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370 · Dec 2015
Some poets!
Tina ford Dec 2015
Some poets are *****,
In fancy hats,
Spouting this and that's,
About next doors cats,

Some poets are higher,
Than an aeroplane flyer,
Shouting this is dire,
Down a microphone wire,

Some poets are seen,
As the old has been,
Swearing blue is green,
We know what they mean,

Some poets are ****,
And act like a twit,
Speaking filth and grit,
Boring??? A bit!,

But others are cool,
Done nothing at school,
They don't play the fool,
Their poetry is fuel,

It lights up a world,
For this working class girl,
They make life unfurl,
In an alphabet swirl,

They open the door,
To a life so secure,
Saying we can do more,
Giving dreams to the poor,

Some poets I admire,
For their burning desire,
Their words are on fire,
Of that I'll never tire.
366 · Dec 2015
Tina ford Dec 2015
History repeating,
People are bleating,
We all know the score,
But WHO wanted war,

Not I or my clan,
We love our fellow man,
These rulers of our earth,
Are hell bent on murth,

Slaughtering on mass,
We cannot let this pass,
Surely there's a way,
To bring peace today,

We all have a voice,
We all have a choice,
Let it be said,
Before we're all dead.
362 · Jun 2014
The oldest job in the world
Tina ford Jun 2014
She wanders round the streets at night,
Trying to make her money,
Stopping cars, leaning in,
Looking for business honey?

Some refuse and some say yeah,
She does what she knows right,
Takes the cash, says goodbye,
Then walks back to the night,

Every night for seventeen years
She's walked the street of dread,
She is getting so very tired now,
But she has to earn the bread,

Life had not been good to her,
Neither had her man,
With kids to support and feed and clothe,
She's done all that she can,

No one knows her secret life,
No one ever asked,
No one asked about future things,
And none asked about her past,

This lovely lady looks tired and old,
Her life was not unfurled,
What had happened to make her take,
The oldest job in the world.
360 · Feb 2014
Tina ford Feb 2014
Can you hear the silence?
Can you?
I can hear you,
I can hear your heart flushing,
I can hear you mind crushing,
Your soul, your whole, your entity,
It was sent to me,
Now it's mine,
Till the end of time,
Can you hear the silence?
The violence, the undying opulence of death.
358 · Nov 2014
Friendly tears
Tina ford Nov 2014
I sit here, alone, alone, again,
Looking for a someone who i call friend,
But as hard as i try, I cannot find,
One single friend, in my lonely mind,

I have a dozen, maybe more,
None of them knock on my door,
Or call, or text, to ask of me,
If i'm ok..... but I'm not you see,

I don't want their pity or selfless cheer,
I just want to know that they are near,
Maybe a hug, if that's ok,
and for them to tell me it will all go away,

But again, I'm alone, alone, you see,
People think i'm fine when they look at me,
But deep in my heart there is a void,
And people around me get annoyed,

Snap out of it they shout at me,
Get yourself out, there's a world to see,
Pull yourself together, and break a smile,
And i try, I do!, for a little while,

Stop all this crying and feeling so sad,
I'm trying, I say, but I feel so bad,
Go to the doctor, make an appeal,
I don't want to face him, I can self heal,

But I know I can't, it's got me so deep,
I stare at the walls and I cannot sleep,
I want to feel "normal", again, yes I do,
Please god help me, help me feel new,

Where do I go for someone to care,
What's in my mind shouldn't be there,
My brain is reeling from guilt and unrest,
I think to myself, Is this a test?,

I really need comfort and soothing of soul,
To get back to "normal" is my only goal,
I feel such shame, and I don't know why,
As I write this is begin to cry,

Tears of loneliness, my only friend,
I can rely on them, again and again,
All's it takes is a word or two,
From you my friends, yes you, yes YOU,

A simple word, can give me hope,
A loving hug, would help me cope,
You could take away a little fear,
Just by letting me know, your here.
355 · Feb 2014
My first love
Tina ford Feb 2014
You ruled my life you chose my path,
You told me when to cry and laugh,
My mind not mine to take control,
I lost my faith, I searched my soul,

My family became very concerned,
With bruises and marks and lies I churned,
I convinced them well, with a fairy tale,
And lied to them on every scale,

You made me feel worthless and vile,
I started to believe it after a while,
Everything I did was wrong,
For praise and love I yearned so strong,

This life I lived in dread and terror,
Until one day I believed the mirror,
Reflecting back to me was clear,
There was no shame, it was only fear,

And so after years of physical abuse,
I found the courage to break loose,
From that rusted chain around my heart,
For me this was a brand new start,

I live no more with the fear and dread,
Of wondering what’s in your head,
And why you hurt and beat me bad,
My first love I ever had.
353 · Jul 2015
I didn't know
Tina ford Jul 2015
Who knew?
I didn't know,
I was the saviour!
The saviour of my own mind,
And my soul,
Who knew?
I didn't know,
I was the bringer!
The bringer of love,
And of kindness,
Who knew?
I didn't know,
I was the essence!
The essence of life,
And of death,
Who knew?
I didn't know,
I don't know anything.
353 · Nov 2015
Face, Book.
Tina ford Nov 2015
I pity her,
Her desperate need for the like,
She is beautiful,
But shows herself so ugly,
I pity her,
Her desperate need for the compliment,
She is young,
But is showing signs of wear,
I pity her,
She is free but unwanted,
Her desperate need for need,
She is uncontrollable,
I pity her,
She is a face,
On the book,
Everyone has a look,
I pity her,
She is perfect,
But perfectly ugly,
I pity her!
353 · May 2015
Tina ford May 2015
She's such an elegant lady,
Her walk defines her well,
She speaks with such intelligence,
I know her very well,

She tells great stories of her youth,
I could listen all day long,
She's interesting and very unique,
Just like a classical song,

She travels all around the world,
And learns from cultures new,
She takes all things in her stride,
I wish you knew her to,

I appreciate all her company,
It's seldom we meet that's true,
And so I write this poem for her,
Just to say, thanks for being you.
351 · Feb 2014
The cry of a nation
349 · Jun 2014
Your shame
Tina ford Jun 2014
There's always something more important, more urgent, more insurgent,
But hey! That's how you deal with it, so deal with it,
It's your conscience, your nonchalant,
You live with your mind, not me,
Im free, coz I do what I see, I feel the need to help, I don't yelp about it,
But I do wander, what you wander about,
Coz you never ask, I feel it's like a task for you to ask,
But its just a mask,
To cover your face of shame, but don't blame yourself, ask yourself,
Could I have done more,
Well yes of course,
But you live with your mind,
347 · Mar 2015
Tina ford Mar 2015
We either love it or hate it,
Live it and give it,
Take it, make it,
Bare it, share it,
Choose it, abuse it,
Some people lose it,

It's in your hands,
Make the plans,
Break the plans,
Walk the sands,
Visit lands,
Take the stands,

Swim the seas,
Save the bees,
Hug the trees,
Cover the sneeze,
Feel the breeze,
Smell the cheese,

See the ground,
Look around,
Find what's found,
Hear all sound,
Don't be bound,
We're moving round,

In the universe,
It's not a curse,
It could be worse,
But listen first,
To this verse,
Of silly words,

It's life. Live it. Feel it. Be it.
338 · May 2015
Let me be.
Tina ford May 2015
Let me be the bearer,
Of your sorrows,
Let me be the carrier,
Of your pain,
Let me be the one to cure you,
Let me be,
337 · May 2014
I'm poor
Tina ford May 2014
I'm poor, for sure,
I've been on the floor,
I've not answered the bailiffs knock on me door,
I'm class, not brass,
I break my ***,
I ignore the taps on me window glass,
I'm not claiming, but I'm blaming,
The governments failing,
I've got a job,
A few bob,
But it doesn't put food in me gob,
No frills, just bills,
Poverty KILLS,
I heed to greed,
It's just food that I need,
No security for the majority,
Unless you win the lottery,
In a boat that's just afloat,
As the rope gets tighter around our throat,
Where's the justice, for the helpless,
From the rulers who are selfish,
What's it for, it's not life, its war,
Coz were all poor,
Not answering our door,
We've all been on the floor,
But no more, no more..... no more.
330 · May 2015
You forgot
Tina ford May 2015
You forgot your umbrella,
And it's raining outside,
I hope you find shelter,
To keep yourself dry,

You forgot your overcoat,
And it's cold out there,
I hope you find warmth,
Somehow somewhere,

You forgot your wedding ring,
It's here on the side,
You forgot to take me,
The day you died,
330 · May 2015
Your young
Tina ford May 2015
Your young,
Your not broken,
The way your feeling is ok,
It's how we all felt,
Your not different!
Your not odd,
Your not a misfit,
Your just you,
And you are great,
Your young,
Your soul is waking up,
Your finding yourself,
Your preparing yourself,
To be truly beautiful,
Embrace it,
Capture the moment,
Listen to your mind,
Hear your heart,
Your young,
Your not broken,
Your just becoming you,
And you are great,
I love you.
328 · May 2015
My world
Tina ford May 2015
You, yes you!
You reading this,
You are my world,
All of you,
Reading this,
You are my world,
If I could take pain for you, I would,
If I could feed you, I would,
If I could heal you, I would,
If i could make man listen, I would,
But I cannot,
All I can do is,
Tell you that I am here for you,
I will be true to you,
I will do my best for you,
All of you reading this,
You are my world.
328 · Jul 2016
Tiny fires
Tina ford Jul 2016
Don't believe those who pull you down,
They're trying to dull your flame,
Don't believe those who put you to high,
Promising fortune and fame,

Believe in the you, your soul and mind,
You are in control of your fire,
You can keep it within and cause no sin,
You can let it out when you desire,

You can use it for your advantage,
For your passions and dreams that you yearn,
Stoke that fire within your soul,
Educate yourself and learn,

For you are the bearer of your lifes torch,
Shine and let it be seen,
Glow from your heart and fingertips,
Because now it is your turn,

You are your future, be happy,
For you are the youth of today,
Let me see your fire, go for your desire,
And burn every obstacle away,

Because I believe in you children,
I can coz I see your beam,
Join together and fight for the right of a life,
Bring to reality your dream.
326 · Jun 2014
My Hero
Tina ford Jun 2014
You took your first breathe and I held mine,

I knew I would love you, till the end of time,

Every moment I nurtured you with love in my heart,

Knowing that nothing could keep us apart,

I taught you respect above all its true,

This has made you a man through and through,

I helped you with homework, English and maths.

I taught you to swim in the local baths,

I shaped your life’s memories and your personality,

Teaching you good things, for the person you’d be,

I learnt you to eat, walk, play and run,

And in return I ask for nothing my son,

You can cook clean and iron, take care of yourself,

You’ve read every book on our family bookshelf,

You’re smart and creative, my quiet man,

I’m so proud of all you did and all that you can,

I look at you with pride honour and award,

In my eyes you are completely adored,

I see in your life the road that you follow,

And I know now your heart will never be hollow,

Coz now you’re a Father to a precious one,

And what you have learnt you will pass on,

There is nothing more important than your family time,

And nothing more important than your blood line.
325 · Nov 2015
Just a photograph
Tina ford Nov 2015
One day I'll be a photograph,
Or a memory in your mind,
One day you'll look everywhere,
But me, you will not find,

Because I'm just a photograph,
Of what I used to be,
In your heart I'll stay forever,
Locked in loves memory,

Please keep that little photograph,
And keep me in your heart,
That way we'll be together,
And never be apart.
324 · Nov 2014
Not me!
Tina ford Nov 2014
You've seen me at my worst,
You've seen me at my best,
You've seen me dolled up to the nine's,
You've seen me in my vest,

You've seen me in the summer,
The Winter and the Fall,
But the Spring brings out the best of me,
The time when I bare all,

You've seen me laying on the floor,
So drunk that i could die,
You've seen me sick and out of sorts,
You've seem me when I'm high,

You've seen me cry my eyes out,
And be angry as could be,
You've seen me swear and curse you all,
I can't help it, it's just me.
322 · Jun 2014
We can be butterflies
Tina ford Jun 2014
Close your eyes,
Slip into the comfort of your mind,
Where we dream, drift up stream, in a magical theme,
We are hero’s, in the afterglow’s, of the greatest shows,
It’s a release, a peace, a feel good increase,
We reflect, at our effect, to accept or reject,
Close your eyes,
Float away to the only place where everything is ok,
Where we become X factor winners, ****** sinners, lottery winners,
We have the perfect figure, extreme vigor, we can pull the trigger,
And no one dies, we can become butterflies,
We can be anything, anyone, anytime, there is no time,
In our sleep, let our souls slowly seep, into the deep.
321 · Nov 2014
The top of the world
Tina ford Nov 2014
I fell of the top of the world today,
It was a great height,
I tumbled to the ground,
With a thud,
I knew I would,
I could of held on if i tried,
But you lied, I cried, we died,
I fell of the top of the world today,
It was beautiful up there,
I never had a care,
In the world,
I had flowers,
Icicle showers,
Magic powers,
And you.....
It was all so clear,
No fear,
No dread,
As i lay in a bed,
Of clouds and shrouds of sunlight,
I was hidden,
I was sane,
Till you brought the rain,
And caused me pain,
So i will say it again,
I fell of the top of the world today.
320 · Dec 2015
War is not the way
Tina ford Dec 2015
War is at our door,
Souls lay dead on the concrete floor,
And the rich still live,

War is at our feet,
Souls die, their life incomplete,
And the rich are saved,

War is in their hands,
Souls fall down in foreign lands,
And the rich? They fly,

War is not the way.
314 · Jun 2014
The Angels face
Tina ford Jun 2014
The angels face

Through the dirt and the *******,
In this hovel of a place,
The drug users paradise,
I saw the angels face,

It was my darkest pitiful day,
I had all but run my race,
But through the darkness, shone a light,
I saw the angels face,

She spoke to me in melodious rhyme,
Her voice it took every space,
She sang to me a loving lament,
When I saw the angels face,

I took her hand, it's warmth so sweet,
My body barely stood,
Her smile embraced my being wreck,
This angel was so good,

I felt a feeling I had not known,
There was more I wanted to see,
Then I realised, before my eyes,
This angel here was me,

I looked so hard and seen my life,
In the mirror in my way,
This was the time to bring it back,
I could do all this today,

And so I did, with such hard work,
Struggling to put in place,
My life now is much better,
Since I saw the angels face.
309 · Jun 2014
Tina ford Jun 2014
Take my hand
Reach out and
Take my hand
I have a place for you
It is promised and it is new
Take my hand
308 · May 2014
Tina ford May 2014
Political, rhetorical, it's all a load of *******'s Bill,
They don't give one rats ***, about all of us the working class,
As soon as they land at parliament gate,
For many of us it's far to late,
Policies here, promises there, they don't care, when they sit in that chair,
It's not about race, colour of face, if your dumb if your brainy, if you ran the race,
They just don't care!!!!
They forget where they come from, forget all their roots, to busy filling their own ****** boots,
Well I've had enough, this girl from the rough, I want a fight, to fight for real stuff,
When do we act, set a pact, shout and react,
Individually were small, but together, Well we're tall,
Is revolution the solution to all of their pollution?
I don't know, I just don't know, where we go from here, but I will not fear,
The only true solution,
307 · Jun 2014
True blue
Tina ford Jun 2014
I'm a blue,
It's true,
I'm a true blue,
It's no mystery,
I know me history,
But me sister see,
Is a red,
She's red,
It's said,
She's a true red,
It's bred,
In our bones,
From our homes,
We don't get bitter,
On our twitter,
We don't fight,
On the night,
There's no catch,
At a match,
We just dream,
Of our team,
Winning the cup,
That's enough,
So in a shell,
I will tell,
I'm not just a blue,
She's just not a red,
We are purple.
306 · Feb 2016
It's not a race.
Tina ford Feb 2016
It's not a competition,
This life that we all lead,
It makes no difference what goals we have,
Or how many kids we breed,

Material things don't matter,
Neither do homes or car,
Nights out, friends or social stance,
What others see from afar,

It's not how much you do each day,
How great you are for worth,
Underneath we are all naked and new,
Just as our day of birth,

I don't think that you get it,
I don't think that you know,
It's kindness that brings happiness,
No matter where you go,

So stop and think a minute,
Relax and take a breath,
Coz underneath we're naked,
And not discriminated by death,

It's not a competition,
This life that we all face,
It's not how fast you walk or run,
This life is not a race,
303 · May 2015
Souls float.
Tina ford May 2015
Love one another,
Help one another,
Free one another,
We are one,
Not some,
Not nations,
No separation,
No difference,
Our souls are clouds,
They flow,
They mix,
They float through one another,
The universe is our mother,
We dwell in her womb,
Floating in her essence,
Waiting to be born.
301 · May 2014
Tina ford May 2014
He is a someone that life forgot,
He likes a joke and we laugh,
Not at him but with him,
He lives in his own little world,
Not where "normal" people live,
He talks to his shadow,
I like his conversation,
He buys Two glasses of coco cola,
And smokes one cigarette in the back,
He shuffles his feet and dribbles,
He adjusts his braces,
He shows us his watch, but cannot tell the time,
Sometimes you catch him crying,
He looks away, as if he is ashamed to cry,
My heart cries with him,
He laughs out loud at something I cannot see, or hear,
His squeaky shoes take him to his seat,
He is grateful of a sandwich from the boss,
We are his friends and he calls us "mate",
To you he is a no one,
To others he is nuisance,
To some he is scary,
To me and those who know him,
He is Albert,
And he is our friend.
299 · Nov 2015
Slumber in silence
Tina ford Nov 2015
For tonight we slumber in silence,
Before the thud of the bombs fill our ears,
Sweetly drift to a dreamland place,
Let us hide away from our fears,

For tonight we rejoice in our freedom,
Before it's taken away by force,
Kindly thoughts of happy fun days,
Let them keep us on our course,

For tonight could be the ending,
Before our lives have even begun,
Peacefully sleep in a safe calm state,
Let the bullet stay in the gun,

For tonight could be our judgement,
Before the sunsets upon our land,
Before the one that we call our god,
Who will take us by our hand,

For tonight remember your loved ones,
Because tomorrow may never appear,
So love, be loved in your comforts,
Together we all face this fear.
296 · May 2015
The again train.
Tina ford May 2015
Like a train,
Your running through my brain,
Driving me insane,
Fast on track,
No turning back,
I hear the click clack,
Your love is whack,
Keep the speed,
For you I greed,
Your love indeed,
No sharp turn,
For your love I burn,
Emotions churn,
Like a train,
Running through my brain,
Driving me insane,
Take me back again,
Again and again and again.
291 · May 2015
A poem
Tina ford May 2015
You ripped out my heart,
You did it again,
I cannot help but love you,
Till the end of when,

You filled up my mind,
With ideas and notions,
You brought me to my knees,
With your magical potions,

The pen in my hand is ready,
To make another entry,
To this wonderful colourful world,
Without poems, it would be empty,

So keep on writing lifes true word,
For everyone to be raptured,
And place them in the book of love,
Forever kept and captured.
290 · Jun 2014
Change the song
Tina ford Jun 2014
Pick pick pick, it makes me sick,
Can't do right for wrong,
Pull pull pull, it's getting dull,
Can't you change the song,
289 · May 2015
People of the world.
Tina ford May 2015
You are my neighbour,
You are my friend,
We are one, from a single seed,
We may never meet,
We may never walk the same path,
But I am here for you,
I will help you, If you need,
Our eyes will not see what each of us sees,
Our feet will not tread the same soil,
Our hands will never touch each others hands,
But I am here for you,
Our hearts will be our connection,
I feel your hurt,
I cry your tears,
I capture your fears,
Close your eyes,
Look for me,
I am there,
I am here,
For you,
287 · Dec 2015
Red words
Tina ford Dec 2015
My blood is the ink for this poem,
My thoughts are the words written true,
My soul is the paper that holds them,
My heart is the message for you.
Tina ford Mar 2014
I rose from the pits of darkness,
My soul blackened but clean,
My heart still beating softly,
But still aching from where I had been,

Surrounded by people who loved me,
I felt alone and so insecure,
I felt no one had time to listen,
Like they all had listened before,

But I rose from the pits of darkness,
With my head held up to the sky,
And I looked upon the ruins beneath me,
And one last tear fell from my eye,

Coz now it's a new beginning,
Like a phoenix i glide through the air,
Coz i rose from the pits of darkness,
To live life and experience care
283 · May 2015
Your voice
Tina ford May 2015
I am the voice of your soul,
I am the conscience within,
I am the very essence of you,
So hear me, I shall begin,

Remember your place on this planet,
Comfort your neighbour and friend,
Kindness is more than words alone,
So to you all my love I send,

Capture it quick and hold it,
Never let it leave,
And soon before we know it,
Our world will start to believe,

That love can conquer unhappiness,
Love can conquer all,
Remember please these words you read,
And you will never fall.
282 · Jun 2015
No good-bye's
Tina ford Jun 2015
Your not here,
Any more,
I watched,
As you walked through the door,

It closed,
I cried,
I hurt,
I knew you had died,

I called,
Your name,
I knew,
My life wouldn't be the same,

I wished,
For you,
To return,
Something you couldn't do,

I dreamt,
You where here,
We talked for hours,
You said, do not fear,

You said,
Love is forever,
You said,
We'll be together,

One day,
Not here,
Not there,
But we would be somewhere,

I'll wait,
I'm sure,
You will,
Come to knock on my door,

Until then,
I cry,
I didn't,
Have time to say goodbye.
271 · Jun 2014
Your song
Tina ford Jun 2014
I sat at your bedside,
And i wiped your brow,
I kept a smile on my face,
But don't ask me how,

I held your hand gently,
I kissed your brow and cheek,
I spoke to you of daily things,
Although you could not speak,

I hummed to you a melody,
So you knew you weren't alone,
For I knew the angels waited,
To come and take you home,

But I kept your song on going,
As long as you could stay,
And I know that you are with me still,
And so I sing it everyday.
264 · Nov 2014
The Shame
Tina ford Nov 2014
Nothing hurts more than the pain of asking for help,
Nothing hurts more than the cry within your soul,
Nothing hurts more than the shame of asking for food,
And to feel normal,

Nothing scars more than the jeers of the satisfied,
Nothing scars more than their look of disgust,
Nothing scars more than the shame of asking for food,
In this day and age,

Nothing pains more. than me, as a parent. not providing,
Nothing pains more than me letting them down,
Nothing pains more than the shame of asking for food,
In this life I live,

Nothing kills me more than being ashamed of the now,
Nothing kills the anguish i feel everyday,
Nothing kills more than the shame of asking for food,
261 · May 2015
Breaking news
Tina ford May 2015
She's gone,
I can't believe she's gone,
She was my one,
And only,

Her coat is on the chair,
Her cup on the table,
Her book lays unread,
But she lays dead,

Just yesterday we laughed,
She hugged me,
I still feel her arms around me,

I can feel her here,
But I can't find her,
I know she's here,
I know,

I sit in her chair,
wrap her coat around me,
I talk to her,
And she listens,

I close my eyes,
And she touches my hand,
She is home,
My mum.
253 · Jun 2014
It's only me
Tina ford Jun 2014
I'm run, I'm done,
Don't get me wrong,
I'm no nun,
I used to be fun,
I loved the sun,
But now I'm run,
I'm sick of it, in the thick of it,
For what?
I'm worn, battered and torn,
Feeling forlorn, wish I hadn't been born,
I used to be happy,
Quite snappy,
Now I'm just tatty, and ratty,
It's my fault I know,
And believe me I know,
I hate feeling this sorrow,
Can I borrow your life?
The one with no strife,
Can I live it, feel it, breath it,
Just for a day,
Then back to this way,
That's all I can say on the matter,
It doesn't matter,
It's only me.
251 · May 2015
Tina ford May 2015
Hello friend,
You don't know me, yet,
But I'm here,
I have always been here,
I'm waiting for you to notice me,
As your life is so busy,
You keep passing me by,
I keep smiling at you,
But you look through me,
You march on your busy path,
I look at you and wish,
I wish you would notice me,
I sit at the door of the bank,
I'm the one with my home in my bag,
I have nothing to give you,
I own nothing,
But if you would just stop,
If you would just say hello,
In that instance,
That very instance,
You would know,
When I say hello,
That it's me,
Your friend.
245 · May 2015
Deep in our bones.
Tina ford May 2015
You think coz your different,
You can treat me differently,
Well I've got news for you girl,
We fell from the same tree,

So don't try your prejudice,
And racist remarks,
We are the same dogs,
With different barks,

Don't blow your trumpet,
Coz I play the drum,
We all have the same father,
We all have the same mum,

Don't think your different,
Here's news, your not,
We're the same worldwide over,
It's different lives we got,

We all got blood running,
Our hearts are the same,
Our bones rarely differ,
The difference is names,

But under our skins,
And through our vein,
And deep in our bones,
We are the same.
243 · May 2015
If you need me
Tina ford May 2015
If your in pain,
Call my name,
I can take it away,

If your feeling alone,
In your home,
I can be a friend,

If your sad and blue,
You know what to do,
I am always here,

If your anywhere
I'm always there,
237 · Jun 2015
Only you
Tina ford Jun 2015
In my dreams,
I walk with you,
I talk with you,
I laugh with you,
But only in my dreams,

In my eyes,
I can see you,
I cry for you,
I'd die for you,
Only in my eyes,  

In my heart,
I ache for you,
I shake for you,
I forsake you,
Only in my heart,

In my life,
There is only you,
Always you,
Forever you,
In my life.
235 · May 2014
Loves waiting room
Tina ford May 2014
In this waiting room I wait,
Morning papers read,
Useless conversations had,
Talking with undead,

They treat me as a living soul,
And that I do not mind,
I've lingered here for decades now,
My life was so unkind,

They do not seem to bother,
At my ***** clothes and hair,
My blood staines all but disappeared,
Along with locks so fair,

Once a lady asked me,
Do you live round here,
I answered her quite boldly,
Of course I do just there,

I pointed out the waiting room,
Onto the tracks outside,
She looked at me disgusted like,
And laughed, as though I'd lied,

But this is where I wandered,
As I waited for my love,
He couldn't catch me quick enough,
That night I took a shove,

A shove into the coming train,
I would never out race,
My life was gone in an instant,
But I never saw their face,

But all of this i did not mind,
As i waited for my groom,
I knew it wouldn't be long now,
We would be leaving here quite soon,

He went to fetch my bridal bow,
The wind had blew it high,
I saw my friend Elizabeth,
She came to say goodbye,

But Elizabeth looked sorrowful,
Her tears rolled down her face,
Walking quite a march was she,
There was no need to race,

I remember calling Tommy,
Before I hit the track,
And seeing poor Elizabeth,
Pulling and holding him back,

The train had passed so quickly,
And when I looked to see,
There on the bank was my bridal bow,
No sight of Elizabeth or Tommy,

And so i wait and wait some more,
For he's bound to show quite soon,
Then we can take the track together,
On our long awaited honeymoon.
220 · Dec 2015
Ten words
Tina ford Dec 2015
I love you,
Do you love me?
Don't answer, yet.
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