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C M Johnson Mar 2012
My heart is full
of wounded holes
Blood Shed is
More and more
With every beat
A sea of red
Floods my chest
Making it
Impossible to
Take in air
Drowning in my
Bottled up pains
How can I survive?
My breathing slows
My heart grows calm
the end is near
I. Die.
C M Johnson Mar 2012
Our love
Is like nothing
I have before known

Your touch
Is so warm and loving
With a tender embrace
That surrounds me

Your heart
I know is forever mine
To love and cherish

And my heart
Has been yours
Since the day we met.
C M Johnson Mar 2012
I see you in the distance
Every step I get closer
Your eyes warm and welcome
Running toward you
The closer I come
The faster I run
Stopping in front of you
I stare up into your eyes
your tender lips
Curled up in a warm smile
I take you in my arms
Your body embraces mine
Love circulating through
our bodies
Not a word has to be said
Looking back up toward you
Our lips meet again
With just as much
Passion as the first.
To Me Love Allen Joesph Fream, I love you with all my heat our passions will never fade.
C M Johnson Feb 2012
My love for thee
Is undying
I wish to hold
You and your heart
And protect
Them from vultures
I will by thy shield
Bold and proud
I merely wish to
Love thee
C M Johnson Feb 2012
Though we might
Be far Apart
I am always with you
At the heart

Forever by your side
I will stand
Hand in Hand
With the man I love

Written in
Words of love
You've been sent
A gift from above

I love you now
And always will
Until the day
They bury me
On the hill.
C M Johnson Feb 2012
I love
With all my
Even when
We're apart,
We have always
When I hear your
Voice on the phone
It sends my
Heart A flutter,
And I know I
Will soon by
In your strong
Arms again.
C M Johnson Feb 2012
I love him
With all my heart
He is my life

My love, You,
You give me strength,
When I am weak,

Though we have,
Our differences,
We are the same,
Where it counts,
At heart,

I have your name,
Written on my heart,
It shall never fade.
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