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 Feb 2014 Ciaran Carrick
The hazel of your eyes
The specks of green and brown
They're so beautiful
I could stare into them forever
But they're the most special
Because I can see your love
All the way through them
It's nothing but real
It's nothing but genuine
© Willa 2014
As a paddle breaks the glass like glare
Beneath the pine sweet hull,
A breeze shakes gently through the trees
and leaves behind a lull.
The shoreline brims with glistening green
As the sun pounds out its beat,
And reflects a drop of golden light,
As trembling ripples meet.
As peaceful as a memory
Of sweetened days and love,
A cloud with hidden meaning
stirs the blue above.
Remember, yes remember
This day that when it leaves
Engraves the magic images
Upon the soul that grieves.
Copyright Protected.....Wayne H. Colegate
 Feb 2014 Ciaran Carrick
I have seen nothing
and I am even less
I have been here my whole life
Redundancy has a comfort to it

But I have dreams
about climbing redwood forests
higher than any skyscraper
that have faces etched into their trunks
and dreams
of mushroom houses with neon skies
and being kidnapped by wolves and we howl and howl
Sometimes I even have lucid dreams of flying
walking through walls
and time travel
I have dreams of being a hero and saving the world
and there's a recurring one about falling in love with
a man I do not even recognize yet

So hopefully you can excuse me
for not always being ecstatic
when I wake up in the mornings
and find myself in a human bed
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