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Cindra Carr Oct 2010
Blood and Fire
Blood flashes
Blood pulses
A wall of flames consumes.
‘Alain!’ I cry.
‘Alain!’ I wail.
Blood pulses out as the breath leaves her.
‘Alain!’ I roar.
Blood-red flashes
A tide of blood replaced by fire
I am lost.
The fire consumes all.
Flame builds
The world goes red.

Cindra Carr Oct 2010
Blood in my mouth
I touch the wetness on my lips
The taste…
The taste reminds me
‘All is not lost!’ it screams to me.
‘Remember me!’ it sings out.
Blood in my mouth
A clash of metal pulls me
My arms raised above me
‘All is not lost!’ I scream this time.
Blood in my mouth
Lost days flash again.
Blood in my mouth
The world goes red.

Cindra Carr Oct 2010
The slow creeping numbness crawls up my legs.
This is the little death.
The fading tells me I’ve lost something.
I am lost.
I drift down in the darkness every time.
I am lost.
My whispers go unheard.
I am lost.
I know my lips are moving because I can hear the words
Garbled and lost in the darkness.
I am lost.
The echoes of the words lose themselves in my fading mind.
There is nothing left.
Darkness reigns again and the numbness finished its journey.
I am lost.

Cindra Carr Jul 2010
The soft petal-like wisps of romance mixed with a hushed musical score.
It swelled with recognition.  
The dawning feeling was of rightness.
And the place to fit was exacting.  
The rush of emotions surged.
And they broke with the excited gasps of the breath of realization.
I laughed.  
The thought of longing to find someone.
Someone to love lurked in my mind.  
It wasn’t a dream.  
It was now!
Life has brought me to this point and I laughed.
The sheer joy of attainment was here.  
I laughed with happiness because it was my joy.
It was my time.


— The End —