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as I walk down this trail
such beauty surrounds me
vibrant color flowers
sweet scent of the trees

my thoughts are quite
amongst natures sounds
absorbing nature, drains the
negatives in my mind
the sky so blue, seems unreal
is this heaven that I found

see the butterflies flutter past
my face, to look for flowers
to feed their souls
my eyes close, my breath slows
if I have to go, then let it be here
for it's a beautiful day to die
and this is the place
looking down at you, laying there, curled up
weak, your energy exhausted
slowly cover you with your favorite blanket
brush your hair from your eyes
kiss your forhead, let that comfort smile

then I'll snuggle my arms around you
lay my head on your chest, listen to you breathe
as our quiet thoughts of loving experience
take over our dreams

in the morning, as we face each other
our eyes open together, smile, a satisfying
your gaze hypnotizes me, steal my senses
when you whisper '' lets do it again''
come to me tonight, your softness I so desire
the smoothness of your skin, lays upon me
sends ripples through my distorted mind
in a weaken state, I surrender to you

sprawled out now, let those engorged lips
trace each hill and valley on my body
search for what you expect to find
take your time, show no mercy, yet be kind

and at the tip, the moisture, eases slowly
a sign I've surrendered to you
your warm breath and seductive eyes
are in rhythm, with your fingers touch

a stirring from my hips, a foreshadow of
an explotion and your beautiful moan
rest your head on my chest, fingers touch
our heartbeats slow, our eyes close the night
let me undress you
reveal such stunning beauty
your shyness, only enhances
your breathing is fiilled
with anticipation
as I feel the heated energy
that you emit
slowly lay you down
hear the the soft growns
as your limp body, awaits me

now, you have surrendered
to me let us do as we please
arms raised above your head
eyes closed, as I explore you

I can feel you shiver, with every
kiss I place
some on the right spot, others
to enhance my love

the slow motion of our bodys
are in deep rhytms, undetered
as your nails leave their marks
and my kisses never leave you

your last words to me, as you close
your eyes are love me forever
my response to you is ditto
spread out, oh, blacken canopy
let the twinkles of design shapes
and mysteries
capture my thoughts on this night
wintry night
the helpless branches, reach for the earth
as if to find the radiant glow of warmth
but the ground is in a sleepy slumber
in winters months
the slightest wind leaves me in a shivering
the numbing of fingers, non blinking eyes
a caution
enter your abode to warm
winters whiteness paints the earth pure
once more
let the sprinkle of green, encourage our hearts
the newness of spring,the rebirth it brings
finds your happy melody,you can once
again sing
shall I cleanse the soul to find hope
and with hope, I shall find clarity
with clarity, there's a sense of being
and with a sense of being, I will finally

let the dust of life that accumulates
collect and hitch a ride on the winds
and then the shiny new me, will challenge
the sun
for their are no more shadows for me to follow
Into the night, once again
when the moment
the song begins
and the notes bend the emotions
separate the days commotions

all the lyrics take us on a journey
as if its telling our story
seduced by the rhythm, the mind
as the tingling tones, needle the body
close the eyes and the world disappears
till were ready for it to reappear
when the song ends, feeling exhausted
and spent
let it play over again, from beginning
to end
stare into my eyes, as my hands roam
over your soft skin
NO NEED to whimper or think
as our breaths, in rhythm, begin

slowly I'll kiss every spot, beholden to me
as your heart races, to my tease

every sweet drop of nector from your pores
only makes me hunger for more
for I sip each drop, and swallow you
as your fingers dig deep, your mind now askew

such tension of your body, I know your ready
just one more lick, as I hold your head steady
shall I stop now, just to tease
no, I think this is a good time, for your release
the pores of my skin secrete love when you touch me
leaving puddles of ****** beneath my feet
as you hold me in my weaken state
your medusa eyes, stone me into place
now sculpt me to your desires
smooth the rough edges to your liken
polish me to your sense of perfection
as long as you love me, feel free to create
such a fragrance surrounds this room
it can only be emitted by you
that it draws me in, captures my senses
tingling anticipation, is so relentless

your smile brightens every corner of the walls
makes the occupants stand tall
glancing from afar, cursed by trepidation
do they dare to look, to see this revelation

yet your smooth steps, glide towards me
with the ease of the swaying willow tree
the softness of your angelic skin
makes me useless once again
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