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How beautiful it is when you smile. For a moment nothing in the world causes me anguish because I know that you are happy.

You kiss me as if you were never going to see the sun rise above the horizon again. As if by kissing me you were going to bring back the Beatles and drive in movies.

You give yourself so innocently, so whole-heartedly. It kills me that I can't give you all that you deserve.

You are an arid, desert piece of earth, begging for a taste of rain upon your lips. I can't be the torrential downpour you need and desire to quench your thirst.

I am merely a transient summer rain. A minute shower that allows you to flourish for a small while, but lacks the amount required to sustain. I will exit as quickly as I came. Leaving you disappointed and yearning for more.

Perhaps, if the sun is shining just right,I will leave you with a rainbow in your sky. A little reminder of my presence.

I may be doing wrong, but for these next few to many months (I haven't decided yet)I need a small discharge of immense feelings. I need to experience the emotions of love and joy, but only one of our words, emotions, and hearts will be genuinely satisfied.

It's not your fault I'm broken. You shouldn't have to fix me. It isn't your job.

It's not your fault that every time a familiar melody with lyrics expressing the joy of love creeps through the speakers his face pops into my head, not yours.

It makes no logical sense. We have so much more now than I ever had with him. He hurt me. He's gone. He thinks nothing of me. If only I could do myself the favor of forgetting him.

Sweet, pure, deceived lover, I don't want to hurt you, but I will. I inevitably will hurt my own self in the process of betraying your kind heart.

Ugh, you deserve so much better than me. If only I could be the girl who has worth for while. You've been torn apart before by the same wrecking force. I took the chance on a bruised and beaten hurt and all I can think about is what I had. How disappointingly selfish am I?

The sun only goes as fast as time. I love you the same. You can't force what isn't there.

I may be saying all of this in vain. You may, in fact, be the one to fix me. The one who finds all of my shattered glass and places it perfectly back where it belongs. I may plummet into a deep hole of love, a place of no return.  

Who am I kidding. Of course one day, sadly, I am going to fall in love with you. There is a spark in your eye that ignites my sense of wonder. I peer into the innermost chamber of your soul when you flash me your captivating green eyes. I know deep inside that I am the only one who can see this part of you. At these moments I witness something magical and enlightening, connection.

You do make make my heart jump, my knees go weak, and if only I could get you out of my head then I would have finished that series of novels by now. You hold me when I need to be surrounded with caring arms and you communicate without parting your lips to utter a noise.

Maybe I can be the long shower of water you've been waiting for. Only time can tell what I cannot.

If only I could realize now how truly perfect we fit together. Like the quiet and the night, it's you and me.
My candle burns at both ends;
  It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—
  It gives a lovely light!
I had built a wall
Layer by layer
Mortar and stone

Until it was so high
And so strong
I thought no one could break it.

But I overlooked something
Because when I was done
There you were.

You just slipped right past my wall
Without even noticing its presence.
I was too surprised to push you out.

And then a funny thing happened
I was happy
And at peace with the world

And reconsidering my wall
What I was protecting myself from.

I didn't have much of myself
To give away
But I gave you some of what was left

But not so much
That it would destroy me
To have to take it back.

Because I'd been though that before
I gave away so much
And still most of it is gone.

I've been hurt into being
More cautious with my feelings
Than I used to be.

And it turned out to be
A good thing
A blessing inside a curse

Because when you gave that piece back
It hurt
But I knew it could have been worse.

Because you can't break something
That's already been broken
By another.

There wasn't any part of me I gave you
That you could destroy
I didn't give you that.

I keep my heart close to me
Because it belongs to another
You were only borrowing what I had left.

So I will be fine
Because I've been through worse
And you are not my Kryptonite.
 Apr 2013 Chloap Soap
I like you.
Or at least I like who I am when I'm with you.
When I look into your eyes,
I'm on a different planet.
I've always liked you...
Even before everyone else did.
I still do...
And I don't know if its worse if you know,
Or worse if you don't.
I hope to know you
when crows feet invade
your toothy grin.

I hope to kiss you
      after day
for a lifetime.

And I hope to walk
with you
in the next.

— The End —