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6.5k · Oct 2019
was it r e a l?
f e e l i n g s Oct 2019
my heart aches for you in ways that it shouldn't.
you were my breath of fresh air and all of a sudden i couldn't breathe.
tell my why you made so many promises you knew you could not keep.
have you already forgotten me?
my love, i'm drowning in your silence,
please tell me it was real.
658 · Oct 2021
Are you gonna s a v e me?
f e e l i n g s Oct 2021
I tried so hard.
I could feel you slipping away but I couldn't catch you fast enough.
Night after night, your memory haunts me.
Im tired.
I'm tired of thinking because its only of you.
I'm tired of dreaming about something I can't have.
Don't you see what you've done to me?
I've hit rock bottom and
the saddest part is that I'm waiting for you to come pull me out...
439 · Jan 27
Waiting period
Sometimes it feels like I'm not truly living.
Like I am just biding my time until the day comes that will one day come for us all.
358 · Oct 2021
f e e l i n g s Oct 2021
To me, poetry isn't just about rhyming, or haikus, or proper grammar or whatever rules you want to apply to it.
Poetry is expressing your feelings in however you feel fit.
Reread that.
Poetry is expressing your feelings.
Getting things off your chest.
So don't ever let someone tell you your poetry isn't good.
Because if it came from the heart,
it is more than amazing.
343 · Oct 2019
f e e l i n g s Oct 2019
The hardest thing for me to admit is that I still love you.
f e e l i n g s Aug 2022
I am so grateful for getting the opportunity to know you.
Before you came along, I had convinced myself that I would never find someone who could be encouraging and kind and honest.
"You seem to flip my insecurities inside out like a shirt I’ve been wearing wrong this entire time. My clothing have finally become something I’m proud of."
So thank you for showing me that I deserve more than the bare minimum.

See ya later friend...
280 · Feb 2024
Life in a movie
f e e l i n g s Feb 2024
Let's watch a movie
Be sure to pick one that makes you feel alive as you watch it
The kind that makes you feel like your life could be bigger than it is
Afterwards, you find yourself wanting more,
Inspired to live.

And then let's hold on to that feeling as long as we can
274 · Oct 2021
"Talk to me"
f e e l i n g s Oct 2021
I wish he would talk to me.
And no I don't mean talk to me about the show we're watching or the next video game he want's to buy.
I want to hear about his biggest fears. Or the moment he was at his lowest.
I don't want to hear about the goofy late nights with his friends or the time his cat scratched the **** out of his hand.
I want to know about what goes on in his head throughout the day. Or late at night when he can't sleep.
I want to know if is inner world is as dark as mine.
I can't show him all of me if I can't see all of him.
I wan't to see HIM. Not the mask he puts on everyday for the world.

That is way more beautiful than any poem I will ever read.
265 · Apr 2023
f e e l i n g s Apr 2023
Wrong person, wrong time.
Worst kind of heartache.

I know deep down it will never work.
But we can play pretend for 10 more minutes? 10 more days?
257 · Jul 2023
All the people I have loved
f e e l i n g s Jul 2023
If I were in a room of all the people I have loved,
My heart would choose you.
But my head would choose another because I fear you no longer want me.
238 · Jan 20
Long time no see
I'm scared that I will love you forever …
196 · May 2022
Big feelings
f e e l i n g s May 2022
I cannot seem to write how I feel.

How is it that I have such BIG feelings all of the time,

but I can't find a single word that describes them.
189 · Apr 2023
Slam poetry?
f e e l i n g s Apr 2023
I am a lot.
I told you that when we first met.
I put a caution sign on my back and yet you still claimed to want me.
How do you feel now?
Now that you know it's not always sunshine and rainbows.
When I sleep for days on end and I can't even begin to tell you how I'm feeling.
I cry to you for help and yet your overwhelmed.
What did you expect?
How can I give you what you deserve when I barely love myself.
You say I'm not the victim but you don't live in my head.
Who are you to tell me how I'm feeling.
185 · May 2022
choose a title for me
f e e l i n g s May 2022
I find it hard to sleep at night without the comfort of a blanket.

     Without it, I will toss and turn.

Something about the way it makes my body feel.

      Vulnerable and completely exposed.

I have decided I feel the same way about sadness.

      Without it, I feel uncomfortable in my own skin.

Something about the way it makes my body feel.

       Scared and completely alone.
171 · Oct 2021
f e e l i n g s Oct 2021
I'm scared.
I'm scared that if I show you all of me, you'll leave.
You'll leave because I'm too much and overwhelming.
How am I supposed to open up?
Knowing there's a chance you'll get caught in the cross fire of my emotions like the others.
Yes I'm sensitive and clingy and I like to talk a lot and yes sometimes I may overreact.
But deep down, I have the biggest heart of anyone you or I will ever meet.
I live in this world where I feel alone.
And I have this belief that if I find the one who cares to listen,
I can show them who I really am and they can be apart of my beautifully chaotic inner world and I will never have to face those feelings alone again.
I want what people have in the movies.
A love that consumes me.
A love that sweeps me off my feet and cures all my problems.
But that isn't realistic.
Movies are a fantasy and this is reality.
And in reality,
I am sensitive and clingy and tend to overreact.
And chances are, you'll never meet the real me.
So I will write it all here.
Letting the strangers online read my inner thoughts because I am too scared to share them with you.
And if anyone bothers to take the time to read this,
thank you.
151 · Oct 2021
f e e l i n g s Oct 2021
The hardest thing for me to admit is that I still love him.
But what can you do when the person you so deeply love doesn't love you back?
150 · Feb 2020
If I could lay here forever
f e e l i n g s Feb 2020
If I could lay here
All my days and all my hours
Our love would never grow old
137 · Mar 2020
love note
f e e l i n g s Mar 2020
With you
it’s like I’m doing everything for the first time
133 · Jul 2021
f e e l i n g s Jul 2021
What do you see when you look at me?
The girl you used to love or the girl who broke your heart.
127 · Jan 2020
f e e l i n g s Jan 2020
I am vulnerable to your touch
your kiss radiates through me like no other
you set me on fire,
two bodies becoming one
you see me for me
kiss my neck and watch all my insecurities disappear
that is pure seduction
124 · Jan 2020
f e e l i n g s Jan 2020
I don't know what I want in this life,
so many possibilities but bound to one fate.
My mind is a free spirit, but my body is a trapped soul.
I fantasize of things I want,
but know i'll never get.
I say things I don't mean,
but if you said it don't you mean it?
My thoughts are at war,
it's a massacre.
I feel things all at once,
or nothing at all.
I told you from the get go I was t
 ­                                                              x
                                                               ­   i
                                                            ­          c
124 · Jul 2021
ur silence
f e e l i n g s Jul 2021
Your silence is slowly killing all hope I have left...
122 · Feb 2020
f e e l i n g s Feb 2020
Remember my name
When your lips are pressed against
Those that are not mine
f e e l i n g s Feb 2020
I cried all the tears I had for you, and yet I still cry.
Somehow I still love you, but the only difference is that you make me weak.
Loving without having someone to love is impossible they say, but yet I still do it.
I look for that love in every man, but I don’t see you.
I go to sleep peaceful, but yet I still dream of you.

How is it that the thought of you outweighs the possibility of anything else?
118 · Jul 2021
f e e l i n g s Jul 2021
don't look me in the eyes cause i'm not here
my body is a corpse but my ghost isn't far
dreaming of a life where we're all okay
118 · Jan 2020
A thought
f e e l i n g s Jan 2020
my thoughts are like the universe,
unknown and never ending.
115 · Sep 2020
strong connection
f e e l i n g s Sep 2020
I know it's real when I look at you,
because you see right through me.
115 · Jul 2021
f e e l i n g s Jul 2021
I hope you feel the pain as deeply as I do.
115 · Jul 2021
f e e l i n g s Jul 2021
It's not fair to him.

To let him love me when I don't fully love myself.
112 · Jul 2021
Hold On
f e e l i n g s Jul 2021
Hold me a little longer.
Hold on until this all becomes a memory.
Hold me closer so I can memorize your scent.
Hold on before I before I struggle to remember your sweet voice.
Please just hold me a little longer,
I'm not ready to forget you.
105 · Jan 21
Look what you do to me
Sometimes I catch myself feeling guilty for not wishing you a happy birthday.

But then I remember all the years that I waited for you on my birthday. Too drunk, too high, too careless to remember.

Somehow I still feel guilty. But I swallow it down and move on with my life.
102 · Feb 2020
f e e l i n g s Feb 2020
All I see is you.
You’re telling me your dreams and fears,
drawing me closer and closer.
Vulnerability fits you well.
I’m close enough to feel the draft of your desires down my neck.
Before I could speak a word I was drowning in your lips.
Honey. Your lips taste like honey.
Oh how I missed that taste.
The pressure of his lips against mine is extrao-
          ­                                    And suddenly I wake up yearning for more
Dreams that’ll never come true

— The End —