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This memoire...
That Guy was like magic
It was like obscene
Like the internal visual aspect, of yes, my dream

Past night...
I am in love with you.
I can't "see you"
I only cry and I don't know why.
Phsically strong with emotion in nerve endings,

© Clarissa van Vreden

(to be continued)
You had the way
you had your day
The night turned young
and the birds yeah,
they sung.

Today is different
you're in my psyche,
so far and gone.

Back to this what?
Back to that
My heart is a hummingbird
and you took that back.

See ya tomorrow!

© Clarissa van Vreden
So I’m sitting here right and I’m so **** aggrivated and annoyed that I can’t stand to even right it all down.

It’s like I have those eyes that I see at night staring at me through the daytime. Just one pair of eyes just glaring at me!

It’s just, another way to die.

Though at other times it’s all bubbly and lovely, right now I’m not in the "so called mood."

I’m like haunted, and a bit of fresh air can help me flaunt it. I’m having physical breathing problems and is it just that because of it?

I didn’t mean for this to be lyrical or poetry-like? Am I daunting? I never ask myself me, how I’m like. Because I know me right on not right off the bat.

I’m haunted!

© Clarissa van Vreden
Violets are grey
Berries are blue
Nettles are green
Cherries are red
Berries are purple

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Stems are yellowish
Seeds are green

Violets are grey
Blood is blood

Your blood is red
Mine might be blue,
or yellow, or orange, or pink

© Clarissa van Vreden
As we get higher
we rise deeper in soil
A guardian mirror
like God protecting its mirage
Does one not feel fine through his own reflection?
Although, you look too hard, you get then
not the way you look at the moon
but the way you get too close,
you're afloat in a place you no longer belong
As we dig deeper
we find remain
finally as we fall under
we close our eyes
and there isn't any longer that mirror
from above as so deep under,
there's infinity

© Clarissa van Vreden
It's the evening
There is no thunder, yet
It's bound to happen eventually
It's like the time versus the weather,
and yet there is no knowledge to everything
The mysterious and the real happenings, bound, to be forgotten

© Clarissa van Vreden
I am laying in a daze
where the quivering of the crows have got me in a spin
one of which I've made a spider web without remembering how or when
The days are tumbling like the sea side and I'm deciding whether or not to take this ride; Comforting in no gaps or holes- oh this must be a glorious slide.
I may arrive in a place known where I can't climb back upwards to the place known where my web is that of a still image
and so I go for joy in darkness where I might find a glittering star just like that star, I've gone so far.
My heart made of copper bleeds the insides of my gooey body edging its surroundings turning into vein drops the muse don't break because my heart is with me.
Sometimes I ponder my body is made of silver tear drops, as I wash myself with the rain.

© 2018 Clarissa van Vreden
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