The Wardrobe I'm not always a good writer, and sometimes I don't always use the right words, or spell them correctly. This just proves I'm not perfect, I have flaws and am learning to love them. I am open minded as well as open hearted, so come on in and have a cup of 57 followers / 398 words
The pounding gets louder And the pain increases As i hear your voice The cool of the floor And the Numbing of Of the alcohol Works to soothe my Tired soul
I wait.. I wonder.. I replay what you said Over and over in my head So where are you? I sit by the window to watch the snow fall You said.. You promised You would come for me Eternity passes in a moment A I relize You arnt coming You arnt..
Straight up straight Down Can't find my even ground Screams are here And there All I can do is stop and stare I want to help I truly do But then I realize I'm screaming to