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I think I'll fall upon
My sword
Plunge it deep without
A word
Perhaps conjure up a
Let it **** in everything
I knew
Or I might breathe again
Release it to the wind
Let it carry it beyond
Come gently back
Without sin
If then it leaves an inprint
On my splattered
I'll dab them up
Rearrange them
With my hopeful cloth
Then I'll be whole once
From body to spirit my
mind I can again adore
I'll paint me with colors
Each sentence I spoke
Think of days past and
Be blessed that I awoke
Come lay with me by the fire
Snuggle on the soft rug we wove together
Let the flames lick at our thoughts
And their warmth perspire us to passion
Then we'll watch the embers slowly fade to gray
As we wrap ourselves in a cacoon of dreams
Coming down the road
like those thousand times before
pull into the sacred grounds
I am home
The squeaky door alerts
intruders, not here not ever
your demise is imminent
I am home
the walls of the old place
echo with futures past
breaths of life whispers in my ears
I am home
The colors have changed
every crack in the floor
tells of little feet that scurry around
I am home
touch the walls, feel the laughs
from tales of living
it's warm and cozy, the ultimate blanket
I am home
a living history ripe with pain and joy
the air inside filled with memories
a lovely melody, of notes that played here
I am home
and in the quiet of the night
when the eyes wary from the day
close them for a comfort sleep
For I am home
may the purest of waters, cascade upon you
wash away the impurities you percive to be
take that cloth, dab them away
look in the mirror, admire the soft glow of you

some singular moment, or collection of such
should not impede, or dim that light
let the losers and cowards speak their words
they are fraught with grief, guilt, wrong turns

their pathetic lives needs a scapegoat
your just fresh meat to feast on
like a good servant, you tend to their needs
doing your best to please
then suddenly you found the control switch
and nervously turn it off

a new awakening begins in your *****
you have risen from the depths of despair
turn away, close that door
and breathe the vibrant air

such words, I must admit, have lingered in my mind
these peering eyes, watch closely, not ready to say
but the metamorphosis is yours, a beautiful soul
the worlds a richer place, when you smile upon us
and for you, today, my daily thought
if I may

such are the sparkling eyes that entice
such are the sculpted lips I kiss
such are the arms to caress at night
such are my dreams, my morning bliss

these daydreams, are all about you
curling my hair, anticipations of you
this tingling I have, is because of you
the warmth I feel, is because I LOVE
the twilight of life that has set upon you
will never dim your radiant glow
those rays you emit, have touched us all
and always turned our gray skies blue
those flowers you planted, the seeds from you
have grown strong and mature
their roots grounded firmly
such a testament of your beautiful hue
the coldness of life, only warmed your heart more
there was never an exit sign in your mind
your loving touch, always a constant flow
if ever the thought of abandoning us showed up
your resolve grew stronger,your love even more
and now the flowers understand, your man's message
has reached you
" come join me now, the flowers will be alright
I have a place for us,I'm sure you'd like
I've had a long time to tidy it up"
with that said, you can resume your love affair
forever and a night
you can watch your flowers bloom so bright
they will always be in your sights
you can still nurture them from afar
everyday and everynight
As the tip of my pen, touches the paper
The ink spreads thoughts of you
The letters and commas set the rhythm smooth
Read them once, read them twice, set a mood
Let the crinkle corners of you smile and the twirling
Of your hair and the finger on your lips, be proof
That what I have penned be your goodnight sleep
you may now, curl up, close your eyes
And when you dream be Advised
My heart is always yours to keep
is it not the way it goes
that everyone knows
how to live your life

ride that ferris wheel of life
get stuck at the top
a breathtaking site
all the possibilites
a utopia of delight

and when the ride ends
and your grounded
when you walk away with
that tear in your eye
know i'm your constant light

that beam to guide you
through your nights
and with each turn of
your ride i'm always
in your sight

the only cornucopia
of your life's delight
If I could find a way to turn the page
continue to read what my author wrote
I would
I thought I was over you
but like a recurring nightmare
your hold on me is relentless
my mind set adrift, when your sensual
voice calls
your sense of love for me, like a robber in the night
silently and deftly, you take all of me
leave no trace
I am left helpless, covers strewn upon the bed
my eyes half open, as you softly close the door
the deception of love you presented to me
was magical
those many faces you wore, now seem
the sweetness of your voice, drew me in
made me small
the way you touch me,bent my knees
left me to crawl
now, there are no more tears
to fall
they would only muddy, these empty
the pictures of us,are imprints, empty frames
that ***** the walls
even the echos, wont repeat my calls
my tumor of love for you, has finally shrunk
I'm in remission, no longer in this funk
those false feelings you had for me
are finally debunked
now my memories of you, will come and go
but then I'll sweep the residue, to the corner
and put them in a pile, I'll call junk
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