do such a thing?
But then you realize
Your friend never invited you
To the very top
Of the jungle gym
At all.
The corners of your mouth
Grow to the sides of your face
And your cheeks push up against
the bottom of your eyes
In the most satisfying manner
May 2013 · 11.0k
Claudia Lewis May 2013
Waves crash and crumble
Concaving piles of rubble
They beat up the shore
May 2013 · 841
The Assembler
Claudia Lewis May 2013
I get sick of my rusty parts
So I start
Yanking me apart.

Strategically I scatter my static limbs about the concrete
My minds own crime scene
I short circuit and nobody can solve me
So I think

But effortlessly
He picks up the parts of me
He screws them back together
As if this hasn't already happened
Every day this week

The hope that lies in him
Recharges me- My battery
May 2013 · 1.3k
The euphoria of feeling lost
Claudia Lewis May 2013
Festive friends
We flourish in a flurry
Of stellar staccatos.
Crescendo of chemicals
Starlight suspended

Marvel at moonlight
Dance of dust
Airborne arrhythmia
Lachrymal lust

— The End —