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Chérie Sep 2013
One warm, beautiful dark evening
As their eyes met that gazing night
They felt as if they knew each other
But it was really love at first sight.
As they drew themselves closer together
And in their stomaches the butterflies tingle
As they stood there silently with no sound
Then they suddenly begin to mingle.
They whispered, giggled, and talked to each other
As though they've known each other for years
That night was what drew them together
Which they look back at with loving tears.
Years gone by and they're still together
Remembering then in loving ways
Not so young as they were back then
But they still act that young today.
Memories still lingering of that night
With them it will forever last
Their love has grown deeper and deeper
From that wonderful night of the past.
Chérie Feb 2019
I am a closed book,
I keep myself closed from everyone,
To prevent myself from the pain that I've gone through.
I've opened myself up before,
Only to be hurt by the one person I never thought would.
I am a closed book,
I keep myself closed to shield my heart and soul from going through the pain again.
I've tried to open myself up,
But only to instantly close myself for fear of being hurt.
I am a closed book,
And will keep myself closed from anymore pain I may be caused by anyone.
My heart has been torn to pieces by someone I truly loved and thought truly loved me,
And I can't risk that happening ever again.
I am a closed book,
I've lost my faith and trust in men.
Because it's all I've learned was broken dreams and promises,
I've been cheated on, lied to, abused (physically, emotionally, mentally and sexually).
I am a closed book,
And will remain closed to keep myself from ever being hurt anymore.
Chérie Oct 2013
(A Dream)
~The Fool~
Could you be real and steal my heart,
If so, let it be right from the start.
But I know it will take time,
And that should be a crime.
I'll try to fight it, but won't win.
So, I'll finally just have to give in.
Although your friendship, I would hold dear,
And to lose you, would be my biggest I fear.
You would be my best friend,
I would never want that to end.
I would be afraid to let you know,
Because I won't ever want to let you go.
But my heart would ache for you,
And I won't know what to do.
Would I, be honest and tell you how I feel,
Or will our friendship be damaged and never heal.
If only you would see,
What this would be doing to me.
It'll be tearing me up inside,
I would just crawl back in my shell and hide.
If you chose to close the door on me,
I know I would just have to let it be.
I wouldn't blame you though, I'd understand,
But I would want you to know, that it wasn't planned.
And also because of you,
I would finally see through.
All my flaws and mistakes,
That I just couldn't seem to break.
So, I'm saying sorry now, for how I feel,
I only wish that you were real.
So I would know if you would ever feel the same,
But I know you wouldn't and it would be me, The Fool, who would be to blame.
Chérie Oct 2013
I'm lost and alone,
How I wish I could just stay home.
To heal my broken heart,
That I try not to fall apart.
I want to find the man of my dreams,
But it seems I won't and I just want to scream.
My eyes fill with tears, but I try not to cry,
That I have to tell myself a lie.
I breathe in the thought of him, as much as I can,
Because without him I just can't stand.
My heart aches,
And my soul waits.
I know I'll never find you,
But I hope and pray that one day I do.
Maybe in another life,
I could finally find him and be his wife.
Until then I'll wait that day forever,
Even if our paths may not cross ever.
Though I may be making a big mistake,
But that's a chance I'm willing to take.
I hope one day my heart will heal,
Because I know your heart, I may never find to steal.
And I know deep in my heart, my life will never be complete,
Until the day we finally meet.
I see nothing wrong with keeping a dream alive,
If it's the only way for me to survive.
Chérie Sep 2013
I love you with all my heart and soul,
with everything I am and everything I want to be,
you are my life, my entire world,
without you I wouldn't be who I am today, please believe me.
I want you to be the best person that you can be,
always be honest, loyal, loving, and caring,
and always be kind generous, sweet, and respectful,
don't be a follower, be a leader and always do the right thing.
Do what you believe is right, follow your heart,
don't do what you know in your heart is wrong,
trust and believe in yourself, make the right choices,
and you will become a better person and you will be strong.
Be yourself, don't be someone you're not,
and don't be someone, that others want you to be,
you are your own person, be that person,
never forget who you are and who you want to be.
When you are looking for that special someone,
don't rush into anything, be patient and wait,
time and patience is all you need, love will find you,
just give it time, eventually you will find your soulmate.
And when you find that special someone, never let her go,
always be there for her, love her--care for her--be her best friend and lover,
believe in her--trust in her, and she'll always be there for you too,
be the man she's always dreamed of, don't use or abuse her.
But if you find her and she's already with someone,
just be there for her, that's all you can do,
be patient, have faith, and if it's meant to be--love will bring you two together,
fate is always on your side, as is God too.
I hope you will be the man I tried to raise you to be,
as I know you will, I tried to make sure you were polite and considerate,
live your life being truthful, try not to make mistakes,
but if you do, please let it be small--learn from it , don't let it be too late.
I've tried to be the best mother I can be for you,
and being a mother, is one of the hardest jobs I've ever had,
but being a mother with a full time job is even harder yet,
I'm sorry if I'm not always here for you, I don't mean for you to be sad.
I love you and I'll always be there for you, no matter what,
I hope you know this to be true, you're my son,
I'll be here for you through it all, the good and the bad,
the happy and the sad, my love for you will never come undone.
I wrote this poem for my boys --- Kenny, Mikey, Jordon, and Brandon. I love you boys, with all my heart and soul.
Chérie May 2019
It's all I want to do is cry,
But I'm fighting back the tears,
Because it's all I can do.
I feel so empty inside,
I'm just broken and damaged goods.
And I really should just be alone.
I should just stay in my shell,
That's where I belong.
Keep away from me,
I am like a toxin,
That can't be cured.
I'm just a failure as a girlfriend and a lover.
I was never this person before,
My past relationship destroyed who I once was.
I only wish I could find her,
So I can love myself and learn to love again.
Chérie Sep 2013
If only love could last forever,
but does it really ever.
Maybe if love was strong,
it could last that long.
Love is life's never ending test,
to pass is what I request.
True love is hard to find,
if only life could be so kind.
A soulmate is what everybody needs,
my soulmate is what I want indeed.
Is there such a thing as ever lasting love,
if so, give me a sign from above.
Am I with my soulmate now,
please tell me, I'd like to know now.
Why is love such a mystery,
and cause me such misery.
Is it too much to ask,
must it be such a task.
Love is hard to find, it's true,
but to hold on is even harder to do.
When you find that someone,
be sure to have a lot of fun.
Let them be your lover and friend,
hold on to it, never let it end.
Chérie Jan 2014
Forgive me Lord for I have sinned,
I've fallen for this man that haunts me in my dreams,
I've told him just how I feel,
The more my feelings grew, the less I could hide them it seems.
I've kept my distance as much as I can,
I'm doing my best at least I'm trying,
But he's so ****** irresistable that I cant stay away,
I'm so stupid for letting this happen that I just feel like hiding.
Why do I have to be such a fool,
And do so many ridiculous things,
I don't know why he still wants to be my friend,
He should consider me as nothing.
Although I'm so very greatful he's still apart of my life,
I just don't understand why,
Why does he still want to be,
But I fear the day when he tells me goodbye.
I'm praying to you Lord, please help me with my heart,
Once again I've managed to have my heart broke,
I've brought this on myself, and I only have myself to blame,
I'm just the fool, who should not have spoke.
Forgive me Lord for I have sinned,
I've fallen for the man I've been looking for,
I'm trying to only think of him as just a friend,
But he's sweet, kind, thoughtful, caring, funny, loving, and more.
I only hope he stays apart of my life forever,
Because without him I could not survive,
He's made such a big difference in my life,
That without him I would not be alive.
Chérie Jul 2020
I thought we were finally going to have our chance at happiness,
That we didn't get to have before.
But like a snap of a finger it was gone and I only have myself to blame,
I was blind and stupid to not see what I had.
Now I have lost you and my heart aches,
Wishing I could turn back time and redo what I didn't do or say before.
I am just a **** up, broken and damaged. A lost soul longing for the love I thought I could've had with you.
Now I see why I deserve to be alone, I destroy everything I touch.
Run as far and as fast as you can away from me, before I **** up your life.
You are better off without somebody like me, you want to help me but there is no helping somebody like me.
**** My Life...
Chérie Oct 2013
I'm packing your bags and hope that you leave,
Because I'm done with you, that's one thing you can believe.
I'm sick and tired of the deceit and all your lies,
And it's finally time for me to tell you Goodbye.
I don't need you, I can make it on my own,
I already know that you won't be alone.
I'm tired of all your *******,
Someone else can deal with it.
I've dealt with it for far too long already,
It's time I think of my boys and me.
And don't think you can guilt me into feeling bad,
Because I'm not going to worry or feel sad.
You did this to yourself, but I'm sure you'll blame it all on me,
But it wasn't just me and that's plain to see.
I've been the one who has been walked all over for so many years,
And fought back all my tears.
Not tears from a broken heart though,
But tears that you would never go.
I'm slowly building up the strength and courage to say you need to leave,
But then I'm afraid that it is something I will never achieve.
Lord give me guidance to find my way,
So that maybe I can be happy again one day.
Chérie Jun 2019
Guilting me, Making me feel like I wronged you.
Guiting me, Making me feel like I'm not suppose to be happy.
Guilting me, Making me think you deserve happiness and not I.
Guilting me, Making me feel like the ******* that I am.
Guilting me, Making me out to be the bad guy even now.
Guilting me, Making me think it's fine for you to be happy with another but not I.
Guilting me, Making me feel undeserving of anything.
Guilting me...
Chérie Aug 2019
I Hate everything about myself
I Hate that I'm not a good mother
I Hate that I'm not a good grandma
I Hate that I'm not a good girlfriend
I Hate that I'm not a good friend
I Hate that I'm not a good lover
I Hate that I'm not a good sister
I Hate that I'm not good at anything
I Hate that I wasn't a good daughter
I Hate my life and myself
I Hate me!!
Chérie Jun 2020
I hesitate because I'm afraid,
Afraid of loving you.
I hesitate because of love,
Love I may never know with you.
I hesitate because of pain,
Pain I don't want to feel again.
I hesitate because of heartache,
Heartache I can't bare to take.
I hesitate because of fear,
Fear of having it all then losing it.
I hesitate because I love you,
I believe you may be my soulmate.
I hesitate...
Chérie Sep 2013
If there's one thing that I know is true,
It's the patience that I have with you.
I'll wait a second for you,
I'll wait a minute too.
I'll wait an hour just for you,
I'll wait a day and even two.
I'll wait a week if that'll do,
I'll wait a month, even a few.
I'll wait a year, do you believe it's true,
I'll wait centuries and decades only for you.
I'll even wait forever, at least that's what I'll try to do,
I'll wait right here just for you, because I love you.
I'll wait my very last breath, just to be with you!
Chérie Feb 2019
My poetry ***** and I just can't write any more.
My minds just a blank and when I do write, it's no good.
This is the last horrible poem I'm ever going to write, I'm done!
Chérie Feb 2019
I want to help you through all the pain you have beeen through,
To stop all of your flashbacks and nightmares.
But I'm not sure if I will be able to be your solution,
I will try with everything that I am to help you as much as I can.
I'm here for you day or night, my door will always be open,
Just always know I am here for you and always will be.
I'm not sure that I can help you find the closure you so greatly need to heal,
And I am so very sorry for my failure as a friend if I cannot help with what you need most.
I can only do so much to help you and I know that isn't enough,
I'm sorry I can't do more for you but to only be here for you as a friend.
Chérie Sep 2013
In the moment that I knew,
I had fallen for you,
I could feel the butterflies churning,
As my stomach started turning.
In the moment that I felt,
My heart begin to melt,
I knew I had no control,
That I felt it deep in my soul.
In the moment that I could see,
How much you meant to me,
I was lost for so long,
That because of you I feel strong.
In the moment that I knew,
My heart belonged to you,
Just please keep it safe, don't let it break,
The pain is too much to take.
In the moment that you stole my heart,
Yours was still torn apart,
That for so long I kept my distance,
And I'm here if you ever want to give us a chance.
Chérie Oct 2013
I promise to be here for you always,
Because I love you, today and every day.
I promise to be your friend always,
Because I love you in every way.
I promise to care for you always,
Because I love you, that I can honestly say.
I promise I won't leave you, ever,
Because I love you, my friend, forever.
I promise I won't doubt you, ever,
Because I love you, my dear, forever.
I promise I won't stop loving you, ever,
Because I love you, my love, forever.
I promise I'll try to keep my promises for you,
Because I love you, I promise that I do.
Chérie Dec 2022
I miss having my children around,
Is It Too Much To Ask.
I miss my grandchildren,
Is It Too Much To Ask.
I want my family back,
Is It Too Much To Ask.
I want to have friends again,
Is It Too Much To Ask.
I want to be able to do things,
Is It Too Much To Ask.
I just want my life back,
Is It Too Much To Ask.
Chérie Jun 2020
It hurts to know we never had the chance to be happy.
It hurts to see you with another, knowing that I love you.
It hurts to think that we could've tried, but I was too afraid.
Knowing we would always have the same people trying to destroy us.
It hurts to know you don't love me the way I now know that I love you.
It hurts too much to see you and know that we can never be, now that you are with another.
Knowing that you love her and not me.
It hurts to know that we can only be friends and nothing more.
It hurts so much, that we will never have the chance again because I was too blind to see what we could've had.
Knowing you are still in my life, if it is only as just a friend is better than not having you in my life at all.
It hurts to know the pain and heartache I feel, but I will hopefully get over it in time.
Chérie Oct 2013
I think it's time that you should know,
That a love for you just does not show.
I've been unhappy for quite some time,
But you were unwilling to see the sign.
I tried to tell you time and time again,
But it's like you didn't want to listen.
So now you should just let go,
Of a love that will never grow.
It's hard to love, when no trust is there,
Lying every day and expecting me to still care.
You don't even help me with anything at all,
Are you waiting to watch and see if I fall.
Spending more time upstairs or just not being here,
The boys need you more then your **** beer.
You feed me lines of ******* that lead to an arguement,
And you wonder why I don't talk and I'm so distant.
I had might as well be a single Mom and raise my boys on my own,
It's basically what I'm doing, but I'll have them so I won't be alone.
They are my entire world, my heart and soul,
I'll be strong and confident, I won't be afraid and I will stay in control.
It's time to stand ground and put my foot down,
No more being a wimp, I can do this, I can stop all the frowns.
It's time to be brave for my boys and I,
No playing the guilt trip card, so don't even try.
It's time for us to say goodbye,
Why should we continue to keep living this lie.
Chérie Apr 2021
Just a Failure with everything,
Failed with being a good daughter,
Failure with being a mother,
Failed all my children,
Failure as a grandmother,
Failing my grandchildren,
Failure as a girlfriend/wife,
Failure as a friend,
Nothing but a Failure,
Just a waste of space,
Wasting everyone's time,
Just a Big Failure in life,
Just a Failure.
Chérie Sep 2013
I would walk any mile,
Just to see his smile.
His beautiful eyes,
How I am mesmerized.
And his gorgeous face,
I could never replace.
The sound of his voice,
Would be my choice.
His laugh I love to hear,
How I long to have him near.
His arms so strong,
It's where I want to belong.
Holding me ever so tight,
Each and every night.
He has stolen my heart,
When his was torn apart.
His friendship means so much to me,
Because I know we can never be.
I'd live the love of a little lie,
Then a love that would eventually die.
I'd rather have him as a friend,
Then to ever let a love end.
I could stand to have his love this small,
Then not to have his love at all.
Chérie Sep 2013
I would walk any mile,
Just to see your smile.
Your beautiful face,
I could never replace.
Your laugh, how I love to hear,
To me you are very dear.
Your love means so much to me,
Please tell me, we will always be,
I don't know what I'd ever do,
Without a man like you.
You are my best friend,
I wish that it didn't have to end.
I'm a person of many flaws and mistakes,
It seems like my heart always aches.
Always remember, I'm here for you,
Whether you're angry, upset, or blue.
Anytime, day or night,
Just to know you'll be alright.
I'll forever be here for you,
I hope you can believe that to be true.
Because I'll always love you,
With all my heart and soul too.
Chérie Feb 2019
I'm so alone, the pain I feel is real.
I feel as if I'm falling apart, with no way of mending myself.
I just want to disappear from this world, who would miss me anyway.
This loneliness I can't break away from, I can't help but feel this way.
I feel so empty and alone inside, it's tearing me apart.
I want to be strong and fight this loneliness away, but I am not.
I am weak with nothing left in me, only this pain of loneliness.
Chérie Sep 2013
My sweet little Madison, you're so precious and beautiful just as I thought you would be.
My heart holds lots of love for you, I only wish all the love you could see.
The first time I held you, I could not believe the many miles it took just to do so.
Since I've been home I miss you all the more, that I wish I never had to go.
This poem I wrote for my beautiful granddaughter, Madison. I had to travel many miles to see her and wish I didn't have to leave her. It broke my heart when I had to come back home, so I had to write what I felt.
Chérie Sep 2013
My beautiful granddaughter, whom I love and miss with all my heart and soul,
Always on my mind, wishing I could see you everyday and hope you remember me,
Dear sweet little Angel of mine, how I want you to know you are my entire world,
I love you more than you'll ever know, I can not show you what you mean to me,
So I'm writing this little poem, in hopes that one day you might read it and know,
Oh my precious Madison, the first time I saw you, I fell in love, and my heart filled with joy,
Nothing will ever change my love for you, you'll forever hold a place in my heart.

Lord watch over my wonderful granddaughter, please love her, guide her, and protect her,
Every day of her life, keep her safe from all harm and help her through any hard times,
Encourage her to choose the right paths, remind her to be strong and that she is loved.
This is the second poem I wrote for my granddaughter, the first letter of every line is her name (Madison Lee). Wanted to have those letters under lined or even a different color, so it would be more noticeable but I don't know if I can even do that on here.
Chérie Sep 2013
Missing you already, my dear friend,

Now that you are gone,

This world is so unkind,

If only we could all just get along.

Missing you with all my heart and soul,

Please take care of yourself and come home safely,

Your boys need you so very much,

But until you're home safe, I'll continue to worry.

Missing you, wishing we had more time,

Why were you, one of the chosen ones,

My dearest friend, I'll pray for your safe return,

Just remember--family, friends, life, and love are your reasons.

Missing you, remembering the good times,

The talks, laughs, jokes will remain a memory,

Your kindness, caring, sweetness,

And how your understanding, just amazes me.

Missing you as the days go by,

Wishing you were here,

You will never understand my fear of losing you,

And to me you are so very dear.

Missing you, is something I have to learn to forgive,

Having your friendship, I will never forget,

Losing you, is something I could not live with,

You are one of the best things in my life, that I will not regret.

Missing you, always and forever,

But I know in my heart, it won't be for too long,

You will always be in my thoughts and prayers,

Because of you, I finally feel like I have a place where I belong.

Missing you still, having you in my life means everything,

With you being so far away, I've become very lonely,

I miss you dear friend, so very much,

That the thought of having you in my life, comforts me.
Chérie Sep 2013
My heart belongs to you,
You know this will always be true.
My heart is full of love,
From the heaven up above.
My heart is not fake,
So please don't make my heart ache.
My heart lives,
'Cause I have so much love to give.
My heart will always be here for you,
When you are lonely, sad, or blue.
My heart does feel pain,
So please keep it from the strain.
My heart is not for taking,
So please, keep my heart from breaking.
My heart beats for you,
Does your heart beat for me too?
My heart is your heart,
So please don't tear it apart.
My heart is big enough to share,
Just so you know, I will always care.
My heart does not hate,
I refuse to open up that gate.
My heart continues to grow,
So please don't ever go.
Chérie Sep 2013
I can't get focused,

My soul is lost,

Where do I belong,

My life is not what I had planned,

I wish it were bettter,

But I know it'll never be,

I live my life day by day,

Waiting for happiness to come my way,

But only to be disappointed again,

What did I do that was so wrong,

Where is the God that I believe in,

Why does he not help,

I need his hand to guide me,

Through this life that I live,

Is this the path he has chosen for me,

Or are they all just my mistakes,

Will I ever be strong enough to fight,

My misery away,

Weak is who I am,

Weak is not who I want to be,

My weakness is strong as I am not,

Give me strength Lord,

I need your light to guide me,

Away from my mistakes,

My choices are not the wisest, I know,

I need a hand or an Angel,

To help me choose the right path,

Of my life.
Chérie Oct 2013
My heart and soul are in so much pain,
And I only have myself to blame.
I just need to be strong,
I've been weak for far too long.
But how do I find the strength within,
And where should I begin.
Where do I find the confidence,
I need to break away from my silence.
As I scream from inside this prison cell,
Trying to escape the living hell.
Of which this nightmare I live,
A nightmare I continue to relive.
Why do I feel so broken inside,
Like my entire life has just died.
How can I punish myself this way,
I wish I could just run away.
And free myself from all the pain,
Before I drive myself insane.
Chérie Sep 2013
I'm sorry, that you can't seem to understand me,
And why you just can't let it be,
I'll never be able to change, so just stop trying to make me,
If you're so unhappy, then just set yourself free,
You're not in control of me, if only you could see,
I'm broken, and you, nor anyone else can fix me.
If I can't love myself, I don't see how I can even love anyone else,
I really just need to be all by myself,
My spirit isn't in good health.
You need to break away from me, can't you see,
Keep your spirit free from me,
Don't let it break, just let it be.
How much are you willing to take,
Can't you see this is a big mistake,
Everything about my life seems fake.
I can see the pain I cause you,
And you cause me pain too,
There's just one simple thing we can do.
But I know, that's one thing you won't choose,
So I'll continue to sit here with my blues,
While you sit here drinking your beers, then maybe go for a cruise.
I can't live like this anymore,
We need to just close the door,
Why should we make this into such a chore.
My heart is empty and has been for a very, very long time,
But I just could never see the signs,
Don't be miserable here with me, I'll be fine.
Just go be happy with another,
Forget about me, don't even bother,
But just know, I'm not like any other.
Don't let the anger hold on to you,
Forgive and forget is what you need to do,
Break away from the pain, I cause you.
Remember it's always been me,
Who couldn't see,
All the pain that I've been hiding deep inside me.
Chérie Sep 2013
We love our mother, as we know she loves us too,
It was just our mother raising us, three girls,
Our father died when we were quite young,
She tried her best to raise us right and do good by us girls.
She's the best mom we could've ever asked for,
She's a very strong, yet stubburn woman,
She's my hero and I'm sure she's my sisters' hero too,
She's a very wonderful, kind, loving, and caring person.
She's everything we could ever ask for and much, much more,
She's not only our mother, but she's our friend as well,
We are very lucky to have her as our mother,
We're not ready to bid her farewell.
Please God, keep her with us for a while longer,
Because we are not ready to lose her,
We all still need her a great deal,
She is all we have left, except each other.
We still need her near, as any child would,
Even though we are adults now and have children of our own,
We will always need her no matter what,
She'll always be by our side, we never have to worry about being alone.
Remember we love you mom and we always will,
You made us who we are today,
We want to make you proud of us, as we are of you,
Don't give up on life yet, please say you'll stay.
I wrote this in October of 2008 after my mom had her third stroke within just a few years of each other.  We didn't know if she was even going to pull through or even be the same after her stroke, but my Mother's a fighter and I thank God everyday for keeping her in our lives. I love you, Mom.
Chérie Feb 2019
We loved our Mother, as we knew she loved us too,
it was just our Mother who raised us, three girls,
Our Father died when we were quite young,
She tried her best to raise us right and do good by us girls.
She was the best Mother we could've ever asked for,
She was a very strong, yet stubborn woman,
She was my hero and I'm sure she was my sisters' hero too,
She was a very wonderful, kind, loving, and caring person.
She was everything we could ever ask for and much much more,
She was not only our Mother, but she was our friend as well,
We were very lucky to have had her as our Mother,
And we weren't ready to bid her farewell yet.
We Prayed God, to keep her with us just a little longer,
Because we weren't ready to lose her,
We thought we still needed her a great deal,
She was all we had left, except each other.
We still needed her near, as any child would,
Even though we are adults now and have children of our own,
We will always need our Mother no matter what,
She was always by our side, we never had to worry being alone.
Remember Mom we love you and we always will,
You made us who we are today,
We want you to be proud of us, as we were of you,
We didn't want you to give up on life, but knew you couldn't stay.
This is a Poem I revised after my Mom passed away last year, Rest in Peace Mom. I love and miss you so very much, your finally reunited with Dad again. My mom passed away January 26th 2018, I rewrote this the next day.
Chérie Sep 2013
The sky is blue,
As I am too,
Remembering all the things we'd do.

I miss you with all my heart,
I wish we never drifted apart,
Can we please, make a brand new start.

My love for you is strong,
With you is where I belong,
Please tell me, I'm not wrong.

Your touch is all I feel,
Will my heart ever heal,
My pain is just so real.

Just to be with you once again,
How I dream of what could've been,
Wishing it could still be how we were then.                                                            ­                                                                
­Was your love for me, real or fake?
Was it all just a big mistake?
How much do you want me to take?

It's been awhile since we spoke,
And my heart is still broke,
Was this all just one big joke.

Was it all just pretend?
Just to see how far I could bend.
Was it all just a plan to the end.

I was such a fool,
As I sit on this bar stool,
Drowning in my sorrow pool.

Will I ever get over you?
Do you even have a clue?
Just a drink or two, then maybe I'll be over you.
Chérie Oct 2013
Remember me when you feel all alone,
I'm always here for you, I'll never leave you on your own.
Remember me when your heart is broke in two,
I'll always be here to pick up the pieces and heal your heart for you.
Remember me when you feel depressed, stressed or angry,
I'm always going to be by your side through it all, please believe in me.
Remember me when you're confused or lost,
Because I'm always here for you no matter what the cost.
Remember me when you're feeling ill in any way,
I'll always be here to nurse you back to health any day.
Remember me after I am gone,
And just for you, I'll be sure to ask God to leave Heaven's light on.
Remember me please, don't forget,
I'll always remember you, our friendship I'll never regret.
Remember me if you're in Heaven before me,
Maybe you can guide the light for me to see.
Remember me when you don't think you can ever love again,
Because I am here waiting to love you, but I can wait 'til then.
Remember me when you feel like nobody loves you,
Just so you know that I'll always love you, forever too.
Chérie Mar 2019
I'm sad and alone with no one here to comfort me,
I have no one in my life, with very little family and what seems like no friends at all.
I'm sad and alone with no one here to love me,
I have no one here but my boys who I know try there best for me.
I'm sad and alone with no one here to talk or cry with,
I have no one here but me to say you will make it through the day.
I'm sad and alone with no one here but me to convince myself to stay,
I have no one here only me to pick up the pieces of my broken heart.
I'm sad and alone with no one here to take away my pain,
I have no one here except me to say you need to be strong for your boys.
I'm sad and alone with no one here,
I am sad and alone.
Chérie Nov 2020
She felt beat down, wore out.
She felt broken inside.
Tired of the pain she felt, tired of crying.
She felt useless and worthless.
She couldn't do anything right.
She hated everything about herself, she felt alone and unwanted.
Why does no one love her, why does she have to feel so sad, unloved and unhappy.
Chérie Oct 2013
You were the dream, I never wanted to wake up from,
I loved having you in my life and how my life had become.
I wish you knew, how much you meant to me,
My heart and soul belonged to you, they were no longer free.
Although I knew your heart and soul would never be mine,
But if there ever was just a slight chance, I hoped God would give me a sign.
I loved having your friendship, it meant everything to me,
And I hoped that you were not sorry.
I only wished you stayed apart of my life and didn't leave,
You were the one I hoped to always trust and believe.
Honesty and loyalty were what I saw when I look into your gorgeous eyes,
There was something about you that made me feel the way I did,
I seemed to be able to say what I felt with you.
That's something I thought I'd never be able to do with anyone,
And it scared me so much, that sometimes I just wanted to run.
I feared the worst all the time, I didn't know why,
But then I did, if only I could say it was a lie.
I often wish I could be someone else, other than me,
Someone of great beauty inside and out, and not just for me to see.
Chérie Sep 2013
As we both sit here at our favorite place. The bright-orange moon glimmering on the lake with the chirping crickets and the leaves shifting in the trees, the smell of the fresh air and the sound of light taps of the water hitting the shore.
As the stars sparkle in the sky, we make a wish on a shooting star, with silence between you and I as we both sit in thought.
The taste of my wine as I take a sip and the wind lightly blowing on us, then you finally say, "It's a beautiful night tonight."
Chérie Sep 2013
Does anybody even know I'm here,
Will somebody know if I were to disappear.
Would they really notice that I was gone,
Or is it possible that I may be wrong.
I feel so very alone inside,
That I wish I could just find a place to hide.
Stay hidden from the world outside,
And pray for all my pain to subside.
Feeling so lost and out of place,
Needing someone to embrace.
Knowing that what I write of,
Is wanting to know the feel of true love.
But will never have that feeling I long for,
So I'll just continue to ignore.
What will never be,
Only to know what is unknown to me.
Chérie Jan 2014
When I look into your eyes,
All I see are nothing but lies.
How can you not feel the least bit guilty,
When you constantly lie to me.
And you wonder why I don't trust you,
What do you expect me to do.
Trust is earned, isn't that what you always say,
But how can I trust you, there is just no way.
How can you tell me daily,
That you love me.
Do you even know the meaning?
Because this is all I'm seeing.
Your way of love is not well planned,
It's wrong, if only you could understand.
I've told you it's over and wish you'd leave,
But it's obvious you never will, because you just don't want to believe.
The only thing left to do is pack your bags and leave them by the door,
Then maybe you'll realize it's over, unlike before.
Chance after chance is what I've given,
Only to be lied to again and again.
So I'm going to try one last time, to tell you goodbye,
And please just walk away quietly, because I don't want to hear another lie.
Chérie May 2019
I should really be fearing myself, I am my own poison, my own prison cell.
My mind takes over, I start thinking and then only begin to think the worst. I am a very emotional and sensitive person and take a lot to heart. I have depressed myself, I fought back tears and the ones I couldn't fell like rain today.
Chérie Feb 2019
I want a man who will love me for who I am, with all my flaws and mistakes.
Not one who wants to mold me into someone who he wants me to be.
I want a man who will not only love me, but my children as well.
Someone who will be there for them and to do things with them too.
I want a man who has a job, one who will help me with everything.
Someone who will help me around the house also and will cook as well.
I want a man who will love me and my children unconditionally, one who will not abuse us.
Someone who will give his all to be the man I've been searching for and to be a good father to my children.
I want a man to love me, one who will love my children as if they were his own.
Someone who will love us with his entire heart and soul.
Chérie Dec 2016
Inside my shell is where I want to be hidden away. Making the very small bubble that surrounds me even smaller than what it is. Build the biggest and strongest wall around my heart to keep it from all the heartache it endours. Sheild myself from all the pain that the ones I love most seem to cause. I'm not as strong as I thought I was. I slowly feel myself falling apart piece by piece, with no one there to pick up the pieces.
Chérie Oct 2013
She looks like a very lonely person,
Even though she is having a good time,
But deep inside she is a very sad person,
Though she tries to hide the sadness in her.
Chérie Feb 2019
It's all I want to do is cry,
But I'm fighting back the tears from my broken heart.
Because it's all I can do,
Is keep thinking of you.
I feel empty inside,
As though I have just lost my best friend.
I knew the day would come that I woud do something,
To destroy our friendship.
I'm damaged and broken inside,
And I really should just be alone.
I should just stay in my shell,
That's where I belong.
I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you,
You didn't deserve it.
Just as I didn't deserve your kindness,
Because I only hurt the  ones I care for most.
Keep away from me,
I will only destroy you in the end.
I am like a toxin,
That can't be cured.
I'm sorry for being so cruel,
Please forgive me.
I know I said I would always be there for you,
I failed you as a friend.
I was never this person before,
My past relationships destroyed who I once was.
I only wish I could find her,
So I can love myself and learn to love again.
I miss the old me and I also miss you dearly,
Take care of yourself and I hope you find the peace you need to heal.
I only wish I could help you through all your pain,
Maybe we were meant to find each other to help heal one another.
But I destroyed that as I do everthing,
That I love and care for.
Chérie Oct 2013
Lies, Lies, and more Lies...
That's all you do is lie to me, why?
I don't understand how you can say you love me,
But yet lie to me almost daily.
Do you take me for a fool?
How can you be so cruel.
I'm tired of it all and wish you would go,
I'm not losing anything, just thought you should know.
And I really don't care anymore,
I'm not afraid to be alone, not like before.
Being with you makes me very unhappy,
Is this really how you want me to be.
It's time to close this final chapter,
I want to find my happily ever after.
I left this one untitled, because I didn't know what it should be.
Chérie Sep 2013
You're a very dear friend to me,

I hope it's something you can see.

Life without you would be a sin,

I feel the pain deep within'.

A dear friend is what you've become,

In which I hope will never come undone.

You mean more to me than you'll ever know,

I really wish you didn't have to go.

It will not be the same, without you here,

Loneliness is what I fear.

Loneliness is all I see,

Loneliness is apart of me.

I will miss you with all my heart,

Why does our friendship have to part.

I wish I could have you here my dear friend,

Will our friendship now end?

I never want to lose you,

Without you I'll be lonely and blue.

Without you I am not whole,

Without you I have no soul.

Remember I am always here for you, forever,

Remember I will be by your side whenever.

Remember if you ever need anything,

Or even nothing.

I'm always here for you,

Believe in me, these words are true.

Believe in me, my friend always,

Believe in me, today and everyday.
Chérie Sep 2013
Your lips are as soft as a rose petal,
But your heart is as cold as metal.
My dreams are sweet like honey,
And yours are scary and not funny.
My tears fall like rain,
'Cause you're the cause of all my pain.
My life should've already begun,
Instead, it is over and all done.
Why do you have to be so mean,
It's not like I wanted to be treated like a queen.
All I've ever wanted was your love,
We once fit just like a glove.
It just suddenly became a mystery,
What happened to our loves history?
What happened to us?
Maybe I should've taken that first bus.
But it's over now and I must go,
I can see now, that your love doesn't show.
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