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Tina ford May 2015
She wore yellow shoes on her wedding day,
They reminded her of the sun,
She wore a blackened garter,
To remind her of what he'd done,

She wore a deep green eye pencil,
To remind her of meadows true,
Red upon her cheeks so pale,
Enlightened her eyes cold blue,

She wore a clinging silken gown,
Caressing her curvy form,
The brightest white, as white as snow,
That glistened in the dawn,

Around her neck a silver chain,
As silver as her hair,
She sat alone, elegantly,
In her old dusty armchair,

Fifty years had passed away,
Like the flight of an albatross,
Her shoulders weighted heavily,
As she carried her burdened cross,

For on that day, her wedding day,
She waited and waited more,
He never showed, and left her there,
He'd left her alone once more,

She stared into the looking glass,
As her life had passed her by,
But every May, she wore the dress,
And a tear fell from her eye,

She wore yellow shoes on her wedding day,
They reminded her of the sun,
And now the blackened garter,
Lay on the floor undone.
Tina ford Jun 2014
Catholic upbringing is what i had,          

Hypocrite i'm told is bad,

Religions differ whoever you are,

Islamic, Budha, Queen or Tsar,

Schooling i found done nothing for me,

Teachers and i could never agree,

Important exams i did not take,

Nothing i'de to to make that break

Adult years became reality,

Hoping to fit in with society,

Arguing rowing everyday, over

Raising children the proper way,

Wishing i was back at school,

Out of this adult world so cruel,

Only one thing that's left in my life,

Dreams of a lonely catholic housewife
Tina ford Apr 2016
Sleep the 96,
May your slumber be free,
From lies pain, hidden truth,
And disparity,

Sleep the 96,
On the shoulders of your home,
For 27 years we walked with you,
You never walked alone,

Sleep the 96,
May your hearts like ours be light,
For justice came, the time is now,
We never gave up your fight,

Sleep the 96,
Liver birds sing your song,
With pride, truth and justice,
What we believed all along,

Sleep the 96,
May your slumber be deep and true,
Until we meet again my friends,
Justice was won for you.

For all who lost their lives and for all who walked through the storm.
Hold your heads up high ***
Tina ford Nov 2015
For tonight we slumber in silence,
Before the thud of the bombs fill our ears,
Sweetly drift to a dreamland place,
Let us hide away from our fears,

For tonight we rejoice in our freedom,
Before it's taken away by force,
Kindly thoughts of happy fun days,
Let them keep us on our course,

For tonight could be the ending,
Before our lives have even begun,
Peacefully sleep in a safe calm state,
Let the bullet stay in the gun,

For tonight could be our judgement,
Before the sunsets upon our land,
Before the one that we call our god,
Who will take us by our hand,

For tonight remember your loved ones,
Because tomorrow may never appear,
So love, be loved in your comforts,
Together we all face this fear.
Tina ford Dec 2015
Some poets are *****,
In fancy hats,
Spouting this and that's,
About next doors cats,

Some poets are higher,
Than an aeroplane flyer,
Shouting this is dire,
Down a microphone wire,

Some poets are seen,
As the old has been,
Swearing blue is green,
We know what they mean,

Some poets are ****,
And act like a twit,
Speaking filth and grit,
Boring??? A bit!,

But others are cool,
Done nothing at school,
They don't play the fool,
Their poetry is fuel,

It lights up a world,
For this working class girl,
They make life unfurl,
In an alphabet swirl,

They open the door,
To a life so secure,
Saying we can do more,
Giving dreams to the poor,

Some poets I admire,
For their burning desire,
Their words are on fire,
Of that I'll never tire.
Tina ford May 2015
Love one another,
Help one another,
Free one another,
We are one,
Not some,
Not nations,
No separation,
No difference,
Our souls are clouds,
They flow,
They mix,
They float through one another,
The universe is our mother,
We dwell in her womb,
Floating in her essence,
Waiting to be born.
Tina ford Feb 2014
Can you hear the silence?
Can you?
I can hear you,
I can hear your heart flushing,
I can hear you mind crushing,
Your soul, your whole, your entity,
It was sent to me,
Now it's mine,
Till the end of time,
Can you hear the silence?
The violence, the undying opulence of death.
Tina ford May 2015
Stevie G!
What will Liverpool be,
Without you,
Your the one,
Our only son,
But what's done is done,

Stevie G!
What will football be,
Without you,
Your the best,
Above the rest,
In the north west,

Stevie G!
What will we be,
Without you,
Your our heart,
It's broken apart,
You have a new start,

Stevie G!
You will always be,
Our hero lad,
Good luck to you,
In all you do,
We love you,

Stevie G!
Remember me,
Without you,
Liverpool will cry,
Tears in our eye,
When you say goodbye,
To our Stevie G.
Tina ford Dec 2015
Stop the planes,
Your all insane,
Killing man,
Because you can,

Stop the guns,
They're all gods sons,
Lifeless towns,
Mankind drowns,

Under the weight of power,

Stop the death,
Save their breath,
Let life live now,
Show them how,

Stop the terror,
It's all an error,
We're all just living,
Forgive, forgiving,

Under the weight of love.
Tina ford Feb 2014
Suicide Pete had the world at his feet,
Brought laughter and cheer to all in his street,
Colleagues thought, Yeah he's neat,
Everybody loved suicide Pete,

He had a good job at the local news,
Reported on poverty, and kids with no shoes,
Told the truth about food bank queue's,
Peoples hunger, coldness and blues,

He had a big heart filled with light,
Gave all his free time day and night,
worked with the homeless and their plight,
Knowing the end was not in sight,

Helped with charities all year round,
picked people up of the ground,
Gave the beggars his very last pound,
Never ever grumbled, not one sound,

They say he looked well and in good form,
Some of them had known him since he was born,
But none of them knew what happened that dawn,
Some only heard the news later that morn,

It was pay day for sure, he gave the lot to the poor,
but they needed more and more,
Pete's head became sore,
He took a walk down the shore,

He pondered and thought and searched his brain,
Why Government people kept causing such pain,
He was certain it was for their own greedy gain,
His heart beat faster like an runaway train,

A smile appeared when he'd made his mind right,
He decided enough was enough, time to fight,
He found himself at a tourist sight,
In London town, he stayed the night,

The very next day his mind felt buff,
And he looked pretty good for sleeping rough,
He entered the House of Commons feeling tough,
He nodded and smiled and blew the ****'s up.
Tina ford Dec 2015
I love you,
Do you love me?
Don't answer, yet.
Tina ford Feb 2014
Day in day out, I roll,
That’s how I roll,
I don’t ask for miracles or magic,
Just eyes with smiles,
The love bug,
A simple hug,
It’s how I roll,
A kind word,
Unheard but spoken,
Has me choking,
A message of hope,
A funny joke,
A Facebook poke,
It’s what I need,
To help me roll,
An easy Yo or hello,
Keeps it real,
Makes me feel,
What I’m doing is worthwhile,
If I make you smile,
Then that helps me roll,
That’s how I roll.
Tina ford May 2015
Like a train,
Your running through my brain,
Driving me insane,
Fast on track,
No turning back,
I hear the click clack,
Your love is whack,
Keep the speed,
For you I greed,
Your love indeed,
No sharp turn,
For your love I burn,
Emotions churn,
Like a train,
Running through my brain,
Driving me insane,
Take me back again,
Again and again and again.
Tina ford Jun 2014
The angels face

Through the dirt and the *******,
In this hovel of a place,
The drug users paradise,
I saw the angels face,

It was my darkest pitiful day,
I had all but run my race,
But through the darkness, shone a light,
I saw the angels face,

She spoke to me in melodious rhyme,
Her voice it took every space,
She sang to me a loving lament,
When I saw the angels face,

I took her hand, it's warmth so sweet,
My body barely stood,
Her smile embraced my being wreck,
This angel was so good,

I felt a feeling I had not known,
There was more I wanted to see,
Then I realised, before my eyes,
This angel here was me,

I looked so hard and seen my life,
In the mirror in my way,
This was the time to bring it back,
I could do all this today,

And so I did, with such hard work,
Struggling to put in place,
My life now is much better,
Since I saw the angels face.
Tina ford May 2015
I am he,
He who shall not be named,
He who you will call the bookkeeper,
For I am the holder of your words,

Write them,
Recite them,
Make me delight in them,
Spell them,
Yell them,
Everybody tell them,
Link them,
Ink them,
Don't really think them,
Speak them,
Seek them,
But don't ever keep them,

Because they're mine,
For all time,
I will put them in a spine,
Make them look fine,
And on your words I'll dine,

Beat them,
Greet them,
Make me eat them,
Feel them,
Squeal them,
Let me steal them,
Squark them,
Walk them,
Make me want to talk them,
Bleed them,
Seed them,
But don't ever heed them,

Because they're mine,
For all time,
I will put them in a spine,
Make them look fine,
And on your words I'll dine,

I am he,
He who shall not be named,
He who you will call the bookkeeper,
For I am the holder of your words,
Tina ford May 2015
It's where I keep my memories,
Both happy ones and sad,
It's where I keep my feelings,
Both the good and bad,

There is a book so titled,
My one and only love,
It is at the top, the very top,
It's so far up above,

It's hard to try and get it,
It's out of my reach, but I try,
It's up inside the clouds so blue,
On that heaven shelf so high,

I hope one day I get it back,
And read the pages through,
Then I know I found again,
My one true love, my you.
Tina ford Jun 2014
The words he spoke made me choke, I don't wanna croak, not under the cancer cloak,
My eyes they streamed,  water of dreams and sun beams but I know what it all means,
It's not a day out or a way out not even when I scream and shout,
My ears hear fears, stupid words and things obsurd,
I can't be a chancer, not with cancer, im not gonna be a dancer,
In heaven or hell, I don't wanna dwell.on the ledge of diseases,
I will fight day and night, I'll put it right, it's within my sight, it is my rite,
Rewind a day behind, I was in sane mind, but now I'm one of the special kind,
Can you hear me breath in every sin, they come knocking coz im a locking out death,
He can wait for a date with me or your mate,
I'm no longer dreaming this feeling, the burnin the churning my body is yearning and turning,
Give me pills, no frills, chase them angels of me window sills,
Lights getting dimmer, my breathing getting thinner, but I still want to eat the medicine dinner,
Family all gathered round my body looking tattered there all so worn and all so shattered,
I'm to ******* and to wired up to give them kind words, of hope, I, they can't cope, it's not a soap,
This is life and death in a breath as I choke under the cloak, that dreaded cancer cloak
Tina ford Nov 2015
Her heart is broken,
But shall be mended,
By love and grace,
From all offended,

Because of love,
And human kind,
No one can bend,
This strong heart line,

As one we love,
As our gods cry,
This world of many,
Shall break the tie,

And follow words,
Not on a page,
But scripted in a life,
Free from rage,

It will come,
It has been said,
When good and evil,
Fight till dead,

And from the pits,
A light will glow,
For goodness wins,
It's seeds will grow,

With evil gone,
The light of love,
Will shine on us,
From gods above.
Tina ford Jun 2015
I'm just a little dot,
In the poetry world,
A dot on the letter I,
But I can make a difference,
I feel I can make a difference,
I don't know how,
But I can,
Maybe it will be a word,
A verse, a poem,
Or story,
It could be one word,
Or it could just be,
The dot on the I.
Tina ford Feb 2014
The silence of the snow as it,
Carries the winter across the land,
It is unnerving,
Each flake, a spirit waiting to be reborn,
Its new, its concealing, its inviting,
A white mask ascends onto the face of mother earth,
It covers her history of wrinkles,
Her centuries of faults and all her impurities,
She becomes new once again,
Clean…. Fresh…. Untouched,
Once again a ****** she awaits her lovers first kiss, and,
He surrenders to her innocence,
Her sinlessness, her emptiness,
He is beguiled,
He tempts her with his strength and power,
His breath seizes her, she freezes,
This moment is captured forever, if he chooses,
He envelopes her with his brightness, his fullness, his magnetism,
She is his once more,
Their passion awakens behind a blizzard of lust, hunger and want,
She trembles in the brightness of night, then,
He releases her and she is alone again,
Warmth and fullness her only company,
Her river of tears strips away the beauty that captured him,
Her ages creep back,
Her foundations weaken,
Her oceans swell with heaviness,
The sunrise brings light again,
And she is ready,
It is time,
She gives birth to the new,
For this is the life bringer season
Tina ford May 2015
She hid behind her coat of red,
It covered all her fears,
She put the hood around her hair,
To mask and hide the tears,

She wore the coat of red so well,
No one noticed, more,
That she was sad, and all alone,
More than she was before,

Until one day, like any other,
Her coat of red so true,
Had somehow unexpectedly,
Turned a beautiful shade of blue,

Now any other day, she would,
Be upset and quite put out,
But she felt a little bit differently,
No more of her self doubt,

She took the coat, that was once red,
She shook and put it on,
She felt a glow of happiness,
All her tears had gone,

The moral of this story,
This moral that I tell,
Is no matter what the colour is,
You can wear it well,

Don't hide behind a coat of red,
Don't let it cover fears,
Don't put the hood around your hair,
Don't mask or hide your tears,

For in this world of rainbow coats,
There are people all the same,
Stop and smile, say hello,
Talk and ask their name,

They could be lonely and so sad,
So stop and make them right,
Make friends, be friends, it's easy,
Be a shining light.
Tina ford Dec 2015
I believe in a world where you can be whatever you want to be,
Live free,
Don't fit in,
That's the joy of choice,
I believe in a world of acceptance,
Accept what is,
Embrace difference,
That's the joy of choice,
I believe in a world of humankind,
Be a happy human,
Be a kind human,
That's the joy of choice,
I believe in a world of choices to make,
Accept a choice or don't,
That is the joy of a choice,
What you choose is yours and yours alone,
Take it, make it and enjoy every bit of it,
That's the joy of you and your soul.
Tina ford Jul 2016
Please don't leave me,
Even though I forget,
The day I gave birth to you,
The day that we met,

Please don't blame me,
Even though I cannot mind,
The days and weeks happenings,
They get mixed up all the time,

Please don't shout at me,
When I can't remember why,
I emptied all the cupboards,
I don't want to make you cry,

Please don't lose faith in me,
I'm here, just through the door,
That I've lost the key to,
I can't find it anymore,

Please don't be sad for me,
As my memories are all here,
They're just hiding away for a little while,
Some sneak out with a tear,

Some roll down my cheeks,
I wipe them to one side,
And although I never speak of them,
They are all here, inside,

So please don't ever leave me,
Your my only thing that's real,
I know I cannot show it, but,
I do feel what you feel,

I still have that beating heart,
That brought you life and soul,
The same blood runs through our vein's,
To love you was my only goal,

So please don't ever leave me,
In a place that's not my home,
Keep me, with things, my life,
So that I'm never alone.
Tina ford May 2014
The Mirror

I see her every day,

Same hair, same stare,

She looks sad and mad and bad,

She closes her eyes and wishes,

She wishes and wishes,

No wishes come true,

But………. they could do,

Hopes that last a moment are gone,

Dreams are there, they surround her,

They linger in the air, waiting for her stare,

To see it, to take it, make it or break it,

She does nothing, nothing, nothing,

But stare at her page less book,

She is stuck, in a nook, an empty look,

It is her own assassination,

Her own abomination,

That she sees,

I see her every day,

Same hair, same stare,

I see her every day,

When I look in the mirror.
Tina ford Jun 2014
She wanders round the streets at night,
Trying to make her money,
Stopping cars, leaning in,
Looking for business honey?

Some refuse and some say yeah,
She does what she knows right,
Takes the cash, says goodbye,
Then walks back to the night,

Every night for seventeen years
She's walked the street of dread,
She is getting so very tired now,
But she has to earn the bread,

Life had not been good to her,
Neither had her man,
With kids to support and feed and clothe,
She's done all that she can,

No one knows her secret life,
No one ever asked,
No one asked about future things,
And none asked about her past,

This lovely lady looks tired and old,
Her life was not unfurled,
What had happened to make her take,
The oldest job in the world.
Tina ford Jun 2015
I long for the shade from the old oak tree,
As the sun beats on my brow,
The breeze is gentle yet full of life,
But I don't feel this, somehow,

I remember the first time he brought me here,
On a cold November day,
He said to me, by the old oak tree,
Don't ever go away,

And so a year passed quickly,
And we married after noon,
In the meadow with the old oak tree,
And we danced under the moon,

We had a beautiful loving life,
No children did I bare,
For illness came, it was a shame,
When I lost all my hair,

But he brings me flowers everyday,
And lays down next to me,
He talks and talks, I listen,
Under the shade of the old oak tree,

The view out here is wonderful,
Fields, every colour of green,
The winter snows, by far the best,
That I have ever seen,

He stares at me with loving eyes,
That fill with drops, like rain,
And in his face of weary lines,
I see his heartbreak pain,

I wish I could hold his hand,
And bring him home with me,
But I just wait and long for shade,
Under the old oak tree,

I whisper I'll never leave you,
But he cannot hear or see,
That I am there beside him,
Under the old oak tree.
Tina ford Nov 2014
Nothing hurts more than the pain of asking for help,
Nothing hurts more than the cry within your soul,
Nothing hurts more than the shame of asking for food,
And to feel normal,

Nothing scars more than the jeers of the satisfied,
Nothing scars more than their look of disgust,
Nothing scars more than the shame of asking for food,
In this day and age,

Nothing pains more. than me, as a parent. not providing,
Nothing pains more than me letting them down,
Nothing pains more than the shame of asking for food,
In this life I live,

Nothing kills me more than being ashamed of the now,
Nothing kills the anguish i feel everyday,
Nothing kills more than the shame of asking for food,
Tina ford Jul 2015
The distant laughter broken by the waves of the Mersey is rushing through my ears,
The barbeque smells of burning lunches fill my eyes with salty tears,
Children's laughter carries along the promenade straight,
Puppy dogs playing at the old rusted gate,
This is the sound of my summer,
Teens on skateboards scratch down the path and weave,
Mobile phones beeping as the sun begins to breathe,
Cyclists whizzing by in a world of their own,
Kites flying high with excitement like they've never been flown,
This is the sound if my summer,
Gulls screeching loudly but somehow in tune,
Girls watching boys, their wavy hair they plume,
The breeze carries music from north to north west,
Sometimes getting lost under conversations and jest,
This is the sound of my summer,
Waves trickle gently onto the flats of mud,
A place where my ancestors once had stood,
No footprints linger on the darkened rich bank,
Just the waves trickling gently around the ship that once sank,
This is the sound of my summer,
As the evening drawers near a silence will fall,
The promenade will empty and the shadows stand tall,
The Mersey will settle to a soft and gentle flow,
The birds bring the night as the sun prepares to go,
This is the sound of my summer.
Tina ford Nov 2014
I fell of the top of the world today,
It was a great height,
I tumbled to the ground,
With a thud,
I knew I would,
I could of held on if i tried,
But you lied, I cried, we died,
I fell of the top of the world today,
It was beautiful up there,
I never had a care,
In the world,
I had flowers,
Icicle showers,
Magic powers,
And you.....
It was all so clear,
No fear,
No dread,
As i lay in a bed,
Of clouds and shrouds of sunlight,
I was hidden,
I was sane,
Till you brought the rain,
And caused me pain,
So i will say it again,
I fell of the top of the world today.
Tina ford Jun 2015
Birds tweet and sing as they hop from branches,
High in the evergreen above the concrete,
Children laugh and squabble on the cobblestones,
The factory bustle lightens and work time nears,
The sound of the siren in the distance,
Somehow brings a sense of comfort to me,
It's 8:45 and the sun is beating down,
Suddenly the noise stops and my heart beats faster,
The ssshhhhh sound of silence fills the air,
It hurts my ears and I hear my blood rushing,
The human traffic has halted, the children are quiet,
No one speaks a word, we just listen,
We listen as we walk to our place of safety,
Our home for the day, maybe longer,
We grabbed what bits we could and,
Settled in our new surroundings,
Then we hear it, that dreaded hum,
It's far away but it's coming here,
I breathe faster, my heart pumps faster,
Fear grips my soul my wholeness,
I panic, I sweat, I'm scared, I am dying,
The hum gets louder and deeper,
Some old lady starts to sing,
An old rebellious song,
It's tainted with fear on her breath,
I pulsate, my whole body pulsates,
The church bells toll,
The hum now becomes a buzz,
It's loud and scary and louder,
It's nearer, they are nearer,
The planes, the bombs, the destruction,
The old lady sings louder, people join her,
Others cry and rock back and forth,
Others comfort each other,
I sit alone, death my only friend now,
They are here,
They are here,
I hear the bombs screech as they fall,
It feels like forever,
Then bang, explosions around us,
Dust falls, walls shake, screams fill the world,
This is war.
Tina ford Dec 2015
Time don't matter to me,
I've been all I ever could be,
I've finished the end of the book,
It's my life, take a look,

Because time is but a space in our universe,
That has to be filled in so right,
And time well spent is a blessing,
That's given with our birthright,

So try to use it wisely and true,
Coz after all it's the best you can do,
Live your life well, be good, be kind,
Then time won't be lost, it'll all be fine,

Because time is but a space in our universe,
That has to be filled in so right,
And time well spent is a blessing,
That's given with our birthright.
Tina ford Jul 2016
Don't believe those who pull you down,
They're trying to dull your flame,
Don't believe those who put you to high,
Promising fortune and fame,

Believe in the you, your soul and mind,
You are in control of your fire,
You can keep it within and cause no sin,
You can let it out when you desire,

You can use it for your advantage,
For your passions and dreams that you yearn,
Stoke that fire within your soul,
Educate yourself and learn,

For you are the bearer of your lifes torch,
Shine and let it be seen,
Glow from your heart and fingertips,
Because now it is your turn,

You are your future, be happy,
For you are the youth of today,
Let me see your fire, go for your desire,
And burn every obstacle away,

Because I believe in you children,
I can coz I see your beam,
Join together and fight for the right of a life,
Bring to reality your dream.
Tina ford Mar 2016
I wear my heart on my sleeve,
I'm easy to deceive,
But I always believe,
In my dreams,

I am clever and bright,
I never fight,
I'm not always right,
About life,

I see far ahead,
Pictures in my head,
Me laying on my bed,
I have made,

I am optimistic,
Quite simplistic,
Somewhat idealistic,
On my path,

My heart is a drummer,
My soul a long summer,
My brain is a ******,
For  good choices,

My blood runs quicker,
Than the finest of liquor,
Than one million nicker,
But really,

I'm nothing so special,
Like white platinum metal,
But I'll happily settle,
To be me.
Tina ford May 2015
I stood and watched the beating,
My heart was all I heard,
I stood and watched the beating
I'm next is what I feared,

My brother only three years old,
Was trying not to scream,
I reached my hand to touch his face,
Was this just a dream,

His loving eyes of innocence,
Became empty and so still,
My father shouted angrily,
As I lay down next to him,

I shook his shoulder gently,
I wiped away his tears,
Please my little brother,
Let me take your fears,

Wake up, wake up, it's time to play,
We can go outside,
We can climb our tree of dreams,
Together we can hide,

My father walked away in time,
My mother followed him,
But no one helped this little one,
I cried from deep within,

I tried to lift his little form,
To carry him to bed,
As I had tried many times,
But blood poured from his head,

Wake up, wake up, it's time to play,
We can go outside,
We can climb our tree of dreams,
Together we can hide,

But he would not wake up to play,
I shook him more and more,
I kissed his rosie cheeks of red,
Then came a knock on the door,

It was some police and other men,
They ran and got my dad,
They took my brother in a yellow car,
They called my mother bad,

They chained their hands and shouted loud,
I just sat alone,
I wandered what was happening,
In this house, my home,

A lady came and took my hand,
She led me through the door,
I looked at our tree of dreams,
But it wasn't there no more,

Ten years passed in different homes,
A life that's like no other,
And all this time I was alone,
And thinking of my brother,

Today I found our tree of dreams,
And sitting way up high,
Is my brother, my sweet sweet brother,
I began to cry,

I climbed the tree and held him tight,
He was happy and had no pain,
His eyes where full of life once more,
We where together again.
Tina ford Jun 2014
I'm a blue,
It's true,
I'm a true blue,
It's no mystery,
I know me history,
But me sister see,
Is a red,
She's red,
It's said,
She's a true red,
It's bred,
In our bones,
From our homes,
We don't get bitter,
On our twitter,
We don't fight,
On the night,
There's no catch,
At a match,
We just dream,
Of our team,
Winning the cup,
That's enough,
So in a shell,
I will tell,
I'm not just a blue,
She's just not a red,
We are purple.
Tina ford May 2015
Try to be good,
Try to be kind,
Try to educate,
Feed your mind,
Try to listen,
Try to be aware,
Try to comfort,
Feed the care,
Try to hear,
Try to feel,
Try to realise,
Feed the heal,
Try to be graceful,
Try to give mirth,
For we are all one,
On planet earth.
Tina ford Feb 2014
We could go the flicks the local dance,
Walk someone home if we got the chance,
Bus trip there then back home again,
Chips in newspaper, sheltering from rain,
All this for two bob,

We could have a night at the pub, a good sing song,
Drink ***** beer, all night long,
Have a cuddle and kiss in the back room snug,
If we were lucky enough, get more than a hug,
All this for two bob,

We could take a trip into Liverpool on the eighty six,
Go into woollies for a pic and mix,
Take the ferry to Seaforth and back to shore,
What a great life, could ask for no more,
All this for two bob,

We could go the iron door and jive to the beat,
That sixties sound cannot be beat,
Get a glimpse of the Beatles now and then,
But they weren’t that famous back then.
And all this for two bob,

Not many people know what two bob is,
I will tell you now remember this,
Don’t go shouting it over the fence,
But two bob is only nowadays ten pence.

Tina Ford
Tina ford Dec 2015
Txt me when your there,
At heaven's gate,
Txt me when your there,
Don't leave it to late,

I want to know your okay,
In paradise above,
I want to know your okay,
And you can feel my love,

I'll miss you every single day,
My heart will beat your name,
I'll cry for you for eternity,
Until we meet again,

So txt me when your there,
At heaven's door,
And I can txt you right back,
We can txt forevermore.
Tina ford Dec 2015
War is at our door,
Souls lay dead on the concrete floor,
And the rich still live,

War is at our feet,
Souls die, their life incomplete,
And the rich are saved,

War is in their hands,
Souls fall down in foreign lands,
And the rich? They fly,

War is not the way.
Tina ford Feb 2014
Your not only tarred by the clothes you wear,
It's colour if skin and style of hair,
It's your walk your talk or accent you speak,
It's your ****** gender, your strength or your weak....ness,
If your a hoody a goody or an old fuddy duddy, you are judged,

Your not only judged by the way you live life,
It's the size of your house, your car or your wife,
It's your stance your glance or posture indeed,
It's your choice of career, obligation or greed....yness,
If your a banker a tanker or just the local ******, you are labelled,

Your not only labelled by what I have said,
It's by where you have shopped or where you dropped dead,
It's the illness, the sickness, the disease that you had,
It's your funeral, communal, whether good or bad....ness,
If you have drive, are contrive, want to survive, get out of the beehive.

Tina Ford
Tina ford Jun 2014
Close your eyes,
Slip into the comfort of your mind,
Where we dream, drift up stream, in a magical theme,
We are hero’s, in the afterglow’s, of the greatest shows,
It’s a release, a peace, a feel good increase,
We reflect, at our effect, to accept or reject,
Close your eyes,
Float away to the only place where everything is ok,
Where we become X factor winners, ****** sinners, lottery winners,
We have the perfect figure, extreme vigor, we can pull the trigger,
And no one dies, we can become butterflies,
We can be anything, anyone, anytime, there is no time,
In our sleep, let our souls slowly seep, into the deep.
Tina ford Jun 2014
Winter olympics

In the flood canoe rescue,
Great Britain take the lead,
In the pilfering of houses,
We get gold for the greed,

In the skeleton were top,
As the food runs out to quick,
For children and the aged,
The poor and the sick,

Sandbag filling quickness,
We have that one to,
The army lads champion that,
The royals helped with a few,

Evacuation sprint,
Won by counties, five,
Death toll medal to follow,
When we see who's left alive,

Loss of homes and business,
Unmentionable amount,
Mental scars and sadness,
Impossible to count,

Top gold medal for Cameron,
For deserting the British clan,
And top gold for foreign aid,
Given by this man,

No takers for foreign help gold,
But the world can see our plight,
And yet we are the first to aid,
When other countries are in the *****,

So well done rich safe government,
Your truly an all gold winner,
For the country that was fought for,
You watch as your land becomes thinner,
Tina ford Feb 2014
In the flood canoe rescue,
Great Britain take the lead,
In the pilfering of houses,
We get gold for the greed,

In the skeleton were top,
As the food runs out to quick,
For children and the aged,
The poor and the sick,

Sandbag filling quickness,
We have that one to,
The army lads champion that,
The royals helped with a few,

Evacuation sprint,
Won by counties, five,
Death toll medal to follow,
When we see who's left alive,

Loss of homes and business,
Unmentionable amount,
Mental scars and sadness,
Impossible to count,

Top gold medal for Cameron,
For deserting the British clan,
And top gold for foreign aid,
Given by this man,

No takers for foreign help gold,
But the world can see our plight,
And yet we are the first to aid,
When other countries are in the *****,

So well done rich safe government,
Your truly an all gold winner,
For the country that was fought for,
You watch as your land becomes thinner.
Tina ford Apr 2016
Maggie Thatcher working class snatcher,
Don’t look twice coz she’ll come at ya,
She’ll grind your bones to make her bread,
She will take your pride and on it tread,

She takes your voice, so speak no more,
She will try to ruin man forevermore,
Racism, her middle name,
For people who won’t play her game,

Iron lady! I’m not sure,
She thrived on stealing from the poor,
Even on her day of fall,
She takes ten million from us all,

Privatising our very lives,
Sorrowful tears filled many eyes,
But as years passed and went,
We grew strong against the government,

And with her on her burial day,
The secrets of the 96 lay,
For the kids and poor she did not cater,
We will not weep for this dictator.
Tina ford Jul 2015
Pencilled thoughts on paper,
Penned hopeful dreams,
Typed lists of wishes
Is all I do it seems,

Nothing ever changes,
Even with the words I write,
They're just my lifes ideas,
This keeps them in my sight,

We have to keep on holding,
The dreams inside our head,
They keep us having faith in life,
Until that is, we're dead,

Then all our dreams and wishes,
Come alive and take our mind,
To pure and everlasting light,
It's what one day we'll find.

I hope!
Tina ford May 2015
You forgot your umbrella,
And it's raining outside,
I hope you find shelter,
To keep yourself dry,

You forgot your overcoat,
And it's cold out there,
I hope you find warmth,
Somehow somewhere,

You forgot your wedding ring,
It's here on the side,
You forgot to take me,
The day you died,
Tina ford Jun 2014
There's always something more important, more urgent, more insurgent,
But hey! That's how you deal with it, so deal with it,
It's your conscience, your nonchalant,
You live with your mind, not me,
Im free, coz I do what I see, I feel the need to help, I don't yelp about it,
But I do wander, what you wander about,
Coz you never ask, I feel it's like a task for you to ask,
But its just a mask,
To cover your face of shame, but don't blame yourself, ask yourself,
Could I have done more,
Well yes of course,
But you live with your mind,
Tina ford Jun 2014
I sat at your bedside,
And i wiped your brow,
I kept a smile on my face,
But don't ask me how,

I held your hand gently,
I kissed your brow and cheek,
I spoke to you of daily things,
Although you could not speak,

I hummed to you a melody,
So you knew you weren't alone,
For I knew the angels waited,
To come and take you home,

But I kept your song on going,
As long as you could stay,
And I know that you are with me still,
And so I sing it everyday.
Tina ford May 2015
I am the voice of your soul,
I am the conscience within,
I am the very essence of you,
So hear me, I shall begin,

Remember your place on this planet,
Comfort your neighbour and friend,
Kindness is more than words alone,
So to you all my love I send,

Capture it quick and hold it,
Never let it leave,
And soon before we know it,
Our world will start to believe,

That love can conquer unhappiness,
Love can conquer all,
Remember please these words you read,
And you will never fall.
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