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cheryl love Mar 2014
In a troubled blood-shot face
Where hurt resides most of the day
Steam blows through every space
open to hurt, violence and decay.
Let it go, let it go
It is not worth the time, the trouble
Just let it go wherever it wants to go.
Just do not allow it to show its face again.
Anger, phew, who needs it, not you.
cheryl love Jul 2017
It was decided they would both go for a drive
To the local farm to visit the beehive.
She was frustrated
The bees were agitated
So they returned at exactly half past

She suddenly let out an awful squeal
He was fed up with the whole ordeal
The bees were behind
Just a touch unkind
And had now surrounded their automobile.

First Aid was what they were needing
As his feet were badly bleeding.
She had lost her squeak
Because they’d stung
As the pig shot off home speeding.

The car had suddenly come to a halt
And they both suffered a sharp jolt
For in the middle of the road
Was a large truck load
Of gleaming white table salt.

The Pig began to lick his lips announcing “my word”
I think that now I’m rather cured!
The Duck found some money
To pay for all the honey
This is all that he could afford.
cheryl love Aug 2014
It was decided they would both go for a drive
To the local farm to visit the beehive.
The Duck was frustrated
The bees were agitated
So they returned at exactly half past five.

The Duck suddenly let out an awful squeal
The Pig was fed up with the whole ordeal
The bees were behind
Just a touch unkind
And had now surrounded their automobile.

First Aid was what they were needing
As the Pig’s trotters were badly bleeding.
The duck had lost his squeak
Because they’d stung his beak
As the pig shot off home speeding.

The car had suddenly come to a halt
And they both suffered a sharp jolt
For in the middle of the road
Was a large truck load
Of gleaming white table salt.

The Pig began to lick his lips announcing “my word”
I think that now I’m rather cured!
The Duck found some money
To pay for all the honey
This is all that he could afford.
cheryl love Dec 2014
I have never heard of a horrible cup of tea
The passion for a good slurp of tea will never tire
Waiting for Santa Claus to shoot down the chimney
With a bit of a scream with his trousers on fire.
Patting out the flames seeking the cold mince pie
He did not notice me drinking my tea.
I witnessed him knocking back the sherry
and out the corner of his eye he spotted me.
Well, his cheeks were as red as his coat
and he gave me the nicest and broadest smile.
I offered him the rest of the half-dunk tea, which he took
he said it was better than the sherry by a mile.
He scrambled back up the fireplace disappearing quick
I had to admire him for the speed of his journey
as his fingernails dug into each and every brick.
I took pity in the sight of a charred behind
The pain of climbing a hot chimney without delay
Hats of to the man, he deserves a nice cup of tea
I bet he is glad to get back to his comfortable sleigh!
cheryl love Apr 2017
"Not called at a bad time have I"
The clock announced half past four
"You are looking grand Annie"
Said the old sop leaning on the door.

"Let go of this and I'll fall" he said
She considered a gentle push
"Keeping me upright this is"
She now wished she'd got a brush.

"Looking great for your age you old trout"
she seethed inside and didn't reply
"how about me and you ,together"
her reply - not a chance I can get by.

"You and me are a team
fetching and carrying my special tea
You never know your luck
I could get down on one knee"

Perish the thought she held the thought
Is this all I have now- is this all that's left
she visualised scraping the barrel
she could get less stress for theft.

She thought her 90 years had served her well
Maybe if her teeth were her very own
She put her hands around her girth
maybe she could lose a few stone.

She wanted a younger man
Not a wrinkled and smelly drunk
Whose hair had disappeared and
his whole person had shrunk.

Maybe one day I will get my catch
Annie would perhaps be happier than this
She rolled her hairnet over the sponge curlers
and the drunk had planted on her a big kiss.
cheryl love Feb 2015
Life and where do I start?
Everyone has a different life
that is for sure.
Pleasures and crosses to bear
never believed before.
Some have hope, some not
Some believe they have to
cling with what they've got.
And who am to say which
is right or wrong.
Whether the straw you picked
is the short or the long.
You have to make the most of
what you have.
Smile dont give way to a frown
which is a smile upside down.
Show your teeth poppet
that is what they say.
On a grey day and you ask why.
What is the point?
clinging onto the leg of chicken
that is not proper like the joint.
But it is life; like the rest of us
going about our daily chores
whether or not it just absolutely
is so mundane and bores
the very pants off you
but it is life so you have to just do it.
Because that is life.
cheryl love Aug 2015
Rustling, there were papers rusting
being rearranged, noisy papers
on my mind together with lists
lists of shopping, clothes and shoes
and then I thought I heard a chair
being dragged across a floor, whose
chair, whose floor, nobody knows.
Shuffling, there were feet shuffling
as if badly fitting slippers were worn
moving in an annoying way, shuffling.
Moaning, to top it all I hear moaning
Is it me? My voice I hear moaning.
It should be, I have enough to bear.
What with shuffling, dragging and rustling.
There will be scraping next.
Sliding the sharpest of nails down a
shiny blackboard, a screech of a sound.
Oh no I can be definitely found
complaining.  Go back to where you belong
I do hope.  Drag yourself into the never-never.
You know the no man's land of bad hope.
The place where silence is apparent, no life.
Where silence is golden, till they all start.
Creating. Silence is a lovely word.
And the dark should be a peaceful place.
cheryl love Oct 2013
I was looking in my grandmother's old vegetable plot
Searching in and amongst the fragrant sweet peas
When I found an old brown mud encrusted teapot
Tangled up in roots of old forgotten trees.
Then I found my grandmother's old rusty *****
This had seen some action back in its day.
I held the teapot close and the memories had stayed
Had visions of may poles where my Gran used to play.
She'd pour her tea, drink it then invert the cup
Twist it three times one way and then the other
Turn the cup the right way up
Funny old ways hd my Grandmother.
She had her special way of making a brew
And I loved her such a lot
Searching and recalling scenes and there are a few
I found happines in an old brown teapot.
cheryl love Apr 2015
The bird flew upside down
Walking right into trouble
The bowl in the sink coughed
a bit and then burst its bubble.
The fridge door flew shut
and opened for the world to see.
Then sang in a muffled voice
"Come and buy your cheese for free"
Cheese on toast, the order of the day.
The bread said "we dont do toast"
"Are you mad, it is Saturday.
"What does that have to do with it"
shouted the knife from the fork drawer.
The cheese grated its words with venom
and the tomato sauce asked for more.
"Have you all gone mad" sang the fridge
Well maybe they had. The bird flew out again
and walked home  confused.  I am.
cheryl love Jan 2014
The Owl and the Cheese Sandwich
It rained all night, one sunny morning
the owl stood by my door
He said I gave him a cheese sandwich
And now he’s come back for more.

I thought, cheese, I don’t buy the stuff
The fridge is packed with it you know,
I tried to fob the owl off with jam
But he just flew away and would not go.

I told him owls don’t each cheese
They patrol the night skies
Oh in that case I will cancel cheese
And on the day run I will have some pies.

Funny owl I thought he is up to something
Trying to ram pies down my throat.
It is a good job he is not meeting the pussycat
And going off in a pea green boat!
cheryl love Apr 2014
Be naughty
She'll steal
the chocolate
If I am
cheryl love Nov 2014
Today I shall be looking at the pages of my life
My memories in my mind are always there
Just close my eyes and I can search all I want
Find the right page and I can go anywhere.
To my childhood to where happiness lies,
To my marriage, my very best day
But I cannot go forward in time, not allowed
Flipping forward is for when I reach that certain day.
Tomorrow is my birthday, another year on my chart
Another number that I have to live by
This time I cannot go back but go forward
and this time it will be happiness not a sigh.
Sometimes I wish I had a time machine
Twiddle the dial and off I shoot to that year
whether it be backwards or forwards
I could visit the time in my life I hold so dear.
But today I fish out yet another candle for the cake
Another new number is perched on my head
I am happy, I am going to be extra happy from now on
Because that is what life is for, to be happy, it is said.
cheryl love Dec 2015
It is coming
here it is...
and forever waiting.
Anxiety levels are high
together with blood pressure
yes it is up there.
whether to go or not.
That is the decision
the decider.
Can I?   Should I?
is a hard thing when you have it
on the plate.
cheryl love Apr 2014
An Uneaten Cake

Utterly terrible.
The cake would say.
"The trouble I’ve had in the oven today.
Blasting heat, smashing my tin
Which the goo is sitting in.
Tapping to see if I have got
A soggy bottom. If you please.
If I had, I certainly would not
Broadcast it.  Keep it clean.
Scraping the bowl,  oh I would love to do that.
Fingers sliding over the goo ooooh.
Magic box of tricks
That cake mix.
No one has touched me
Not been anywhere near me.
Not even a try
I wonder why."
cheryl love Jan 2015
The snowman was feeling very low
His thought processes were rather slow.
He took a cough
His head blew off
and landed upside down in the snow!
cheryl love Nov 2015
You know what it is like
the rush of the blood around
tired old veins
you know what it feels like
when an ache called old age
meets with new pains
But it does not have to be this way
A technique can rep;lace tired thoughts
a new method is on the agenda
gone are the what ifs
gone are the oh I dont knows
banned the I am not really sures
Go for it, do it, go on just do it.
You may find you like it
You know what it is like
when you are so happy you could cry
you know what it is like
when everything comes your way
you now know what it is like to have
your day filled with wonderment, surprises
for the better and the good.  Anxiety - who needs it.
Not you.  Not me
Get rid of this bad ******* for free.
cheryl love Oct 2014
What is that?
If I had to describe a nice
day I could do that.
But perfection.
I will have a try.
My perfect day...........let me see.
Sitting at a table
with little china cups
decorated in blue.
With white saucers with a fluted edge.
Opposite me is my perfect guest
Sally A Bayan.
We would talk till the cows came home.
Till the stars dropped out of the sky.
Till the grass grew and covered the daisies.
The days and nights would drift by
and yet we would still be chatting.
This and that
My idea of perfection.
cheryl love Feb 2016
Perfection. How does one describe this
A reward maybe for being so perfect
Yes, a nice big fat juicy kiss
That would be nice wouldn't it. Correct.

To seek perfection within love, is personal
a sharing thing held between the magic two
Feelings which are indeed very valuable
but they might not be the same for me or you.

To get this feeling right then there is give and take
Learning to adapt, forgive, and make amends for
These things have to be perfected for everyone's sake
Otherwise you might be shown the old front door.

Learn to accept there will be times when the sky will be grey
Blue skies only come from laughter and happiness
Clouds gather then and then doom fills the day
leading to arguments and then nastiness.

It is at this time when humour, caring and a lovely smile
can go a very long way to parting those dark curtains in the sky
That is called perfection, the sun brings giggles for a while
and you just lie back and let the good times roll on by.

Let us pick clover, let us shower ourselves with roses
for the sun has come out and everything will be fine
Lie back and accept what the good time proposes
Make hay while the sun shines, always a good sign.

So bring those rose petals with their gentle perfume
scatter them before her, sprinkle them from above
Let the magic twinkle, let the stars sprinkle moon dust
Let there be happiness, let there be a perfect love.
cheryl love Mar 2015

He glances at himself a red tinge to his cheek
At least he has his health but he looks a freak.
“Am I supposed to be this shade” – he inspected a feather.
A parrot is not pink an wanted to be orange like a carrot
How much more he can take I am not sure
“I am a parrot and I am pink, put me out of my misery”
He wanted to be dyed and have you no sympathy.
He sat down and he cried.
His friend was there with him who had fallen from the tree.
He said to him at least he was slim not overweight like him.
The parrot sat in deep thought and it made him think
At the end of the day I am alive even if I am pink.
And pink is a nice colour!
cheryl love Oct 2014
There is a place in my heart for you dear
A permanent shelf just for you.
A place where there is safety, nothing to fear
Just an abundance of love, to name but a few.
cheryl love Nov 2014
What a wonderful
human being you are.
You are thoughtful
and you care.
If it wasn't for you
we would not have this site.
This place where we are safe
to  post our poems, to write.
I know that I speak for everyone
and our hearts are filled with gratitude
and many thanks
for your time, efforts and your attitude.
Thank you Eliot from the bottom of our hearts
A big thank you for what you do for us.
cheryl love Feb 2015
A mouse found a beautiful piece of plum cake,
The richest and sweetest that mortal could make;
Twas heavy with citron and fragrant with spice,
and covered with sugar all sparkling as ice.
‘My Stars!” cried the mouse, while his eye beamed with glee,
‘Here’s a treasure I’ve found; what a feast it will be;
But hark! there’a noise, ’tis my brothers at play;
So I’ll hide with the cake, lest they wander this way.
Not a bit shall they have, for I know I can eat,
Every morsel myself, and I’ll have such a treat’
So off went and held the cake fast,
While his hungry young brothers went scampering past.
He nibbled and nibbled, and panted, but still,
he kept gulping it down till he made himself ill;
Yet he swallowed it all, and ’tis easy to guess,
he was soon so unwell that he groaned with distress.
His family heard him, and as he grew worse,
They sent for the doctor, who made him rehearse
How he’s eaten he cake to the very last crumb,
Without giving his playmates and relatives some.
‘Ah me!’ cried the doctor, ‘advice is too late’
You must die before long, so prepare for your fate;
if you had but divided the cake with your brothers,
Twould have done you no harm, and been good for the others.
‘Had you shared it, the treat had been wholesome enough,
But eaten by one, it was dangerous stuff;
So prepare for the worst-’ and the word had scarce fled,
When the doctor turned round and the patient was dead.
No all little people the lesson may take,
and Some large ones may learn from the mouse and the cake;
Not to be over-selfish with what we may gain;
Or the best of our pleasures may turn to pain.
cheryl love Sep 2015
Bakers bake this dish from the heart
Adding pastry bits on top for art
Some say it is nice
with a touch of spice
but I prefer just plain apple ****.
cheryl love Oct 2014
Lord what is happening
People are fighting
Children are frightened.
Mountains are creaking
Enemies are not speaking.
The seas are fed up
ebbing flowing and smashing
Coffees have overfilled cups
and computers are crashing.
The wind has stopped blowing
forever and a single day.
Lawns need forever mowing
and the gardens will pay.
Cities are crammed
Towns are tired.
Motorways are jammed
taxi cabs are hired.
Smiles have been wiped from faces
in the heat of the day.
Expensive advertisements in places
expecting the public to pay.
Bring back the laughter, hope and reason
Bring back the smile, let children play
Let freedom ring true where there is danger
Let the world hold hands once again, let us pray.
Bring back peace bring back hope, please
To every rock mountain and seas.
Let every grain of sand warm up and sparkle again
For what it is worth
This is a prayer for this Earth.
cheryl love Apr 2014
Years ago
when my grandmother was a girl
Things were definitely different
When she was a girl.
They had village fetes.
Everyone cooked jam.
They all got together
to celebrate anything.
She used to sit and tell me
She had a hat box under her bed
With the cutiest, prettiest hat in it.
The hat box was blue and white striped
and the hat was all floppy and large.
She gathered flowers the previous summer
and placed them in a rather large book.
This book was under the hat box
and pages were carefully opened
to reveal beautiful pressed and preserved
violets and pansies
and marigolds.
They were placed on the hat with ribbon to match
and she used to curl her hair flowing under the brim
of the pretty hat.
Ribbons would trail under the hat pin.
All the teenage girls pretty as pictures
would line in a row to be judged.
And my grandmother with tears and pride in her eyes
used to stroke my face and say she was pretty like me once.
And she always won.
Her eyes were green,
like mine.
But to me she was the prettiest grandmother I had ever seen.
She was my Queen.
And I still love her.
cheryl love Apr 2014
There was a race at the farm
This caused a great deal of alarm
A stampede of wildebeest
Were stopped by old geese
But the rest of the animals were calm.

The Geese thought the situation funny
And so did the farmyard bunny
But the wildebeest were too strong
And their plan went wrong
So the Geese ended up giving the Wildebeest money.

They called the race off as nobody won
But the farmer was running with his gun
The pigs hid in the trough
The rest shot off
And once more the race had begun

That night they lay tired in their beds
The Geese were snoring in their shed.
The chickens thought they were lucky
They could have gone to Colonel Kentucky
And thanked the geese for saving their heads.

The moral of this story is plain
Do not mess with angry geese again.
There is no doubt about
That a farm should not fall out
As they have only got themselves to blame.
cheryl love Oct 2017
Flapping its ruby wings
the red butterfly sings
to a new lullaby
It brought love,
it brought more than you ever knew
But it brought memories,
and there are a few.
Memories you treasure
On the wings of desire
Like the warmth of comfort
and the need of a fire;
But there are no chills
there were no down days
just peace now on the wings of frills
where each crease brings love
and the red brought you
You rode this journey on
frilly red wings
where the butterfly sings
just for you.
cheryl love Dec 2017
The bird was sobbing
all for show
tears meant worms
bit of a blow
but one must live
The camera said cry
he wanted to fly
his feet kicked snow
in a temper
he wanted to stuff
the camera somewhere else
he'd had enough
his chest was plump
red as a rose
he decided to dump
the camera in ice
it froze.
he whistled
he flew away
what more can he say.
cheryl love Dec 2015
Pushing one's luck
a bit too far.
Sitting on a grumpy donkey
wearing a hat with "Kiss me quick"
is a dare too far,
Walking up and down the beach
treading on bottle tops, and rusty blades
The donkey with a false smile, seething
His choppers gleaming grey in the sun
to match his fur, slicked down with chip shop grease
ready to release the youngster like a trick
when his march up and down is done
all for but a few pence, makes him sick.
But his pal with his hat with slogan "Be happy"
and "Happy to oblige" next to are fed up.
Why cant they do what they want to do.
They soldier on through rain and shine.
Giving rides to loving kiddies.
They appreciate a little kiss now and then.
A bite of an apple, their little feet egging them on.
It is the grown ups, with their crowns of hankies
knotted at each corner, their cold tea on the beach.
Huddled behind wind breaks trying to keep warm.
With a tray of sandy sandwiches.  Together with
last week's cheese.  Bring back memories.  A ride.
cheryl love Jun 2017
There is this untidy robin called Bert
who would sit all day in the dirt
although his cute red band
did look grand
when he put his waistcoat over his shirt.
cheryl love May 2017
You never know what is around the bend
whether the news  is good or even bad
We take it on the chin let's not pretend
whether we should rejoice or be sad.
cheryl love Oct 2014
Around the clock
Measured time reflects
Colour and distorts into a stream.
A refracted light beam
A watercolour dream.
A downstream bush
Carries a dappled thrush
Guarded by a deep brown bullrush.
A velvet sword, a companion smiling
The water swirling and sparkling
Dripping cascading and firing
Droplets of light onto the green.
cheryl love Feb 2016
Around the clock
Measured time reflects
Colour and distorts into a stream.
A refracted light beam
A watercolour dream.
A downstream bush
Carries a dappled thrush
Guarded by a deep brown bullrush.
A velvet sword, a companion smiling
The water swirling and sparkling
Dripping cascading and firing
Droplets of light onto the green.
The clock strikes two
Mist has gathered around the Ash
Elm and lingers under the Yew.
Fairies flit here, there in the fog
draping cherry blossom through water,
arranging it like a carpet on the log.
Three, four and five o'clock drift slowly by
The velvet sword shines lighting the way
Fairies, after their meeting away they fly
Bringing six, seven and eight of the day.
Sunshine buries the mist, its warming
leaves, berries are about to burst.
The afternoon starts informing
bad weathers on its way, prepare for the worst.
But around the clock, the sword shows
the time on its hand, its part
and the forest, for the fairies, still grows.
cheryl love Jul 2013
As I stand here
On the edge of time
My seconds falling
Into the sea.
Do not think
Or bring any shame
No link or
No blame
Can be pinned on me.
I look through my book of life
Pages empyting into the sea
Do not think
For one moment this is how it should be
You have not begun
You have not won
This game you are playing
Tossing my dreams to the foam and froth.
I am a wife, mother, sister and daughter.
The day I die
I will try to think unlike you.
cheryl love Sep 2014
Utterly terrible.
The cake would say.
The trouble I’ve had in the oven today.
Blasting heat, smashing my tin
Which the goo is sitting in.
Tapping to see if I have got
A soggy bottom. If you please.
If I had, I certainly would not
Broadcast it.  Keep it clean.
Scraping the bowl,  oh I would love to do that.
Fingers sliding over the goo ooooh.
Magic box of tricks
That cake mix.
No one has touched me
Not been anywhere near me.
Not even a try
I wonder why.
cheryl love Sep 2014
The turn of the tide
the swell of the sea
the fizz of the foam
we're at the seaside yipee.

The brown fried onions
for the hamburger with red sauce
to steady one's nerves
on the crazy golf course.

The ride on the donkey
wearing a hat that says "kiss me quick"
Now the teeth are stuck together
it's the toffee apple on the stick.

Go on then just push one more penny
To see it topple the rest down and more
They say just one more will do it!
They say there are pennies galore.

Endless cups of English tea on a cold beach
A gale blowing behind the leaning wind break
But not one little moan do we hear
because it's a holiday for goodess sake.

Grandad has his knotted handkerchief
protecting his red, bald, shiny head.
Grandma is yawning in her creaking deckchair
ready for her nicely made bed.

The turn of the tide
and the swell of the sea.
Digging cold sand with a bucket and *****
to make a sandcastle or three.
cheryl love Oct 2013
The end of October
when the dead reappear
Nothing to dread
but everything to fear.
Creeping about at the
hour of the pearl.
Dip your toe in the trail
let your toes curl.
Chains, heavy chains
drag across the floor
Rusty keys turn
in keyholes in the door.
Broomsticks, bats, they all come out
Tricks , pointed hats
spiders, things to make you scream
Nothing now will be and
things are not what they seem.
Get those rabbit feet and hang them high
Because there are ghosts and things we dread
and they will be draped across your sky.
cheryl love Aug 2015
The man's wig had become unstuck
As it started to flap around in the breeze.
The lady was hunting for something to ****
And was trying her best not to sneeze.
They had found their flight and stood in a queue
Clutching their passports quite tight
They watched their suitcases **** through
As the Stewardess wished them both a good flight.
The man told the lady that he would be okay
He told her to relax and think of the sea.
He said he would find a nice cafe
And then pop over to the Duty Free.
The lady undid her tight shoelace
And asked the man if he would take a look.
She knew her feet were a disgrace
And became embarrassed at the time it took.
Aboard the ‘plane they were ready to become airborne
The lady nervously clutched at her tissue
The man's ears had popped and he was trying to yawn
But the lady was examining the air crew.
In a short time they started to descend
The lady reached for the man’s hand
It was clear they had become friends
As the pilot prepared to land.
cheryl love Jun 2017
Conversation, that is all I wanted
A little time set aside to talk
Time, that is all I needed
Just extra moments to have a walk

So with this in my mind
and thoughts took their toll
I decided this is the time
that a ventured upon a short stroll

What did I find but chaos all around
Things were set to being weird
I noticed that all conversation had gone
and love from this earth had disappeared.

In some areas hatred was being broadcast
No thought for feelings deep within
Where has the love gone? Why has it gone?
all I could hear was a dismal din.

Moans, groans, fear, bloodshed, hurt
This just on a morning's stroll
An Angel needs to come to earth
and spread more love, that's her goal.
cheryl love Jan 2015
The page turns
A new chapter begins
introductions not needed
but the blood thins.
It runs through warped veins
straight to a broken heart
wishing I could just go back
to the very start.
But I'm at the point of no return
the page has been clipped into place
Just dont bend the corners down
just leave the page without trace.
that is harder said than done
The paper has seen better days.
So no trace just a new leaf turned
better step forward in my new ways.
Memories stored in ink for all time
as if by magic it is the pages
the precious pages of my life written down
in acts,  chapters and in stages.
cheryl love Nov 2015
Here lies the grave
Of an unknown hero
Fighting for his country
he lies cold and tired.
A single shot fired
straight to his heart
Blasting him through time
into an unknown place
a frustrating place of nothing
A place where poppies grow
and a field of dreams.
Unwoken dreams,
never ending, but for a poppy.
cheryl love Nov 2016
We must never forget
the heroes that fought - the brave
we owe them everything - yet
it saddens our heart seeing their grave.
A sea of poppies float silently
running into lakes and streams
they fought courageously, mightily
then to have shattered dreams.
The wind in the trees - it's a cool breeze
it detaches a single green leaf
that will not bring the tree to its knees
but a single red poppy will bring grief.
cheryl love Nov 2015
A single red rose can say so much
it can touch emotion right where it hurts
can unlock silence it can shed tears
it brings a warmth, takes away fear
locking tears in its petals,
never to be released.
Its heart.  A crumpled heart feels the pain
A cold heart. The petals protect that
like it will serve you.
With emotion.  With a delicate touch.
It will absorb the hurt.  You will know.
Locking it in.  The feelings froze.
The belief in the single red rose.
cheryl love Jul 2013
A smile shines upon a face
Cracked and parched by the sun
Blistered feet trek in the heat
Carrying water for everyone.
Three hours daily they walk
To a watering hole ***** and crude
Yet still he smiles having no choice
But to bring water to cook food.
Foreigners arrive to lay new pipes
Hope lies now on a wrinkled face
Water gushes from a shiny tap
Drenching life into a dismal place.
Children scream with delight and joy
Sadly they have never splashed before
Tears well in the foreigner’s eye
A shiny tap now means so much more.
A new smile shines upon a face
Pleased that the work has been done
Blistered hands applaud in the heat
At long last the children can have fun.
cheryl love Jan 2015
This is a true story and it touched my heart.............

A smile shines upon a face
Cracked and parched by the sun
Blistered feet trek in the heat
Carrying water for everyone.
Three hours daily they walk
To a watering hole ***** and crude
Yet still he smiles having no choice
But to bring water to cook food.
Foreigners arrive to lay new pipes
Hope lies now on a wrinkled face
Water gushes from a shiny tap
Drenching life into a dismal place.
Children scream with delight and joy
Sadly they have never splashed before
Tears well in the foreigner’s eye
A shiny tap now means so much more.
A new smile shines upon a face
Pleased that the work has been done
Blistered hands applaud in the heat
At long last the children can have fun.
cheryl love Sep 2014
A  Smile Shines

A smile shines upon a face
Cracked and parched by the sun
Blistered feet trek in the heat
Carrying water for everyone.
Three hours daily they walk
To a watering hole ***** and crude
Yet still he smiles having no choice
But to bring water to cook food.
Foreigners arrive to lay new pipes
Hope lies now on a wrinkled face
Water gushes from a shiny tap
Drenching life into a dismal place.
Children scream with delight and joy
Sadly they have never splashed before
Tears well in the foreigner’s eye
A shiny tap now means so much more.
A new smile shines upon a face
Pleased that the work has been done
Blistered hands applaud in the heat
At long last the children can have fun.
cheryl love Aug 2017
A smile shines upon a face
Cracked and parched by the sun
Blistered feet trek in the heat
Carrying water for everyone.
Three hours daily they walk
To a watering hole ***** and crude
Yet still he smiles having no choice
But to bring water to cook food.
Foreigners arrive to lay new pipes
Hope lies now on a wrinkled face
Water gushes from a shiny tap
Drenching life into a dismal place.
Children scream with delight and joy
Sadly they have never splashed before
Tears well in the foreigner’s eye
A shiny tap now means so much more.
A new smile shines upon a face
Pleased that the work has been done
Blistered hands applaud in the heat
At long last the children can have fun.
cheryl love Aug 2014
We have tears.
Tears for the death of Robin Williams
A legend, a star that shone so bright.
May you always shine Robin in your Heaven.
cheryl love Oct 2015
I have a song in my heart
and it is blue.
The beat is slow, a trombone strikes
my heart shatters in two
and one half is for you.

I have a song in my heart
and the message is green.
The fingers snaps to its tempo
You are my king and I am your queen
Nothing can come in-between.

I have a song in my heart
It has angels and a muffled drum.
The funeral marches to a single beat
My stomach ate its last biscuit crumb
My world has been silenced - I am gone.
cheryl love Mar 2014
Red, she was dressed in red
Skirts swirling with her hips
Click, click her fingers snap
Her pearly whites grip
The stalk of a freshly cut rose
Red as blood, as stark as fire.
Olives, green, pure and oily
Clench like teeth to a wire
With spicy sausage and clams
Orange and pink in a pan
Tapas, little bits of this,
gorgeous bits of that.
Spanish lullaby from a talented hand
plays romantic flamenco in a band
held tight in his grip, the skin so lovely
the eyes so brown, the look of love so now.
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