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Dec 2014 · 376
Like A Flower
cheryl love Dec 2014
I lift my head
My heavy head
Full of worry for my future
Will my petals still be there
Or will they have blown to the wind
Will I still be in bloom
That is the question
There is a chance they will be
Or floating in my room
Will the stems to my brain
be detached never to return
In the atmosphere for all to catch
Latching on to this and that
but not me.
We will see.
Will the seeds of my soul be roaming
in cyberspace
Here in this place
I would like them to be
We will see.
I am a flower
An attractive one at that
Colours in my mind
are painted freehand
I try to understand
The winter comes
then the frost
freezing the mind with dust
clogging chambers
Just like a vaccum cleaner
Shake to the wind
freeing my soul
of grime and dust
which paint my world
for I am a flower.
Nov 2014 · 2.1k
Another Year Older Tomorrow
cheryl love Nov 2014
Today I shall be looking at the pages of my life
My memories in my mind are always there
Just close my eyes and I can search all I want
Find the right page and I can go anywhere.
To my childhood to where happiness lies,
To my marriage, my very best day
But I cannot go forward in time, not allowed
Flipping forward is for when I reach that certain day.
Tomorrow is my birthday, another year on my chart
Another number that I have to live by
This time I cannot go back but go forward
and this time it will be happiness not a sigh.
Sometimes I wish I had a time machine
Twiddle the dial and off I shoot to that year
whether it be backwards or forwards
I could visit the time in my life I hold so dear.
But today I fish out yet another candle for the cake
Another new number is perched on my head
I am happy, I am going to be extra happy from now on
Because that is what life is for, to be happy, it is said.
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
Vintage Love
cheryl love Nov 2014
Drape a bed of rose petals at her feet
For the fragrance of the petal is divine
The perfume of the rose fills the air
and you can say "she's mine, all mine."

Trace the outline of her name on her back
sending shivers down her spine
Whisper sweet nothings in her ear
and you can say "she's mine, all mine."

Sing a ballad of romantic nonsense to her
Give it all that you have got for most of the time.
Flake out on the sofa and she'll come running
and you can say "she's mine, all mine.
Nov 2014 · 482
Colour My World
cheryl love Nov 2014
Splash the prussian blue through clear H2O
A tiny touch of fresh lemon and wait for it to go
absolutely spectacular, mad as a hatter, wow.
The pigment disperses for all it is worth
The results are amazing like nothing on earth.
On a wet piece of watercolour paper taped down
drop from a wet paintbrush a touch of deep brown
Then add a nice bright shade of transparent ink
Anything from a scarlet to a permanent pink.
The scattering of colour is an explosion of rainbows
Browns, ochres and rouge combine into **** glows.
Drop any shade onto damp paper and another
and you will hav your mind blown away to some other
colour dimension.  It is addictive, best you have seen
Complimentary colours like the red and the green.
Try it and you will say wow.
Nov 2014 · 384
The Silver Road
cheryl love Nov 2014
Meandering through villages
In the icy haze
Hedges coated with holly
for a winter maze.
Robins bobbing along
with not a care
Rabbits with furry tails
and the look of a hare.
The silver road
with its bracken and old rope
It is what I would give money for
attached with a bit of hope.
Stones and rocks
glisten like flint
wrapped in years
in moss and mint.
Many pairs of old shoes
have walked this walk
What a tale it would tell
if only it could talk.
Moans and groans
happiness for miles
roaming over hills, dales
lumps, bumps and stiles.
Red post boxes with
telephone boxes to match.
Birds with multicoloured beaks
and wings to watch.
Clouds gather to part
once more for the dark of the day.
And the silver road carries on
guiding the way.
Nov 2014 · 273
Just A Dream
cheryl love Nov 2014
It was almost like a perfect supper
followed by the best ice cream
Magical or she thought it was
But then it was just a dream.
In her dream there developed a friendship
a companion for life in the making
It was to get on like a house on fire
This dream was breathtaking.
A spark ignited the flame
so as to broadly speak
Trust coated the friendship
perfect but unique
The wick never did die away
the candle burning at both ends
bringing a hint of romance
and the arrows cupid could send.
Sitting chatting on the terrace
The stars lighting their dark
a single arrow shot through the sky
and entered leaving no mark.
It drew bad blood but not hers
The blood did alas depart
Leaving a crumpled broken  heart.
It was not to be Cupid had decided
A massive error to make
He wore the wrong smile on rhis face
and she had realised the mistake.
The right gentleman was immediately despatched
urgently to her at top speed
But the dream had ended
But this was destined to succeed.
Nov 2014 · 292
He Is On His Way!
cheryl love Nov 2014
Do you hear them?
A jingling sort of sound.
They are bells
From a distance
There is magic in the air
From a white bearded man
called Santa Claus.
So all the little girls and boys
all over the world
where ever you are.
He is on his way.
On his golden sleigh.
Just listen for him
Nov 2014 · 992
Love Is There
cheryl love Nov 2014
One face
to cherish
to embrace.
Two eyes
as green as the sea
or as blue as the sky
One heart
sectioned like
good pie chart
One section for love
never to part
One section for loyalty
absolute trust.
In relationships
a solid gold must.
Another section for dedication
to your work, play and life
for admiration
in all that you do
One face, one mind
one heart.
You will find
Love is there.
Nov 2014 · 424
Where The Wind Cannot Blow
cheryl love Nov 2014
In the field of white
Everything is coated from head to toe
In a icy blanket
Of crisp sparkling snow.
The path that often takes
Us past the little duck pond
Crunches beneath our feet
White with snow and far beyond.
We can see the ice
With frozen ducks and drakes
Huddled from the cold wind
And the falling snowflakes.
The force of the snow
Has detached and thrown
Down to the base of the tree
The pretty fragrant fir cone.
It is placed in the basket
Covered in melting ice
It will decorate the fireplace
With berries and cinnamon spice.
There is a sense of magic everywhere
On each and every stone and rock
Twinkling diamonds reflected by the sun
Wet underfoot seeping in my shoe and sock.
Toes feel like little blocks of pure ice
Must make the way back to the roaring fire
Hot chocolate and toast sounding nice
Take off my icy clothes and into something drier.
The snow from my window looks inviting
The red of the berry against the blue of the snow.
The smile on my face tells the story
Nice and warm where the wind cannot blow.
Nov 2014 · 667
Love Is A Beautiful Thing
cheryl love Nov 2014
The day you placed
Upon my finger, a ring
I realised then and I know now
Love is a beautiful thing.
You said I am pretty
Like a butterfly’s wing
My world is colourful because
Love is a beautiful thing.
You make my world rock
You make my heart sing
You are amazing in every way
And love is a beautiful thing.
You are my soul mate and
You to me are my everything.
I can’t live without you
Love is a beautiful thing.
My things are precious
My love is for you is real
These things I have said are beautiful
And this is exactly how I feel.
cheryl love Nov 2014
What a wonderful
human being you are.
You are thoughtful
and you care.
If it wasn't for you
we would not have this site.
This place where we are safe
to  post our poems, to write.
I know that I speak for everyone
and our hearts are filled with gratitude
and many thanks
for your time, efforts and your attitude.
Thank you Eliot from the bottom of our hearts
A big thank you for what you do for us.
Nov 2014 · 343
cheryl love Nov 2014
When the apple logs are burning
one evening in this chilly November.
The crackling of the fire glows
with the rosy crimson ember.
The chestnuts sit proudly
Their chocolate coloured skin roasting
next to the bread, freshly baked
caramalising the sugars, toasting.
It is your ultimate wish
Your craving, your desire
to sit warming your little frozen toes
by the amber spitting fire.
The cinnamon sticks warming
the nutmeg spice
makes your heart sing
along with your whiskey in ice.
Your blue eyes focus
on your cold, damp window
and your rosy cheeks smile
at the crisp blanket of snow.
A Robin chirps jealous at your warmth
Your cosy body snuggled
He wished he could be warm
in his nest cuddled
up to his very best
in her red fluffed up jacket
on her red ochre breast.
He has worms to collect
in his cold yellow beak.
He would do some moaning
if only he could speak.
But the smoke bellows in the chimney
The fire warms the air
The holly berry
as charming as a summer
red hot cherry
dangles brightening the snow.
It is November
Christmas is on its way.
And we have to trudge through the bush
the holly and the ivy make way
for the shoppers crush and rush.
And still the fire burns
with its red hot ember
as we march through the month
to a Christmas December.
Oct 2014 · 1.4k
Jack O' Lantern
cheryl love Oct 2014
Inside a damp turnip or pumpkin
carved with a smile on its face.
To scare the living daylights
and vanish without trace.
Glowing embers sparking madness
Toss a coin in its place.
Jack of the lantern to keep spirits away
carved with a smile on its face.
Happy Halloween to you all.
Oct 2014 · 482
cheryl love Oct 2014
Secret passages
Hidden stairs
Traps for fools
or anyone that cares.
Doorways that squeak
In the middle of the night
Met a pale white thing
Didn't half give me a fright.
With cobwebs in its hair
and sockets without eyes
For best scared person this year
well that's my prize.
Secrets whistling
along corridors unused.
Lights switching on and off
whether or not they're fused.
Howling, screaming
and plenty of groaning
Tears and perspiration
and enough of my moaning.
It is that day tomorrow again
when broomsticks fly like magic.
Pumpkins, Jack O' Lantern
and anything else tragic.
Ghosts, spirits, sheets with holes in
Witches banging on the front door.
Little children dressed like princesses
flour and eggs all over the floor.
I love it.
Oct 2014 · 191
cheryl love Oct 2014
Oh what it would be to close my eyes
and just go to a silent sleep.
But all I seem to achieve is staring into space
frustration takes over and I just weep.
Oct 2014 · 333
Snow In My Shoe
cheryl love Oct 2014
That is how I felt
All of my day
When is it going to melt?
When is it going to go away?
Came over me
Tears rolled down my face
All of my day
Got to get out of this place.
Show me the way.
Waiting, waiting forever
With snow in my shoe.
All of my day.
What am I going to do?
Dont have to stay.
Toes warming in front of a fire
My feet are glowing a nice red
I am pleased to say.
Point me in the direction of my bed
It is the end of my day.
cheryl love Oct 2014
Hang on a minute wont it be lonely at Christmas all on my own
Just me, a silly turkey, one *******, one sad little mince pie.
Bet your life it wont, my seeds of my life have already been sown
I have got plans, my life is mapped out nicely till the day I die.
Oct 2014 · 300
I'm Free.
cheryl love Oct 2014
You could swing anything you liked around my space
I'm free to fly like a soaring, free as you like bird.
Oh I have the biggest smile on my pretty little face
This is my life, my space, my time in my own little world.
Oct 2014 · 284
I Have Moved On
cheryl love Oct 2014
Thank goodness he has gone out of my life, through the door
He just about managed to squeeze his head through the gap.
He thought himself above his station, what a nightmare, a bore
I told him he needs to rinse out his words under a running tap.

Will he listen though, I hope he does, it is up to him, I don't care
Too many years I have suffered heard it all so many times before.
But I know what he'll do, bury his head, I like to think where
He is rotten in his bones, in his head through to his very core.
Oct 2014 · 255
Take A Look In The Mirror
cheryl love Oct 2014
What exactly gives you the right to call me names
When you are not perfect yourself I'll have you know.
Maybe in your head its just your idea of fun and games
Makes you feel big, your own little floor show.

Well I have got news for you, you can sling your hook
I do not want you in my life, that is all I have to say.
I am moving on, I need to read from a better book
Because I have feelings, and i want a better day.
Oct 2014 · 265
Time Out
cheryl love Oct 2014
There is a time when the whistle blows
Time out I think it is possibly called.
Unless you are a river that forever flows
Then you ought to be ashamed and I'm appalled.
Oct 2014 · 261
A Place In My Heart
cheryl love Oct 2014
There is a place in my heart for you dear
A permanent shelf just for you.
A place where there is safety, nothing to fear
Just an abundance of love, to name but a few.
Oct 2014 · 2.1k
A Perfect Day
cheryl love Oct 2014
What is that?
If I had to describe a nice
day I could do that.
But perfection.
I will have a try.
My perfect day...........let me see.
Sitting at a table
with little china cups
decorated in blue.
With white saucers with a fluted edge.
Opposite me is my perfect guest
Sally A Bayan.
We would talk till the cows came home.
Till the stars dropped out of the sky.
Till the grass grew and covered the daisies.
The days and nights would drift by
and yet we would still be chatting.
This and that
My idea of perfection.
Oct 2014 · 529
Sweet Lily Of The Valley
cheryl love Oct 2014
She would stand for no nonsense
Always at the bar dead on eight.
Had a pint of stout with an inch of froth
She wont be happy if her drink's late.

Down it in one she would, froth an'all
Down the hatch it slipped down in one
The bar man always watched with eager eyes
as the pulling of the next stout had begun.

She wiped her lips with the sleeve of her coat
She had no manners did our sweet lil
She would let out the biggest burp in the world
The bar shook then it would become still.

She looked around at fear ridden faces
She just smiled and they dare to smile back
She strolled back up the valley at around nine
and at ten she always hit the sack.

Curlers in , mud pack on and in she'd pop
Under clean sheets lying on her side.
A belly full of Irish stout .
Dream or nightmare - she could not decide.

She'd get up at six on the dot
and cook herself bacon and hot toast
she'd slurp her tea from off the saucer
and waited for the morning post.

Then it was back to bed until midday
and the usual same old boring thing.
Our sweet lily of the valley
Had given up wishing.

All she wanted in life was love
Just someone to share her life with
She thought she was attractive enough
and she knew she had so much to give.

To be continued..............
cheryl love Oct 2014
I thought I was in Heaven
When I was just seven.
It was never too late
to stand behind the gate and wait
To gather blackberries.

So I was in desperate pursuit
of the hidden fruit
Lovely, sweet and ripe
no need to wash or wipe
Gathering blackberries.

Now it was always said
"Why are your books red"
I thought she meant read.
It was the juice
A true excuse
Oh to gather blackberries.
cheryl love Oct 2014
It was back in his hey day
when elves used to be nimble
Sitting all day listening to stuff
Sat on a shiny silver thimble.

They were their bar stools at the bar
drinking dandelion beer till drunk
It was a powerful brew that blew their socks off
Revealing their toes that really stunk.

Feet washing was not their thing
Dandelion beer was more their cup of tea
They had to wait till the peas dropped
to have a nice bath in the pod of the pea.

You can imagine elves in a line at the bar
All taking their first swig of the beer
They pow, their socks would all shoot off
a picture that to you and me is most queer.

Then the stench of smelly, ***** feet
Giggling was the order then of the day.
They would see who had the smelliest toes
Sniffing and giggling along the way.

The one that won had to down a jug
of the powerful dandelion beer with froth
Then roll the victor under the table to sleep
and cover him up with the tablecloth.

The little winner with stinky feet
snoring while the others giggled.
Then with daisies stuck to the side of his face
The drunken victor wriggled.

"Roll me home, will you, my chaps, roll me home"
They did as they were told and parked him by a tree
to steady himself when asleep they thought.
On returning ten hours later, he had rolled free.

He was slumped under a mushroom, upside down
He had obviously been singing his heart out.
On went his socks up he stood sort of upright
Tottered off to see what the fuss was about.

He did not get very far, he tripped over a leaf
His eyes closed shut and off he slept till sober
Which was a day or three, this drunken elf
certainly had a day definitely to remember.
Oct 2014 · 1.8k
The Elf
cheryl love Oct 2014
He stands on a tiny stool
To reach toys off the shelf
He is only three inches tall
This cute little busy elf.

He is here, there and everywhere
fetching and carrying all of his day
With a smile, and then a whistle
and all this for one penny per day.

But he buys buttercup tea and a mint leaf
knocks it back in one big swoop
Chews the mint leaf to flavour his breath
Doesn't want his reputation to droop.

Got to attract the fairies, make them admire
This perfect little elf that he has become
He is a gentleman through and through
Rich in buttercups and very handsome.

With his curly red hair framing his green hat
His violet eyes, plus a little twinkle
His peachy cheeks and rich rosy lips
and not one sign of old age or wrinkle.

For one hundred and three, this elf is knocking on
The little fairies all have a soft spot for this elf
But most of all the elf has enormous standing
and for that he is most proud of himself.
cheryl love Oct 2014
For years, when I was small
I was bullied day in day out.
My so called friend used to wait
throw stones at me and shout.
He used to pinch me till I bled
Call me names which hurt
Belittle me always, I felt small
Push me and rip my skirt.
If I saw him now I would smile
Because I know deep down I won
I now stand strong and victorious
How small he is now his work is done.
I now know he used to be beaten at home
His father ruled him like a rod of iron
It could not have been easy for him
But that is no excuse for the way he behaved.
He took his pain out on me, he could never reveal
Not took me aside and told me of his pain
I would have listened, understood
but he had nothing to give and I nothing to gain.
Bullying is not fair, so talk about it, open up
Stand your ground and tell someone today.
Do not keep this secret locked in, tell someone
Anyone, shout it out, make your pain go away.
cheryl love Oct 2014
Never again will I say what I think
It is as bad as being condemned.
In future my thoughts will be in my head
And silence will be my best friend.
Oct 2014 · 228
Sometimes (reposted by me)
cheryl love Oct 2014
Sometimes we all want peace and quiet
Sometimes we all wish to shout
Sometimes we all need someone
Sometimes that offer is in doubt.
Doubt is such an ugly word
A word where there is no trust
To have that trust in someone
Is as absolute must.
But maybe sometimes that someone
Does not wish to be about
Maybe that someone sometimes is in doubt
Putting that word to one side
Maybe he or she wants to confide
Because maybe someone shouts sometimes
And sometimes that someone is deep inside.
Oct 2014 · 417
cheryl love Oct 2014
I have got a large orange pumpkin
sitting waiting for Halloween.
I just need to carve its tough outer skin
and place a candle inside when it's clean.

I'm planning to carve a scary face
to keep all the evil spirits away
Never met a witch around this place
but tomorrow could be another day.

Going to get some special things
for when the children play trick or treat
I love the mystery this day brings
and all the special foods to eat.

Apples covered in toffee, sausages in sauce
fluffy white potatoes crumbled with cheese
I show absolutely no remorse
For meat ***** with mushy minty peas.

Halloween the very name sends shivers
down the length of my spine
My legs are shaking and head quivers
but do not worry I will be fine.
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Peach Fizz
cheryl love Oct 2014
It starts to rain
Like the fizz has been removed
from my champagne.
A peach drips
from the tree.
Sticky sips
all over me.
But why does
a peach have fuzz?
Just an excuse
to explode its juice.
Its yellow flesh
At its peak fresh
Does the tree
whole heartedly agree
without the need to preach
when to evict the peach.
Time to say goodbye
when the twig is dry.
The hard backbone
its strange lined stone.
Nothing more to bring
as each amber flesh cling
drops to the ground.
A peach perfectly round.
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
On The Sherry
cheryl love Oct 2014
This year make your Christmas merry
In your trifle stick that lovely red cherry
on a thick layer of cream
Next to the angelica of green
followed by a splosh of extra dry sherry.
Oct 2014 · 298
cheryl love Oct 2014
Is it really considered high treason
In this lovely food gathering season
To not collect the sloes in
to make lovely Christmas gin
I could not think of a better reason.
Oct 2014 · 528
A Changing Landscape
cheryl love Oct 2014
Looking across the misty fields
Fields that once shone green.
Now sheep have footprints
The lambs know where they've been.
Spiders hang on lace doilies
frozen silk in the air.
Draped from pillar to post
Spiders spinning everywhere.
The last of a bloom grips its stem
petals parting in the breeze
Laying down with crunchy leaves
parted company from the trees.
So now the landscape is a
beautiful patchwork of gold
Turning deeper brown as we go
Winter is about to unfold.
Then we will be dappled with white
flakes of ice falling from fluff
From the dark starry skies at night
Picture postcard stuff.
Oct 2014 · 584
Upside Down Smiles
cheryl love Oct 2014
Crinkles appear
Then wrinkles set in.
Just as you fear
Time marches on.
Then you start to frown
Has happiness gone?
I think not
It's a smile upside down.
cheryl love Oct 2014
A boy, aged about ten
Loved playing the flute.
He dreamed of flying to Mars
in a purple space suit.
He had funny ideas all the day long
But flying to space was his passion.
He wondered if the colour purple
on Mars would be top fashion.
He had written a tune
and it was called Purple and Red
Playing it when he awoke
till the time for his bed.
It had a catchy rhythm
Just right for space
It didn't matter one way or the other
to him in any case.
The town knew of his needs
and bought him a rocket.
Together with a designer purple suit
with a deep narrow pocket.
For his flute of course
to play amongst the stars.
He had got to rehearse his number
for when he got to Mars.
Oct 2014 · 292
A Touch of Love Part 2
cheryl love Oct 2014
Silently without thought
He slides his arm around her waist.
Brushing her face with his finger
Her soul feels embraced.
Nothing needs to be said
It is written across his face
The love they feel for each other
Could never be replaced.
But there is something
Buried deep inside his head
Something to which she cannot access
Something which she will always dread.
There is a frown that passes his brow
Each time he looks lovingly at her
It rings alarm bells in her mind
An emotion she would transfer.
Does he love her? I am sure that he does
He stays with her so that is clear
A shiver runs down her spine
And now she have everything to fear.
The grip tightens
She looks at him as if she’s under review.
His icy blue eyes smile and he whispers to her
“My darling, you are my life, I do love you."
But would that be enough
She looks worried and begins to shake
Nerves get the better of her
She thought about give and take.
That is part of it but it has all gone wrong
He is taking and she is giving.
He has started to sing another song
Could she be forgiving?
Is this the same man?
Where had hers gone?
She has seen another side
Now she wants to run.
But she remembers
to have His faith above
And she finds hope and feels
his desperate touch of love.
Oct 2014 · 448
cheryl love Oct 2014
To be happy
oh what a wonderful thought
I suppose we all are
in our own special way.
Is it riding in a car
on a glorious Sunday afternoon.
Leather driving gloves
creaking in the midday sun?
Walking endless miles
at the golf club
dodging clumps
scoring a hole in one.
Holding your grandchild
for the very first time.
A new life cradled in your arms
your own little grandson.
Or is it knowing in your heart
you have all you can wish for.
And to be happy with that
no more just what you have.
Happiness means everything.
Oct 2014 · 603
A Fairy Without Wings
cheryl love Oct 2014
There was once a fairy who lost her wings
In fact she was always losing her things.
She tried hard from January to December
But she found it hard to exactly remember
And the complications and confusion it brings.
Oct 2014 · 644
A Man With A Blue Beard
cheryl love Oct 2014
There was once a man who had a blue beard
Which to you and me is very weird
In the growth he kept his keys
Which shot out when he did a sneeze
Being locked out of his house was what he feared
Oct 2014 · 266
A Man From York
cheryl love Oct 2014
There was once a man from York
Who had a craving for salty pork
But what was worst
He had the most terrible thirst
Drank the wine but swallowed the cork
Oct 2014 · 2.3k
A Wonderful Place
cheryl love Oct 2014
If you close your eyes
Inside your mind
You'll capture your prize
No telling what you’ll find.
There is a magical land
Just waiting to be explored
Available on demand
A guarantee you wont be bored.
Maybe inside your dreams
There are castles and moats
Strawberries and creams
Yachts and sailing boats.
Caves with orchestras to observe
Listen and relax and drift away.
Maybe a beautiful nature reserve
To watch lion cubs at play.
Maybe there are chocolate waterfalls
And the rocks are made of fudge
A tree where a kingfisher calls
Or where nobody can criticise or judge.
In your mind are flowers made of silk
And last forever and ever
The cows produce flavoured milk
Cold with ice for whoever and whenever.
You can visit these things any time
Just close your eyes and you are there
No rivers to cross, no hills to climb
No parking ticket required,  no taxi fare.
It is a free service, provided just for you
Just close your eyes, enjoy what you see
See your fields of green, your skies of blue
Your rivers of chocolate and a butterfly tree.
Oct 2014 · 292
The Brave Fairy
cheryl love Oct 2014
There is a fairy
that is so very brave.
She dresses in blue
and her name is Dave.
That is a man's name
I hear her cry.
The chief fairy named her
that is the reason why.
She arrived under a mushroom
all those years ago.
Wrapped in a blue spider's web
with a silken silver glow.
She had deep blue eyes
that others would so crave.
That is why she got her name
The brave fairy Dave.
So all her little years
hanging around looking nice
Until she spoke of her name
The others looked twice.
They all had the same opinion
Hats off to her they all thought
With a collection done all year
for her they all had bought
a new name - The Blue Fairy.
Now she was in her element
blue eyes to match her new name
somehow, she now knows things
will never quite be the same.

Oct 2014 · 563
Dressed But Nowhere To Go
cheryl love Oct 2014
The trees in the winter months
Branches laden with sparkling snow
Like little diamonds reflecting in the sun
Dressed but nowhere to go.

Berries dappled on bushes on hedgerows
Tucked safely where the wind doesn’t blow
Like rubies and garnets on the bushes fingers
Dressed but nowhere to go.

Fairies dancing in the midnight moonlight
Providing a spectacular floor show.
Lacy cobwebs for table cloths and spun specially
Dressed but nowhere to go.

The winter is almost upon us
Spices enrich Christmas bread dough
Icing drips neatly onto the floor in puddles
It is dressed but nowhere to go.

I however have my glad rags on,
My painted face, rich ruby lips and so
With my sequins, high heeled shoes
I am painting the town red and raring to go.
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
cheryl love Oct 2014
Kicking the rusty leaves
crumpled by the tree
seeds and twigs broken off
golden and free.
Polished conkers rest
waiting to be smashed
strung up with string
bruised, soaked and bashed.
Russet apples wither in the sun
pecked at by robins and wrens.
Purple clover gather in the distance
on the hills and glens.
Pears drip from branches
like water from a wooden tap.
Twigs point like a human finger
showing the way to follow a map.
Through the ochre wood and
across the sienna fields.
The gathered sticky corn
piled high that the farmer yields
The Autumn season is pure gold
Raspberry sunset and peach skies.
A woodpecker perches, waits awhile
In the Autumn air then off he flies.
Oct 2014 · 339
Do Not Worry a 10 word poem
cheryl love Oct 2014
Why worry - put your worries off till the next day.
Oct 2014 · 277
cheryl love Oct 2014
With a smash
From a clean wash
Folding out creases
That bother
Picking up the pieces
From a father
Left long ago
Sad times then
It wont happen again.
But outspoken
But broken.
Oct 2014 · 394
The Lonely Old Clown
cheryl love Oct 2014
Like a magpie, Rusty the lonely old clown
His hidden talents disguised
His act as sharp as a brand new razor
With the blade pointing down.
He sits in his *****, dismal room
Hiding the doom and the gloom
He paints a fresh red smile
But his heart beats to a depressing drum
That quickens every once in a while.
He is certain that there is danger to come
His teeth shine like daggers
As they bite into the cake he is holding
The fruit in the jam rotten like the blood in his veins.
A thief bound by his own greed
Filthy like the rats in his own drain
The more he wants, and the more he needs
Collecting and gathering just as a magpie does
Sharp, desperate, the old clown.
cheryl love Oct 2014
Ever thought
                                                 you were
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