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 Jul 2013 Cindy P
Madeleine V H
So if you've lost all hope,
call me.
If you don't believe you're loved,
tell me.
Because we all have the finite infinity
of our lives
and I'd hate to see yours end
any sooner than it had to.
I've been there when darkness
is no longer just the absence of light
and has instead become the only thing
you are sure of.
Let me assure you that one day
your lungs will stop being filled with the
tears that are drowning you and
that one day someone will no longer look
for the scars to kiss and will instead
find your lips.
You are more than the emptiness.
You are stronger than the demons
demanding an r.s.v.p. to your funeral.
You are beautiful and you are loved
and one day you will not be someone's
"tragically beautiful" you will be just as you are
now to me and so many others.
You will realize you are simply beautiful
and all this tragedy is not why you are so.
Through your ocean eyes, you will realize
that after all this time your demons turned to angels
and that saving is something you can do for yourself.
I know how bad it seems, but there's still dreams
left for you to sleep through.
Please do not make your story end now
because I need an epilogue.
 Jul 2013 Cindy P
Madeleine V H
You were oblivion.
He was the ocean.
In you, I was forgotten.
In him, I was infinite.
 Jul 2013 Cindy P
Madeleine V H
We are not defined by skype or video calls
or text messages or distance
and I won't let those things change us
or the lack of those things.
I miss you like hell
and I love you like heaven
but that doesn't change the fact that
this gets ******* difficult
or the fact that I get mad over nothing.
I know we are different and I know
this is worth it.
I know we seem crazy, insane, even unrealistic.
But I don't care.
I love you I love you I love you.
It's worth it because I know that someday
you will find the birthmarks that cover my torso and the scars
that cover my hips
and I will find out the way your spine curves and how your
voice sounds when you get out of the shower
and the way your lips part.
These frantic wishes fill me up
and swallow me whole.
My love for you saves me and sinks me
but when I'm down at the bottom, I find you
have not left me.
Despite the number of texts we send in a day or the
number of times I hear your voice
I will love you.
I will love you more than I hate the miles.

— The End —