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Jan 30 · 52
A smile is worthwhile
There is nothing like
A cool breeze
Time to think about life
Looking forward to the future
Now I can be me
There is hope for brighter days
All the weight on my shoulders
                Lifted away
I’m so thankful for each day
There is nothing like a smile
          It makes everything worthwhile
Jan 30 · 60
Breaking free
Breaking free of these chains
Waking up each day
No longer holding back
I’m finally on track
Shaking off old habits
Working on new goals
I’m breaking free
Of these chains
It’s really hard
To let go of pain
I really wish
They known how I feel
Waking up each day
No longer holding back
I’m on track
I can see
I can see
Finally I can see
No more sorrow,
I’m living for tomorrow
I’m waking up each day
It feels good to find my way
I’m breaking free of these chains
Breaking, breaking
Breaking free
I can finally see
I am free
I am, I am
Free, free
Jan 19 · 187
Will you be mine.
Everyday is a blessing
I’ll be loving you forever
Our hearts are one
Each day I’m grateful
            Your my man
True mark of love
I can’t imagine life
    Without you
You see me at my worst
You see me at my best
I love you from the heart

Will you be my valentine.?
Your kisses taste of honey
I know at times I can be
I know I can be crazy
I know I can be a perfectionist
You put up with my ways
I  love you for the rest of my days
I love you for you
Love your valentine
Jan 14 · 80
Cool peaceful air
Filled with sunshine
Sharing the day
With my bestie
Black sweet chin pin
Sweet brown eyes
Adorable companion
She fills my days
With happiness and love
Cool peaceful air
I’m so glad Bell
Is here
She was living on the street of Al
Someone lost her or abandoned
My heart couldn’t believe
How weak and frail
She was
Bell slowly gained weight
            And strength
I’m so grateful for her
Cool peaceful air
With my bestie
Love your dog. Mom,,,,,,,,,,
No matter what
I got myself together
I will never be someone else
        I’m not

I believe in myself
I gave you my heart
Time to start again

It rained down on me
It rained own on me
I finally see time to be me

This time I will be myself
        You made me see
I’m free to forgive
     Not forget

This  time I will be free
Letting go I know
I know, I know
I see, I see

So much rain
Letting go of pain
Heartbreak and sorrow
I have to go on
      For tomorrow

This time I will be myself
This time I will be myself
And no one else
It rained down on me
I finally see time
        To be me
This time I will be myself,
Nov 2023 · 137
Christmas time
It’s Christmas time
It’s Christmas time
Let the bells chime
Let there be peace
Twinkling stars shining
On this special night
It all starts at midnight
Joy is coming to the world
Find kindness in your heart
Love is stronger than hate
Above our father is watching
Love, love, love

It’s Christmas time
It’s Christmas time
It’s Christmas time
Let there be peace

Bells are ringing
Children singing
The king is coming to the world

Let’s change the world for the better
No more hate
No more hate

Everyone sing
Everyone sing
Everyone sing

Listen to your heart
Listen to your heart
Listen to your heart

It’s Christmas time
It’s Christmas time
It’s Christmas time
Oct 2023 · 163
When you think you lost all hope
Look around you
You will see light from darkness
GOD created heaven and earth
let there be light
He won’t let you lose sight
Spirit of GOD moved upon
The face of water
Let there be light
Let there be light
Let there be light
Oct 2023 · 111
GOD wants us to forgive
                  To live
                   To give
GOD wants us to show love
He is watching from above

GOD  loves us so much
He sent his only son
Forgive, start living again
               To live
                To give
GOD wants us  to love
Our father in heaven
Love your child
Forgive for today,
Oct 2023 · 137
Prayer of hope
When you think the hope is gone
              Keep praying
When you feel lost
            Keep praying
When you done all you could
            Keep praying
When you keep wishing
           Keep praying
When you feel thankful
           Thank the LORD,
Oct 2023 · 152
Love is real
This love we have
Not make believe
Not imitation
But real
The way you make
Me feel
Is so real
I can feel your heart
I know you so well
This life is special
The way you make
Me feel is real
Today and everyday
Is with you
Love is real
Oct 2023 · 103
Time is never the same
Even if we had
The same last name
I wish you could
Live like yesterday
Time is special
I feel this chapter
       Of life
Is closed
Time never stays still
I wish the love
We  had fill the days
Who knows why?
People stop talking
Or answering the phone
Or getting together
Years gone by
Decades turn to forever
Time is never the same
Aug 2023 · 166
Walk away
Walk away in peace
When people hurt you
Talking to them
Leaves tears
I ask myself why.?
I tried, I tried
When I buy something
        For myself
Passion I have
They bring me down
I wish they would
I wish,I wish
My heart in pieces
I ask myself why..
They unhappy?
I walked away,,,
You need to take care of you
        No one else will
Inside and out
Your body and soul needs care
It doesn’t matter about the hair
Or what you wear
Neat and clean
Chin up

Today is better than yesterday,,,,
Aug 2023 · 510
Alabama heat
Heat in Alabama
Extreme temp rising
Dream big, dream big
Sweet aroma of peaches
Streets are quiet
People trying to stay cool
Rising, rising sun
Sweet Alabama ,sweet
Kindness all around
Gleam of hope
Cooler air soon
Heat very extreme
Aug 2023 · 105
Something new
It’s time to start something new
I’ve wasted a few years
I couldn’t get out of the past
It took a long time

Paint brushes and canvas
This is what I need
It’s time to start something new
Beautiful scenery around me

Looking outside
Never imagine
How beautiful life is
Forever I have found
Something new

You showed me the way
Everyday, everyday
It’s time to start something new
Something new feels so right

Let the light shine
Staring at the moon and stars
Caring for something new
What should I do?
Should I start something new?

My eyes can see now
My eyes can see now
I will try something new
No more tears
Only better years

It’s time to start something new
Staring at the moon and stars
Mars looks so far
I’m starting something new
Aug 2023 · 262
You had faith in me
I want to pay you back for all you have done for me
You have given me so much
You had faith in me
Thank you
Thank you
Up above
Thank you
For your love
You had faith in me
Aug 2023 · 205
I call on you
For the LORD your GOD will bless you
I will pray to the LORD
In you LORD my GOD
I put my trust

MY eyes are on the LORD
Turn to me
I am mindful of your love

Relieve the troubles from my heart
Free me from my sorry
For I have been mindful of your love
I will pray to you LORD

Test me and try me
I have trusted in you
Relieve the troubles of my heart

My GOD I put my faith in you
Test me LORD
Test me  LORD
I have trusted in you

Lift up your heart
Let the king of glory come in
I call on you
I call on you

All the ways of the LORD  are faithful
All the ways of the LORD are faithful
All the ways of the LORD are faithful
All the ways of the LORD are faithful

For I have been mindful
Of  your love
I will pray to you LORD
All the ways of the LORD are faithful
Test me LORD, Test me LORD

I call on you,
Aug 2023 · 599
Sometimes I don’t believe
Everything is clearer
You made me realize
Your like a shining ray
It’s like yesterday

Sometimes I don’t believe
Sometimes I don’t believe
Everything is getting nearer
Everything is getting clear

I’m trying to find my way
The words you say
Brightens my day

Your  like a shining ray
I believe in today
I’m trying to find my way
I’m trying to find my way

Everything is clearer
What would I do without you?
Your my everything
My inspiration, my world

I want to spend my life with you
I want to spend my life with you
Sometimes I don’t believe in myself
Sometimes I don’t believe in myself

Everything is clearer
With you, with you
My dreams are nearer
Your my inspiration, your my world

Sometimes I don’t believe ,,,,,,,,
Jul 2023 · 157
I will never be enough
I will never be enough for you
I can try everything
It still won’t be enough
              Never enough
               Never enough
I will try and fill my days with
Whether I change my clothes
My hair, my makeup
It won’t matter
You will never see me
You don’t want to
Near or far
I will never be enough
         For you
It hurts so much
Knowing your out there
I will never be enough
            never enough
If I change my clothes,
My hair,   my makeup
I still will never be enough
           Never enough
Jul 2023 · 117
Sky tells me why.?
Gazing at the clouds no more haziness
I can hear sounds of thunder
Craziness of heat starting to calm down
Sky tells me why?
Finally a break
Clouds covering the sun
Now it’s fun, cool breeze
Quiet times, no freeze
Staying cool
Gazing at the clouds
Storm near
Rain coming soon
No more haziness
The sky tells me why
Jul 2023 · 837
Flower filled with pink
Silently standing tall
Cold water runs in vase
Holding hues so vibrant
Molding new leaves
Precious flower in
My yard
Jul 2023 · 141
Can you turn back time..?
Have you ever seen a cardinal?
Some people say
There guardian angels
Do you pray everyday?
Can you turn back time?
Jul 2023 · 134
Love from your heart
Everyday a flower blooms
It brings a shower of love
Everyday power comes
          From above
I can give you all my love
You know me so well
I fell for you by the look
             In your eyes
Let’s stay together forever
Everyday you make me crazy
               I love you
I will love you forever

I could live with you forever
Forever and ever
I could give you all my love
            Forever and ever
I can tell you love me
        By the look in your eye
Your sweet smile
Funny ways
So many beautiful days

I could live with you
          Forever and ever
I can’t imagine life without you

Everyday is full of surprises
When I’m sad you make me smile
Sometimes it takes awhile
I’m living with you forever and ever
You giving me your love
I’ll give you my love

I could live with you forever
Everyday you make me crazy
But I love you forever
Jul 2023 · 338
Be kind
You will never know what you will find
Truthfulness, love
Is so hard to find
Use your mind, be kind
When I saw your smile
You done me in
Love is patient, gentle
Truthfulness love
Is one of a kind
No one is perfect
I love you for you
Be kind
Love is hard to find,
Jul 2023 · 495
Warm air, cool rain
Helps to forget the pain
Since you walked out of my life
I feel no closure
You stopped answering your phone
When I call you no answer
I can’t ever get over it
I’m living my own life
Warm air, cool rain
I wish I could
Forget the pain
I wish I could see you
I wish I could have a dance
             With you
Today matters
The past is gone
We need to live for today
I will love you always
          In my heart
Warm air, cool rain
Jul 2023 · 108
Give me space
Every day I feel alone
        Give me space
I can’t go back in time
        Give me space
Your face, your face
I remember your smile
What ever happened
        At your place
I can’t go back in time
Give me some space
The world we live in, we need to do more
To help the poor
The world we live in , we need
To help the mental and drug addictions
We need to make better gun laws
Normal people should have guns
We need to get guns away from careless
               Crazy people
The world we live in is falling apart
It’s time America
Make a start
Help our young people
The world we live in is  falling apart,
Jul 2023 · 119
This time is now
All I want is to sing you a song
To tell you how much you belong
This time is now
No buts or how
All I want is to love you forever
This time is now
We can both reach for our dreams
We have to believe
All I want is to sing you a song
To tell you how much you belong
I’ll love you forever from sunrise to sunset
This time is now
All we have to do is believe in ourselves
This time is now
All I want to do is love you forever
Have you ever loved someone so much?
That didn’t love you back
Have you ever lost hope?
Never give up
Never give up

Have you ever prayed for better days?
I want to live for now
I gave you everything in my soul
Have you ever prayed so hard
I know, I can find my way
Never give up
Jul 2023 · 350
Time and energy
I will give you all my time
I will live with a smile in my heart
You give me energy
To be who I want to be
Time goes by
You helped me be me
Jul 2023 · 104
Candle and flame
You came in my life like the wind
You left in the dark
My whole life I’ve been waiting for you
Years gone bye
I’m still waiting
I keep dreaming
I keep dreaming
I keep dreaming for you to come
You came into my life like a
Candle and flame
No one is to blame
I keep dreaming, I keep dreaming
Miles away
It shouldn’t be this way
We should be together today
You came in my life like the wind
You left like a candle  and flame
No one is to blame
We can’t say why
It was this way
Today we should be together
You left like a candle and flame
No one is the blame
I keep dreaming, keep dreaming
For you to come
You left my whole world dark
I keep dreaming for you to come
Jun 2023 · 133
Your voice
Your voice is your choice
Never ever be somebody your not
You can’t have everyone like you
Sometimes we disagree
Your voice is your choice
Be a voice
Jun 2023 · 246
Find your inner self
Looking high, looking low
Find your inner self
Deep inside your soul
            Is you
Find your inner self
Kindness will take you
            Very far
Find your inner peace
Jun 2023 · 455
Love has no limits
Love for today
No limits
Love, love, love
Not yesterday
But today
Love has no limits
Look all around you
Do you see love?
Love, love,love,love
Jun 2023 · 124
You make me smile
You make me smile
No matter how life is
I can’t imagine life
       Without you
You make me smile
On a rainy day
You make me smile
Every once in awhile
I feel sad
Missing pieces of my life
I’m so glad I have you
You make me smile
No matter how crazy
       I feel
You and I are so real
I can feel your heart beat
Next to mine
You make me smile
I can’t imagine life without you
You make me smile
No matter how crazy I feel
You and I are real
Your heart
My heart
You make me smile
Apr 2023 · 386
Colors of today
Grateful for my life
Colors changing
Can’t hold back
My feelings
To follow my heart
Apr 2023 · 139
I’m not alone
Have you ever felt alone?
Have you ever felt your church
             Let you down?
You can’t unwrap a human
Without knowing who they are
When you wanted something so bad
                 It’s gone
The power of determination
Believe in your faith
Not anyone else
Some people try and belittle you
You have to walk away
You don’t need a church
To belong  
GOD our father is here for us
Stay true with him
It’s all you need
Have you ever worked so hard.?
And didn’t find answers
I believe in GOD
No one else
Mar 2023 · 142
Believe in today
Each day
Each hour
Each min
Each decision

Reach high for your goal
Reach for a better day
Teach yourself something new

Believe, believe
Live for today
Love every minute
Love each day

I awake each morning
Thinking of yesterday
It it’s gone
I’m living for today
Loving everyday

Heartache from the past
Hurt my mind
I know I will find today

You can’t go back
No, no
You can go ahead

I have to believe in today
I have to believe in today
I have to believe
I need to find my own way

Each hour
Each moment of today
I have to believe
I need to find my own way
I will believe in today
Today, today
Mar 2023 · 125
Flowers filled with love
Flowers open filled with love
Showered in rain
Sunshine most of days
It’s a sign to be thankful

Flower open petals begin to grow
Showered in rain
Sometimes there pain

When rain comes down
Pick a flower
Flowers open filled with love
Close your eyes
Forget the rain
Feb 2023 · 125
Moving forward
Somewhere out there is happiness
Simplify your life
No one wants  to be homeless
Instead don’t use laziness
Move, move
Moving forward
Think of your friends
That are kind
You will find
Move, move
Loveliness awaits
It’s not fate
Eagerness is honesty
Somewhere out there
Is happiness
Move, move
Don’t be cold hearted
Simplify your life
Move, move
Jan 2023 · 374
Late afternoon
Summer on its way
Slumber afternoons
Number of days
Equals a lot to say
Jan 2023 · 228
Love is complicated
But not overrated
It’s a statement
Love is hard to find
This is why we should
     Be kind
Words you can’t take back
Feelings  hurt so  bad
Everyone is sad
Love is hard to find
You can’t take back yesterday
You need  to find a way
To control your thoughts
Words you can’t take back
Love is hard to  find
I will be kind
You can’t take back yesterday
But words are enough
This is why you should be kind
You can’t take back yesterday
I tried, I tried
I’m turning the weight
On my mind to you
I tried, I tried
I trust you
You will guide me
I know you won’t lie to me
I’m turning the weight
On my mind to you Lord
Jan 2023 · 156
Finding a reason
Did you ever feel lost?
Do you believe in faith?
Everyone needs a reason
Blinded by confusion
Listen to your own heart
Be true, be true
Jan 2023 · 139
Air is calm
Quiet days
Sunny rays
Near afternoon
There is no monsoon
Beware of solitude
Changes attitude
Jan 2023 · 181
When I call you
I never forget  
To say goodbye
Even if I fall

I’ll always say
It’s not forever
Only for the moment

When I call you
   I’d always say

When you leave me
With sudden silence

When I call you
  I never would say
Nov 2022 · 210
Fall back
It’s that time of year
         To fall back
Colder nights
Darker evenings
Fall back
New year coming soon
Start now going forward,
All of the quietness
Leads to unanswered
Days turn to weeks
Weeks turn to months
Months turn to years
Years turn to decades
Decades turn to forever
It all adds up to
        Never talking
Silence will never be answers
It’s like forever,
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