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 Oct 2011 christhamF
misty blue
do you ever think ?

you justify your every sin

with sugar coated words you lure
your's a tainted heart
it is not pure

poetry and pretty rhymes
hollow words
empty lines

do you ever think ?

think of the girl who loves you true
she has given her heart and soul to you

you took that love then took a **** on my face
just so you could have a taste

a taste of *****
and sweet ****
you *******
your love is a blatant farce

i am done
i am through
i burn the love i once gave to you



do you ever think ?
Lightning strikes and shifts high above our never.
Time flows like a river standing out in delight.  
There is more power within ideas
pressing against the throat of morning;
filling your life’s cup with wonder,
than when dusk stands alone
dressed only
in feathered flight.

You cannot pry open the fingers of flight
make them advance any higher
even if you want to know
about time that’s passed.
Twisting and turning you will begin falling,
until what you want to be
sweeps across this land.  
Take my hand
perhaps we will learn
the truth at last.

Last night you looked better
than the first time I met you.
All the while familiar feelings
sank into our sleep.
Madness streams into a waterfall of self,
full of imperfection.
Where comfort causes passion
to stretch tenderly
into each word you kiss,
when our talk
runs ever deep.

All the tears that fall between rocks
surrounding your loneliness
want you to try hard
feel nothing at all.
They glisten as they attempt to become
lost inside your stubborn heart.
Forever tells me these tears
will continue as trails on faces,
and be heard as thunder
when they fall.
 Sep 2009 christhamF
 Sep 2009 christhamF
Tonight I bring myself to restlessness,
Awake until my bones beg for comfort.
Its these nights I've come to fear.
An un-rested spirit has an open soul
And the night is a blank board
To pin my thoughts upon.
I'm near certainty
in that i believe I always find
Myself this way.
I'm a pinprick in my own design,
Unread, untouched, and restless
To be heard.
And, I don't know what brings me to myself
When the only light I feel
Is from another's lamp,
But my heart is a restless annoyance tonight.
So, I find I count the stars
And label each with misery
And call them friends,
Because that restless desire has set in
And no one else will do.

— The End —