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Everyday a flower blooms
It brings a shower of love
Everyday power comes
          From above
I can give you all my love
You know me so well
I fell for you by the look
             In your eyes
Let’s stay together forever
Everyday you make me crazy
               I love you
I will love you forever

I could live with you forever
Forever and ever
I could give you all my love
            Forever and ever
I can tell you love me
        By the look in your eye
Your sweet smile
Funny ways
So many beautiful days

I could live with you
          Forever and ever
I can’t imagine life without you

Everyday is full of surprises
When I’m sad you make me smile
Sometimes it takes awhile
I’m living with you forever and ever
You giving me your love
I’ll give you my love

I could live with you forever
Everyday you make me crazy
But I love you forever
You will never know what you will find
Truthfulness, love
Is so hard to find
Use your mind, be kind
When I saw your smile
You done me in
Love is patient, gentle
Truthfulness love
Is one of a kind
No one is perfect
I love you for you
Be kind
Love is hard to find,
Helps to forget the pain
Since you walked out of my life
I feel no closure
You stopped answering your phone
When I call you no answer
I can’t ever get over it
I’m living my own life
Warm air, cool rain
I wish I could
Forget the pain
I wish I could see you
I wish I could have a dance
             With you
Today matters
The past is gone
We need to live for today
I will love you always
          In my heart
Warm air, cool rain
Every day I feel alone
        Give me space
I can’t go back in time
        Give me space
Your face, your face
I remember your smile
What ever happened
        At your place
I can’t go back in time
Give me some space
The world we live in, we need to do more
To help the poor
The world we live in , we need
To help the mental and drug addictions
We need to make better gun laws
Normal people should have guns
We need to get guns away from careless
               Crazy people
The world we live in is falling apart
It’s time America
Make a start
Help our young people
The world we live in is  falling apart,
All I want is to sing you a song
To tell you how much you belong
This time is now
No buts or how
All I want is to love you forever
This time is now
We can both reach for our dreams
We have to believe
All I want is to sing you a song
To tell you how much you belong
I’ll love you forever from sunrise to sunset
This time is now
All we have to do is believe in ourselves
This time is now
All I want to do is love you forever
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