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circus clown Jul 2014
i put you on a pedestal
too high for you to breathe
nose bleeds and
iron all in your teeth
i should have
cut off the legs and
let you hit the floor
but i stood and watched
you glow under the

god you were beautiful
circus clown Jun 2014
since last summer,
all of my good intentions
were stained with cheap wine
and cheaper company. there's nothing
i can do about that now, so i'll stay in bed
for the next three days with my mind wrapped
around  your  tiny  frame  because  you  told  me
it's the thought that counts. i hope you know i'm
bored with you (and with everything else, too)
i have a feeling i'm about to turn that around
i live for slamming doors, for exciting. i'm
finding a reason to fight, even if that
means     with     myself.
i need to feel something
circus clown Jun 2014
i have spent more hours crying
with my fists balled up and slamming
into my legs than i have spent them sleeping
for the past 3 months

if this is what it is to be alive
i'm on the fence
i have been for a while.
circus clown Jun 2014
i have been living off of
black coffee and celery
for the past 4 days and
i want to blame it all on
the fact that i'm young
and stupid and i will do
almost anything to like
myself again.

i can grow out of this,
circus clown Jun 2014
i've been slamming my fragile little fists into dry wall for so long
i get angry at myself when my knuckles aren't bleeding
my mind isn't the cleanest it's ever been right now, but this is what feels like home.
there's stains on the carpet, the curtains in the kitchen window are ripped at the bottom, and sometimes the sink gives you cold water when you ask for hot.
i'm in love with my own faults and failures.
one time, i set a candle too close to the couch and watched everything go up in what looked to me like a southern sunset. next thing i know, they're calling me an arsonist.
the pills they put in my mouth to clean up all the ash made my home more like a hotel and everything smelled like a hospital.
i am sweating alcohol on a wednesday morning, i am gasping for air with a cigarette in my hand, i have been crawling in broken glass, don't you dare talk to me about holiness.
i want to tell you that in spite of all of that, i am free, but i'm not. i'm just used to it.
circus clown Jun 2014
i've spent too many
trying to feel things
that the cracks in my ribs
from when my heart broke
free from them, won't allow
i'm hoping
that someday i can
sit next to someone
capture their essence
in warm lights, warmer
l a u g h s
and finally understand
the difference between
desperation and
circus clown Jun 2014
everything   is   a  spinning
blurry  mess  that's  racing
in circles around  my head
i don't have the time to fall
apart tonight, i'm too busy
trying to comprehend what
happens to half people and
what it means to  be  whole
but there is one thing in this
that i can still understand &
that still remains in
f o c u s
and that would be you
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