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C M Johnson Oct 2012
Do you know the meaning?
Of this extremely powerful word?

The will to live,
Is a strong one,
Do you have it?

Have you stood,
Through the down pour,
Wondering if you'll ever,
See him again?

Have you watched the,
Strongest person you know,
Fall to pieces before,
Your eyes?

In the eye of the storm,
Have you seen,
Your very foundations,

The pain that stabs,
Through your very core,
Have you felt it?

Do you know,
What it truly is to be

Will you ever know,
The strength in  your neighbor?
Your best friend?

Adult, Child, Young, Old,
You may see them as weak,
Do you know the story?
Behind their tired eyes?

Have you seen,
What they saw?
For you do not understand,
The strength that they endure,

You may never know,
The wonders they have overcome.
C M Johnson Oct 2012
Wind whirling,
Songs to be sung,
By the birds,
Hush in an instant!
The hail pours from the heavens above.
As the rain floods,
The once inhabitable streets below...
No one is safe!
Mothers hide their babies,
In a futile fight for life.
No one is safe!
Husbands try to rescue their families,
As they are crushed,
In the rubble that was once a home.
No one is safe!
C M Johnson Oct 2012
Awaiting the rising sun,
Like a bird,
In her cage,
Strong and calm as the earth,
Stalking the moon shone shadows,
Cooing her midnight song,
To the dead wood,
The waters still,
As the sleeping sea creatures,
Yet to hear,
The fragile tune,
Sleep lonesome dove,
C M Johnson Oct 2012
A child taken,
From mother's womb,
Before first breath,

Grieving young mother,
Non one to turn to,
Not even the 'father',

Her child's soul,
Out of her care,
No way to console,
Her broken hearted infant,

But mother loves her child,
Just the same,
But this time,
**Mommy's little Angel guides her.
C M Johnson Sep 2012
Gliding through the fog,
She comes to the clearing,
Bluebells, Bluebells everywhere,
Violets and bluebells,
You can almost hear them ringing,
Ding-a-ling, Ding-a-ling,
The breeze whistles through,
The newly sprouting trees and seedlings,
C M Johnson Sep 2012
No one left in the darkness
No one left to blame but me
Sitting alone. Helpless
Not a soul in sight living or dead
No longer living my life
Not dead either
C M Johnson Sep 2012
Tears run down like razor blades
Across my skin
Blood runs red
Tears fall black
As the night around me
No one left to hurt but myself
My face and arms are dripping wet
Between the tears and blood
Love the silence
But I hate it too
The only thing I can hear
The thoughts buzzing in my mind
The shrieks of pain from my worn out throat
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