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Chérie Feb 2019
It's all I want to do is cry,
But I'm fighting back the tears from my broken heart.
Because it's all I can do,
Is keep thinking of you.
I feel empty inside,
As though I have just lost my best friend.
I knew the day would come that I woud do something,
To destroy our friendship.
I'm damaged and broken inside,
And I really should just be alone.
I should just stay in my shell,
That's where I belong.
I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you,
You didn't deserve it.
Just as I didn't deserve your kindness,
Because I only hurt the  ones I care for most.
Keep away from me,
I will only destroy you in the end.
I am like a toxin,
That can't be cured.
I'm sorry for being so cruel,
Please forgive me.
I know I said I would always be there for you,
I failed you as a friend.
I was never this person before,
My past relationships destroyed who I once was.
I only wish I could find her,
So I can love myself and learn to love again.
I miss the old me and I also miss you dearly,
Take care of yourself and I hope you find the peace you need to heal.
I only wish I could help you through all your pain,
Maybe we were meant to find each other to help heal one another.
But I destroyed that as I do everthing,
That I love and care for.
Chérie Feb 2019
I want to help you through all the pain you have beeen through,
To stop all of your flashbacks and nightmares.
But I'm not sure if I will be able to be your solution,
I will try with everything that I am to help you as much as I can.
I'm here for you day or night, my door will always be open,
Just always know I am here for you and always will be.
I'm not sure that I can help you find the closure you so greatly need to heal,
And I am so very sorry for my failure as a friend if I cannot help with what you need most.
I can only do so much to help you and I know that isn't enough,
I'm sorry I can't do more for you but to only be here for you as a friend.
Chérie Feb 2019
I want a man who will love me for who I am, with all my flaws and mistakes.
Not one who wants to mold me into someone who he wants me to be.
I want a man who will not only love me, but my children as well.
Someone who will be there for them and to do things with them too.
I want a man who has a job, one who will help me with everything.
Someone who will help me around the house also and will cook as well.
I want a man who will love me and my children unconditionally, one who will not abuse us.
Someone who will give his all to be the man I've been searching for and to be a good father to my children.
I want a man to love me, one who will love my children as if they were his own.
Someone who will love us with his entire heart and soul.
Chérie Feb 2019
I'm so alone, the pain I feel is real.
I feel as if I'm falling apart, with no way of mending myself.
I just want to disappear from this world, who would miss me anyway.
This loneliness I can't break away from, I can't help but feel this way.
I feel so empty and alone inside, it's tearing me apart.
I want to be strong and fight this loneliness away, but I am not.
I am weak with nothing left in me, only this pain of loneliness.
Chérie Feb 2019
We loved our Mother, as we knew she loved us too,
it was just our Mother who raised us, three girls,
Our Father died when we were quite young,
She tried her best to raise us right and do good by us girls.
She was the best Mother we could've ever asked for,
She was a very strong, yet stubborn woman,
She was my hero and I'm sure she was my sisters' hero too,
She was a very wonderful, kind, loving, and caring person.
She was everything we could ever ask for and much much more,
She was not only our Mother, but she was our friend as well,
We were very lucky to have had her as our Mother,
And we weren't ready to bid her farewell yet.
We Prayed God, to keep her with us just a little longer,
Because we weren't ready to lose her,
We thought we still needed her a great deal,
She was all we had left, except each other.
We still needed her near, as any child would,
Even though we are adults now and have children of our own,
We will always need our Mother no matter what,
She was always by our side, we never had to worry being alone.
Remember Mom we love you and we always will,
You made us who we are today,
We want you to be proud of us, as we were of you,
We didn't want you to give up on life, but knew you couldn't stay.
This is a Poem I revised after my Mom passed away last year, Rest in Peace Mom. I love and miss you so very much, your finally reunited with Dad again. My mom passed away January 26th 2018, I rewrote this the next day.
Chérie Feb 2019
I am a closed book,
I keep myself closed from everyone,
To prevent myself from the pain that I've gone through.
I've opened myself up before,
Only to be hurt by the one person I never thought would.
I am a closed book,
I keep myself closed to shield my heart and soul from going through the pain again.
I've tried to open myself up,
But only to instantly close myself for fear of being hurt.
I am a closed book,
And will keep myself closed from anymore pain I may be caused by anyone.
My heart has been torn to pieces by someone I truly loved and thought truly loved me,
And I can't risk that happening ever again.
I am a closed book,
I've lost my faith and trust in men.
Because it's all I've learned was broken dreams and promises,
I've been cheated on, lied to, abused (physically, emotionally, mentally and sexually).
I am a closed book,
And will remain closed to keep myself from ever being hurt anymore.
Chérie Jan 2018
I torcher myself everyday, thinking who would ever love me.
I'm broken inside, with no way of healing myself.
My heart is shattered into a million pieces and feel as though my soul is lost.
I want someone who will love me for who I am, with all my flaws and mistakes.
Who would heal my broken heart and find my soul.
But who would ever love me, for just me.
I want someone who won't abuse me, is that so wrong.
Someone who is kind, gentle, sweet, loving and caring.
Who would ever love me though, when I'm just a shell of who I once was.
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