this one is for the girl,
the one whose presence in my life,
rings like the screams of thumbtacks in my shoes,
whose words bite at my ankle,
the crab that cannot find another place to pinch,
and you know,
the moment,
when she walks away,
her *** brings my eyes to her,
quicker than a magnet attracts a compass,
because, we know, that no matter how the trees fall,
and the ice freezes the locks on our doors,
we'll always have a home to share in each other,
yeah, I can't walk a straight line,
without worrying about the pebbles in my socks,
but I know, the moment I get home,
you'll be there to rub my feet,
and I've learned, that when I see her body,
shakin' in the way that she sways it,
the heat between us is something of a fusion reaction,
two different elements, coming into one,
creating waves of thermal radiance,
oh, but the way her tongue lashes me,
the master, whipping her slave into working shape,
my body quivers and collapses,
and at her feet I'll lay,
a broken heap,
and somehow, when I look into her eyes,
the way they stare into my soul...
nothing ever happened,
and my body has climbed the ladder of evolution,
there I stand in herculean brilliance,
she'll waltz over to me,
swaying those..
****** hips,
and I'll wrap one arm around that flawless waist,
and we're one,
and the world is nothing.