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Mike Essig
Mechanicsburg, PA    I am a monk, minimalist and anarchist. I now live in Mechanicsburg, PA in a shotgun apartment (without a shotgun) with only a neurotic cat …
Cecil Miller
Louisiana    I paint, including the profile picture; make leisurely use of many musical instruments, and I write poems and stories. I don't censor myself in my …
Well I swear we are in limited landscapes Well I swear the tide swallows me
J Drake
Georgia, USA Skype: awakenedimagination Email:
Athens, Ohio    don't look at me i'm waining crescent
Chicago    My name is Tonie and i've been into poetry for a few years now and i just like the flow of it, the way it …
Joey Reams
San Francisco, CA   
Joel Phanord
Tampa, Fl    You'll see in my poems
Haydn Swan
Purgatory    Come take a walk, join me in my moonlit charade, shadows play, darkness sings, the curtain opens and the act begins ...
Laura Penny Neil
Brisbane, Australia    aka. Joshua Byrd. Dreamer/Realist
Richard Fullana
Windsor    Tonights my night.
Devon Webb
Auckland    Follow me on tumblr:
Karina B
CS Oakes
Pluto    This is a nice solar system. I think I'll stay here.
Oakland, California    Hello voyager
Sal Miller
Memphis, TN    I am nothing but the perception you perceive.
Michelle Green
Insert name here
Illinois    Poetry and music is life. <3
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