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C M Johnson Sep 2012
Daughters of the moon
Sons of the wind
Children of the Earth
We are all one
We live first among
The trees
Then out fellow brothers
And sisters
We live not among the
Buildings of brick
And estranged wires
Mother nature bore us
To fly from our
Barbaric tree stands
C M Johnson Sep 2012
What be’th the night but a portal
A portal to another space and time
The norm is to sleep this time away
But what do we miss with all this sleep
The beauteous night
The mysteries of the darkness that we have come to fear
And was is fear but weakness
And weakness is only strength yet to be found
Within ourselves
C M Johnson Sep 2012
Wind whirling,
Songs to be sung,
By the birds,
Hush is an instant!
The Hail pours,
From the Heavens,
As the rain floods
The once inhabitable streets below...
No one is safe!
Mothers hide their babies,
In a futile fight for there lives.
No one is safe!
Husbands try to rescue their families.
As they are crushed,
In the rubble that was once a home.
No one is safe!
C M Johnson Jun 2012
Firefly I watch you go by
You make me think and wonder why
You only come out after dark
When the dogs no longer bark
You fly alone
Left only to roam
Oh firefly why?
C M Johnson Jun 2012
One day at a time
This journey is dangerous
In the end we all lose
When we begin we are all pure
Of mind and heart
With all the ability we can muster
There be no limits
With no limits
No one has to be a victim.
C M Johnson Jun 2012
Home, what is it?
A Family?
A mom, a dad?
Or a jail cell?
A dark place of hatred,
Where your faith in humanity
is constantly tested,
The walls slowly encroaching,
People screaming,
Dark hatred blocks out the light of love,
Nothing left to do but fall.
C M Johnson Jun 2012
Screaming all around me
Noise Noise Noise
But all I hear is silence
Nothing to be heard
Nothing to be seen
Only Darkness surrounding me
My heart ready to burst
Already frozen from
The cold of their words
No where to run
So I hide inside myself
No one to hold me
And no where to go
Inside my hardened exterior
No one will hurt me
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