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Feb 2014 · 959
Having Disobeyed...
****** *******.

Verily, thou art.

If thine own charms woulds't not deliquesce my pow'rs,
       mayhaps my quill
woulds't obey my


Yet ~ evermore ~ am I slave

to thy smirks

and provocations

...both vexations to me.

I turn 'round,
but come back

                       time again.

(Provoking my ire.)




(****** *******.)

Thou've been a naughty swain.
Get thee to my rooms.
Jan 2014 · 826
for the birds.
Have you put a spell on me?
Am I tips?


Drubk texting is for the bus.

Bird s.

Good lord.

Yeah. Foxy.

Are. Foxy, nor dodgy.


G'night! Not focus!


Aug 2013 · 1.2k
no lie in her fire
the fire the burns the scraping away
the meat the pink the bruises
the coals the blood the artery
the pulsing the rhythm the dirt
the hallucinations the strangling the hold
the unbearable the rust the nails
the ***** the pulling the heat
the pumping the stretching the lips
the ******* the magic the death
the waste the freak the wild
the wings the mess the struggle
the danger the light the nobility
the limits the explorer the calm
the unruly the time the definition
the ****** the pain the cutting
the lie the tremble the sweet
the words the smoke the eyes
the grasping the want the now
So many people, so many moments, so many memories. Or maybe it's all my imagination. Or something I once heard...a story somebody once told me...
Apr 2013 · 808
i awaken.
my morning blush, which fathers a star, brings the childlike ghost of

nononononononononononononono IF nononononononononononononononono
nonononononononono I’D nonononononononononononononononononononono
nonononononononononono­nonono KNOWN nononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononononononono­nono IF nononononononononono
nononononononononononononono  I’D nononononononononononononononono
nonononononono THOUGHT nononononononononononononononononononono
nononononononononononono­nono BUT nonononononononononononononono
nonononononononononononononononono­ THE nonononononononononononono
nononononononononononononono WORD nononononononononononononono
nonononono SHOULD nononononononononononononononononononononono
nononononononononono­nononono HAVE nonononononononononononononono
nonononononononononononononononono­nono BEEN nononononononononono
nononononononononononononono ENOUGH nonononononononononononono
nonono WHERE nonononononononononononononononononononononononono
nonononononono­nonononononono DID  nonononononononononononononono
nonononononononononononononon­onononononononononono I nononononono
nononononononononononononono GO? nonononononononononononononono
nononononononononono EVERY nononononononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononono­ TIME?  nononononononononononononono
nonononononononononononononon­ononononononononononononono THERE
nononononononononononononono IS nononononononononononononononono
nononono NEVER nononononononononononononononononononononononono
nononononononono­nononononono A nonononononononononononononononon
nononononononononononononononon­ononono SCENARIO nononononononono
nononononononononononononono WHERE nononononononononononononono
nononononononononono THIS nonononononononononononononononononono
nonononononononononononono­no WOULD nononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononononononono­no BE nonononononononononono
nononononononononononononono OKAY.  nononononononononononononono
nono I nonononononononononononononononononononononononononononono
nonono­nonononononononononono DIDN’T nononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononononononono­nononono ASK nonononononono
nononononononononononononono FOR nonononononononononononononono
nonononononono IT nonononononononononononononononononononononono
nonononononononono­nonononono THE nonononononononononononononono
nonononononononononononononononono­nono CLOTHES nononononononono
nononononononononononononono AREN’T nononononononononononononono
nonononono AN nonononononononono nononononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononono INVITATION nononononononononononono
nononononononononononononono nonononononononono POWER.  nononono
nononononononononononononono DOES  nononononononononononononono
no IT nonononononononononononononononononononononononononononono
nonono­nonononononononononono FEEL nonononononononononononononono
nonononononononononononononononono­nononono GOOD? nonononononono
nononononononononononononono ALL nonononononononononononononono
nononononono THAT nonononononononononononononononononononononono
nonononononononono­nonononono POWER? nonononononononononononono
nonononononononononononononononononono­nononononono GUILT nonono
nononononononononononononono FOR nonononononononononononononono
nononon ME onononononononononononononononononononononononononono
nononononon­onononononononono BLAME nononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononono nonononononono FAULT nonononononono
nononononononononononononono WHOSE nononononononononononononono
nonononononono FAULT? nonononononononononononononononononononono
nonononononononononono­nonono MUST  nononononononononononononono
nonononononononononononononono­nonononono BE nononononononononono
nononononononononononononono MINE.  nononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononono ­ THIS nonononononononononononononono
nonononono WILL nononononononononononononononononononononononono
nononononononono­nononononono NOW nonononononononononononononono
nonononononononononononononononono­nonononononononono BE nononono
nononononononononononononono A nononononononononononononononono
no PART nononononononononononononononononononononononononononono
nononono­nononononononononono OF nononononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononononono­nononononono ME. nonononononono
nononononononononononononono FOREVER. nonononononononononononono
nononononononononono THE nonononononononononononononononononono
nonononononononononononono­no GHOST nononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononononononono­nononononononono THAT nonono
nononononononononononononono BREATHES nononononononononononono
nonononono THE nononononononononononononononononononononononono
nononononononono­nononononono SURGEON nonononononononononononono
nonononononononononononononononononono­nonono THAT nonononononono
nononononononononononononono FORCES nononononononononononononono
nononononononono THE nononononononononononononononononononononono
nononononononononono­nononono ****** nononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononononononono­nono PULP nonononononononono
nononononononononononononono OF nononononononononononononononono
SHAME nononononononononononononononononononononononononononono
nononono­nononononononononono INTO nonononononononononononononono
nonononononononononononononononono­nonononononononononononono ME
nononononononononononononono OVER nonononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononono AND nonononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononono OVER nonononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononono AND nonononononononononononnononono
nononononononononononononono OVER nonononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononono AND. Nonononononononononononononono
nononononononononononononono FOREVER. nonononononononononononono
I'd been thinking about writing this poem for a while, and when the media was so concerned over the rapists' future and not the victim (Steubenville), I decided I should stop jotting down random thoughts and actually write it. We keep hearing the term "**** culture." Here's a victim's viewpoint...and remember that this victim could be your mother, your sister, your grandmother, your best friend, your girlfriend, your wife, your child.

I'm pleased with it, but am frustrated that I couldn't get all the NOs to be perfectly aligned! Ah, well.

P.S. The subject is hidden (not too well) in the title.
Mar 2013 · 606
The Wall.
I have spent




hiding my tears from everyone.

I discovered today that

                                           even when alone

(not a human soul in sight)

                                i hide from myself.

(i cover my face

          and turn away)
Realizations. Discoveries. Trying to stay Happy and Strong for too long.

P.S. I was crying over my dog. I had made the decision to say goodbye. A poem will eventually come about her and me and us...but I have a tough time really digging into my soul, so that may be a long time in coming.
Mar 2013 · 1.5k
(a timid girl speaks up)
You want to know what I want?

       A proper date.
    Flowers. Not always. Once every few months is fine.
  To be wooed, courted a bit.
Gooooooood ***. Bodies drenched and flushed.
A **** Fine Kiss. (Suddenly gathered in someone's arms in the middle of the street.
   The kind that leaves you breathless, panting, and needing more.)
     A good cuddle on the sofa during THE WALKING DEAD.
       Hours of intellectual conversation as foreplay.

You want to know what I get?*

Hanging out with friends.
    Pictures of flowers sent to my Facebook inbox.
      Someone letting me know they're quite keen on me, but only until I show an interest back.
        Half-hearted whatever-the-hell that's supposed to be.
           Lazy kisses where the mind wanders.
        Forcing my dog to cuddle during walker attacks.
     Having to explain what "Beware the Ides of March" means. Among too many other things.
   Mind games.
And secret messages so their wives don't see.

I get creepsters
married men
people from out of town/state/country who fancy me.

That last one's not bad, mind you. Just not very possible.*

So if you're keen...
ask yourself...

...which one of those categories do you fall under?
Feeling ****** today. It happens. I just don't usually voice it...certainly not in public.
I've always been wary--
and celebrated my potential
   death(.)     (oh)
At The Juice Joint.

All wet.  (incorrrr

Applesauce. (non


All dolled up. Showed off my
And Big Jazz

Wanted to get spifflicated with some
Jellybeans. fella.


Didn't have enough clams.

Any of us.


   're the new



I thought I'd keep the bank open,
interest wasn't given
Cash or Check:
didn't really matter.

Might've been





we all had our glad rags on.
the Daddies hit on all sixes.
      Let's get ZOZZLED on some
jag juice,

Deeeeeewdropper.  ~errrrrrrrr.....
Though giggle juice is more apt

...for me.

Leave the Mrs. Grundys at fire extinguishers allowed.

How ironic.

                You were the extinguisher.

Bring Your Own Knife

      , we said.

It's a Stabbing Party

     , we said.

I didn't want to handcuff you. Didn't want to exchange manacles.
       ("No, I'm no one's Wife, but OHHHHH, I love my Life.")

I percolate.
I percolate.

I percolate.

I'm not your quiff.
...not your sheba...or a vamp.

Just admire my


if you will.



The engine'll purr
   for you,

~~if you turn the keys just so

Everything was


For a time.


Caesar's here.




And then I realized.


                                I'm tired of being Caesar

(      .       )
This was the year we
All got our Lost Boys names.
(No, not the vampires...we're Lost.
On Neverland.
In Neverland?)

          Pillows McGee first, I think.

"That's mine--you can stick it wherever."
"Awww...I want a Happy Trail."

Or maybe it was
For he truly was a lucky sonofabitch that night.
"It's nice when a guy gives your ****** back when he's done."
What's the most important ingredient to a friendship, Lucky? "Another person."

True dat, Lucky. True dat.    
                *  all nod  

                             Smokestacked! She smokes! And she's stacked!
Inspirational. Charming.
"I'm always on a quest for a ******."
VERY ADAMANT: "I don't like ****! Snakes are okay!"

      Forking Ariel
had quite a bit to drink. She wanted to know why she wasn't a lesbian.
She wanted to **** on the end...but none of us can remember the end of what, anymore.
We just wrote it down because it sounds filthy.

     We like filth.

Forking Ariel lost her box at some point. Probably around the time
     she told us

she doesn't **** the end and she doesn't just grab it.

...otter pops?

         "I'll get it with my teeth."
Yeah,* you will.

Flasher gave the last Lost Boy their name:
"I'm gonna have to go for Bushless Red."

Lucky: "That sounds like a cigarette. There's nothing I like more between my lips than Bushless Red."

             Bushless Red hasn't had a Happy Ending, apparently, but she likes her cigarette commercial. She's
Painful, Feminine, and Appetizing.

"I say we all do it on the bed, because--" ...giggles uncontrollably.

                    Dear Diary,

                               Today, I discovered that heaven is in Cillian Murphy's pants. Or Forking Ariel's.

                                                               ­       Also, an important ingredient in a friendship is another person.

~Bushless Red.
Mar 2013 · 452
tea thing
I don't really know what I want these days.

Or maybe ever.

And when some people don't ask, and others do...

...tea it is.
...and there it is, folks. The first real, live poem that I've written in about 10 years. Four lines. Baby steps, you know.
Mar 2013 · 724
How much can I get?
Dance Me to the End of Love
The full treatment.
find out for yourself
once you know the steps, it
starts to be fun
how will i be paid?
It would mean the world to

bring on the boys.

~christa cannon.
I cut out a bunch of headlines, ads, personal ads, etc. for an old scrapbook and found they made a better poem than an accompaniment to photos.
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Godless Mornings
Godless Mornings
Trickle down my *******...
The empty thoughts shrivel
Into a pulsating pyramid,
Blushing with ribbons of grief.
Dreams that others hear,
             And I cannot see,
Spiral down towards
Shards of glass and the souls of feathers.
Bring me some thoughts
When you come back~
Thoughts of teepees
And of rain.
Bring me a cloud
To hold my tears
And place it on my wrist.
Do you not hear?
I'm asking to let go of this balloon.
Red...follows me.
Please leave--I want to see pinks.
Heavy laughter, dark and foreboding...
That doesn't sound pink.
I'm afraid in the dark...
My coiled dreams will send me to
Laughing Clowns,
Painted Smiles, and Crazed Eyes.
Move...just one finger...
The unknown entity of possession...
Bushes in the background
And I pick Lollipops that are
Not Quite Ripe.
The roots are singing "Danny Boy"
And when they get to the
Snow-hushed valleys,
I am asleep
Entwined in their tentacles.
Angel's fish come to wake me...
Don't ask me how
Who's Angel?
I fly through the vents
Into your Room...
And there I shall ever Be,
A placenta protecting my Smile
The Terrible Twos never stop
What is that sound?
Wake up, Love.
I'd rather not--
It looks to be another
Godless Morning.

~christa elise cannon p------.
Ever suffered from sleep paralysis *and* a bad relationship?
Mar 2013 · 571
love song.
What will you do when your teeth rot and fall out?
what will you do when the worms crawl in and never come out?
will you know what to do when your lips are bleeding
       and your hair is on fire?
will you know when the sun sets on your chest and
       pushes you into the earth?

Do you know a shade of crimson in a world filled with grey?
do you know when the heavens drop thinking pennies?
do you know the flies are laughing?
at you?
Yes. At you.
do you know the cows are secreting apple juice from their hides?
just for you.

Will you know what you had when it's gone?

Just a bit of silliness in my naive, scorned days.
Mar 2013 · 757
The Franklin Mint
I want to meet Ben.
Empty words.
But I'm back for more.
More what? More gems.
Of wisdom, don'cha know?
Give me the key.
Nobody looks under the bed,
Yes, I know.
But I think I have hidden there.
Besides, that's French.
An old French proverb.
Can I help you?
Oh, no thanks.
I'm just waiting for Ben.
He left.
About an hour ago.
Ah...well...Surely there's
Something to be said here.
Early to bed...
Hey, what's the kite for?
Never you mind.
Poor Richard...Shall you always
Be...just Waiting?
No...I think I'll bathe
In the river.
If you see him--
I know...
Hey! A penny!
I'll let him know.
Thank you...
I so wanted to meet him.
          Here...have a mint.

I used to be the foreign money teller at a bank in Germany. I could either spew all of my anger about enlisted US Army folk, or talk about what popped into my head as I stared at money.

Hey--one of these days, ask me to tell you the "Magnetic Strips Are Down" story.

*sigh* The American education system does not bring any immediate happiness.
Mar 2013 · 637
Open for business
And not much else
There's always a betrayal
Of virtue and apathy
Just one pleasurable stroke of
Subdued emotion, trapped at
The "Someone's Arrived" bell
Haven't I heard it before?
One who dreams...
Perhaps dreamt too much.
So use your thrusting pen
To write a painful
Song and
Close my eyes...
To lapse into a
State of non-being.
What a word!
What am I committing?
(my mind)
I was along the lines of...
...never mind...
Intentions were for
No matter.
Fifty years more of
Elfin tears
Won't prevent
Dreams from
**** flight
Tears close up shop
And make an excruciating entrance
Please. Now.

What a suicide
Of thought.
Wasn't this supposed to be
A romantic makes a very bad choice. I suppose this could be marked as "explicit." But it's a bit subtle, so I won't.
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
8.47 PM
come up to where i am
i've been there
i understand perfectly
it's a thinking man's movie
no mother of god
i'd be tied down to her schedule
it's a hassle
they would make it his cross
they could make up their minds if they knew the difference
8.47 and the clock's still thinking
i don't want to go looking for calvary's eden
it's like being evaporated
he knows what he wants to do
i understand what he wants to do
it's not a dead end
it's the same thing
you've got a lot
do you know how fast three days go by?
this is not my armageddon
this trot is very limiting
that doesn't sound right
that would be a complete, utter waste of time
hooves clotting beneath the sick steed
i just hate that sound!
what are you proving?
she's afraid you'll break in martyrdom and bag groceries
it's still familiar to me
what are you doing?
get over here and do it.
where's the chocolate?
Belgian conversations.
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
Piles of Shoes
Piles of Shoes
Of Broken Glass
Of Torn Stars
And Cramped Hair

Stripes of Grey
And Heartless Wire
Rain of Ash
Puddles of Bone

Pool of Eyes
And Swimming Grace
Crumbs of Life
In Soup of Nausea

Odours of...
What Never Happened...

There were
Piles of Shoes.

~christa elise cannon
Mar 2013 · 1.7k
Defensive Driving
My name's Blair and
I'll be your instructor tonight.
Defensive driving with a class full of
Even the instructor had
Five Tickets
His first year and a half in San Antonio.
But, hey! We get an insurance discount.
Sometimes people get to the front
And they're not sure if
They're supposed to have a book.
What book?

You still have time before class--
Get those donuts!
Do I have the right book?
Everybody needs a pen--
If you have a fairy pen, that won't do.
Today we're going to learn about driving techniques...
Don't worry.
No matter how far off track I get,
We still get done early.

What's the real policy on pecans?
I was wondering
If you could cut the jet noise
Between, oh...about 5.30, sixish?

Split-second decisions
Spot the hazards
You're driving along 1604
And the speed limit changes to
Where were the warning signs?
Is this the book?

How hard is it to drive your car if you're not in the driver's seat?

Did anybody get the donuts?
Where's the pizza he was talking about?
Why isn't he in the driver's seat?
Why am I?
Out of hundreds of architects,
Why did Newsweek ask
A nearby park resident?

Your jury isn't attorneys.
No, it's people.
Your punishment isn't
The Red Square.
No, it's--
               CUT THE JETS!
               I WANTED PEPPERONI.
List common signs of an impaired driver.
First, he's not in the driver's seat...
Sometimes people get to the front...
Of donuts and pizza
And they're not sure
Which one should I choose?
If they're supposed to have a book.
No matter how far off track I get,
There isn't a policy for pecans.
We still get done early.
You can't stop the jets from flying.
The jury isn't attorneys.
Drive within the speed limits and
The jury is people.
Pay attention to your driving.

I found the book!
All right--class is over;
I'll see you on Thursday.*
I thought we were going to have pizza.
I'll bring time.

I was wondering...

How hard is it to steer
Your car if
Not in the driver's seat...?

~Christa Elise Cannon.
My very first speeding ticket.
Mar 2013 · 815
New York pizza all the way, baby.

But *is* this about pizza?

Mar 2013 · 794
Deafening and
The water begins to pour
The pitcher tips over
And down
There is a puddle on the floor
He looks at my offering with fury
Why does he turn rain into hurricanes?
He needs to learn how to swim.

~Christa E. Cannon
I was very young when I wrote this; not yet 18, still in high school. But it always bring a smile to my face when I look back on it.

— The End —