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C M Johnson May 2012
My world is crashing down around me
Blood dripping at my feet
My home came crumbling down
No one here to be with me
No one to hear me cry
Again doing what I know I should not
Hoping it will work this time
But the pain keeps building
Tearing at my weak heart
I’m coming apart at the seams
Breathing is getting harder
Waiting on the darkness to retreat
But the black only get blacker
I keep holding on although
My arms are getting weak
I lose my grip
The darkness encloses
I bleed fiercely until my heart stops.
C M Johnson Apr 2012
All are born,
With wings of white,
As fresh fallen snow,
In early winter,
Many become tainted,
Some even go Black as coal,
Like the winged devils,
But we can be cleansed,
With the grace of Love and Kindness.
C M Johnson Apr 2012
A blank face stares
At me, Taunting me
Questioning my power
To empower others
Waiting on me
To stain its white surface
With simple words
Of my mind, my heart
The future is waiting
C M Johnson Apr 2012
Ready to give up
On the false hope
That surrounds
My dying heart
With every beat
She grows weaker
Shriveled up
And ready
To collapse
I think he loves me
And maybe he does
Is his love enough?
To keep
My faint heart
C M Johnson Apr 2012
For just a moment
I allow myself to dream
In the light of day
My heart starts taking over
Going back to you
Back you
Your loving smile
The sweet way you
Make me laugh
Everything about you
Makes my heart beat faster
C M Johnson Apr 2012
The heart of a Dreamer
Is as free as a morning bird
Flying through the breeze

The mind of a Dreamer
Flowing with ideas for the future
As a river flows into the sea

The soul of a Dreamer
Is open to everyone
Spreading love to abolish
The anger of hatred

The world was built on Dreamers
They take down the walls that separate us
Dreamers are leaders
Helping us to see the good in others
And the is our hearts we are all the same
C M Johnson Mar 2012
Look upon this sullen box
Peaceful and quiet
Not a word udder
Not a breath taking
Another angel on earth
Lay cold and still
So beautiful

I can almost hear you
Speak those words
You've said a million times
But the silence over powers
The day dream, while
The preacher starts to speak

"Too young"... "Too young"

Those words echo in my head
We were too young
Not a care in the world
Now no chance to make
It all right again.
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